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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG05 : Reuni�n�2010-11-23�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG05� C�(2010-11-23)�


ICT and climate change

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2010-11-23 al 2010-12-01

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-10-082012-04-112011-09-202011-04-272010-10-012010-04-122010-01-192009-10-122009-05-252008-11-24

Resultados :20 documentos
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q18/5�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 209 ]
Compatibility of the ITU Methodology on Goods, Networks and Services with the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) � European Union Q18/5 2010-11-15
[ 203 ]
Proposed modifications to TD 512 - Draft Recommendation L.methodology_ICT goods and services � BT Plc Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 202 ]
Contribution to the methodology L.methodology ICT in organisations � France Telecom Orange Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 201 ]
Contribution to the methodology L.methodology ICT in organisations � France Telecom Orange Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 200 ]
Contribution to the methodology L.methodology ICT in goods, networks and services and ICT in organisations � France Telecom Orange Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 199 ]
Draft Recommendation L_methodology_ICT in Countries (Skeleton version) � France Telecom Orange Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 197 ]
Methodology framework of environmental impact assessment of ICT goods, networks, and services � ETRI Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 190 ]
Contribution to L.methodology: Evaluation of the environmental impacts of ICT in countries � Nokia Siemens Networks Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 189 ]
Action items consideration to develop guidance for the assessment of GHG emission in the ICT sector � Korea (Republic of) Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 188 ]
Observed characteristics of GHG inventories of ICT organizations � Korea (Republic of) Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 187 ]
Clarification between L.methodology_ICT_projects and UNFCCC CDM methodologies � Korea (Republic of) Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 185 ]
Proposal for update of the draft ITU-T Recommendation of L.methodology_ICT in organizations, "Methodology for environmental impact assessment of ICT in organizations" � Korea (Republic of) , Alcatel Lucent Q18/5 2010-11-12
[ 178 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.methodology_ICT goods, networks and services : Text for paragraph and � Alcatel Lucent Q18/5 2010-11-11
[ 174 ]
Proposal on the detailed discussion about system boundary and life cycle phases of ICT goods � Japan Q18/5 2010-11-11
[ 173 ]
Proposal of the case study on evaluated environmental impact of home office space in the United States of America � Japan Q18/5 2010-11-11
[ 164 ]
Proposal for update of Clause 8.2.5 of L.methodology_ICT_projects, "Methodology for environmental impacts assessment of ICT projects" � ETRI Q18/5 2010-11-11
[ 163 ]
Discussion and proposal for Clause 9, "ICT project validating," of L.methodology_ICT_projects, "Methodology for environmental impacts assessment of ICT projects" � ETRI Q18/5 2010-11-11
[ 162 ]
Proposal for update of Clause 8 of L.methodology_ICT_projects, "Methodology for environmental impacts assessment of ICT projects" � ETRI Q18/5 2010-11-11
[ 157 ]
System boundaries for ICT Goods ( � Huawei Technologies Q18/5 2010-11-09
[ 155 ]
Re-allocation of deliverables currently under Q17/5 � Alcatel-Lucent Q20/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2010-11-04
Resultados :20 documentos
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