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� P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG05 : WP 3/5�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
� �
UIT-T�SG05� TD-GEN�(2010-01-19)�


ICT and climate change

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2010-01-19 al 2010-01-22

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-10-08� 2012-04-11� 2011-09-20� 2011-04-27� 2010-11-23� 2010-10-01� 2010-04-12� [ 2010-01-19 ]� 2009-10-12� 2009-05-25� 2008-11-24�

Resultados :32 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions
T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 371-GEN ] �
Outgoing liaison statement to IEC on L.1000 adapter recommendation "Universal power adapter and charger solution for mobile terminals and other ICT devices" � � Rapporteur Q21/5 � Q21/5 � 2010-01-22
[ 370-GEN ] �
Liaison statement to IEC, ETSI EE � � Rapporteur Q19/5 � Q19/5 � 2010-01-22
[ 369-GEN ] �
Outgoing liaison statement to ISO TC207 on GHG footprint methodology � � WP3/5 � Q18/5 � 2010-01-22
[ 368-GEN ] �
Outgoing liaison statement on GHG footprint methodology � � WP3/5 � Q18/5 � 2010-01-22
[ 367-GEN ] �
Outgoing liaison statement on draft Recommendation L.1000 "Universal power adapter and charger solution for mobile terminals and other ICT devices" � � WP3/5 � Q21/5 � 2010-01-22
[ 366-GEN ] �
Status Report of Question 17/5 � � Rapporteur Q17/5 � Q17/5 � 2010-01-22
[ 365-GEN ] �
Liaison on Collaboration with ISO/IEC JTC 1 for ICT&CC standardization � � Rapporteur Q17/5 � Q17/5 � 2010-01-22
[ 364-GEN ] �
Working Party 3/5 Report � � WP3/5 Chairman � Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 � 2010-01-22
[ 363-GEN ] �
Proposed Allocation of Contributions and Initial Base-line Text on Draft Recommendation L.methodology_ICT goods and services � � Editor � Q18/5 � 2010-01-22
[ 362-GEN ] �
Proposed Draft Structure and Draft Tables of Contents of L.methodology_ICT goods and services � � Editor � Q18/5 � 2010-01-22
[ 361-GEN ] �
Status Report of Question 20/5 � � Rapporteur Q20/5 � Q20/5 � 2010-01-21
[ 360-GEN ] �
New type of power feeding systems in telecoms and datacenter - 400Vdc versus 48Vdc or AC � � Rapporteurs Q19/5 � Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 � 2010-01-21
[ 359-GEN ] �
NGNs and Energy Efficiency � � WP3/5 Vice-Chair � Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 � 2010-01-21
[ 358-GEN ] �
Output for the initial draft Recommendation of L.methodology_ICT_projects, "Methodology for environmental impacts assessment of ICT projects" � � Editors � Q18/5 � 2010-01-21
[ 357-GEN ] �
Energy savings using connected objects and NGN � � NGN-GSI � Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 � 2010-01-21
[ 356-GEN ] �
Scopes and issues on Energy aspects of Networks (e.g. NGN) � � NGN-GSI � Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 � 2010-01-21
[ 355-GEN ] �
(Rev.1) +Add.1�
List of participants � � TSB � QALL/5 � 2010-01-21
[ 354-GEN ] �
Draft meeting agenda for Q19/5 � � Rapporteur Q19/5 � Q19/5 � 2010-01-20
[ 353-GEN ] �
Proposed allocation of contributions related to L.methodology_ICT goods and services � � Editor � Q18/5 � 2010-01-19
[ 352-GEN ] �
Incoming LS: Liaison to ITU-T Study Group 5 WP3/5 on battery charging � � IEC TC100 � Q21/5, Q19/5 � 2010-01-18
[ 351-GEN ] �
Proposed resolution of AAP comment on Draft Recommendation L.1000(L.adapter) � � Rapporteur & Associate Rapporteur Q21/5 � Q21/5 � 2010-01-18
[ 350-GEN ] �
Draft Recommendation L.1000(L.adapter) - "Universal power adapter and charger solution for mobile terminals and other ICT devices" � � Rapporteur & Associate Rapporteur Q21/5 � Q21/5 � 2010-01-18
[ 349-GEN ] �
GeSI-EE IOCG standardization landscape � � Rapporteurs Q17/5 � Q17/5 � 2010-01-18
[ 348-GEN ] �
Report on ITU activities - United Nations Climate Change Conference, Conference of Parties (COP-15), Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-18 December 2009 � � TSB � Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 � 2010-01-15
[ 347-GEN ] �
LS: Liaison to ITU-T Study Group 5 WG3 and JCA on environment and climate change � � ETSI/EE � Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 � 2010-01-13
[ 346-GEN ] �
Contributions for Handbook on Metrics � � Rapporteurs, Q17/5 and Q20/5 � Q20/5 � 2010-01-12
[ 345-GEN ] �
Draft recommendation of L.spec HVDC � � Rapporteur of Question 19/5 ?Power Feeding Systems � Q19/5 � 2010-01-11
[ 344-GEN ] �
Incoming LS: Reply to the request for participation in the Joint Coordination Activity on ICTs and Climate Change � � ITU-T SG2 � Q17/5 � 2009-12-17
[ 343-GEN ] �
Incoming LS: Reply to Liaison on JCA on ICTs and Climate Change � � ITU-T SG12 � Q17/5 � 2009-12-17
[ 342-GEN ] �
Incoming LS: LS to JCA-NID, JCA-ICT&CC, SG 5 on initiation of new draft Rec. F.USN-CC, "Deployment guidance on USN applications and services for mitigating climate change" � � ITU-T SG16 � Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 � 2009-12-17
[ 341-GEN ] �
Incoming LS: Reply LS to ITU-T SG 5 on Request for participation in Joint Coordination Activity on ICTs and Climate Change � � ITU-T SG9 � Q17/5 � 2009-12-17
[ 340-GEN ] �
Draft agenda and timetable for Working Party 3/5 and JCA ICT&CC meeting � � Chairman WP3/5 � Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 � 2009-12-17
Resultados :32 documentos
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