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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG05 : Reuni�n�2009-10-12�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG05� TD-GEN�(2009-10-12)�


ICT and climate change

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2009-10-12 al 2009-10-16

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-10-082012-04-112011-09-202011-04-272010-11-232010-10-012010-04-122010-01-19� [ 2009-10-12 ]� 2009-05-252008-11-24

Resultados :13 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q19/5�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 333-GEN ]
Working Party 3/5 Report � Chairman WP3/5 Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2009-10-15
[ 321-GEN ]
Meeting Report of Question 19/5 � Rapporteur Q19/5 Q19/5 2009-10-14
[ 320-GEN ]
Liaison statement response to IEC, ETSI EE2 � Rapporteur & Associate Rapporteur Q19/5 Q19/5 2009-10-14
[ 319-GEN ]
Technical session on ICTs and climate change - Presentation 4: FG Deliverable 4 "Direct and indirect impact (on energy) of ITU-T standards � Vice-Chairman WP3/5 Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2009-10-14
[ 318-GEN ]
Technical session on ICTs and climate change - Presentation 3: FG Deliverable 2 "Gap analysis and Standards Roadmap" � Associate Rapporteur Q17/5 Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2009-10-14
[ 312-GEN ]
Result of a joint rapporteur group discussion of C75 � Associate Rapporteur Q17/5 Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2009-10-14
[ 308-GEN ]
Technical session on ICTs and climate change - Presentation 1: Introduction to ITU-T activities on ICTs & Climate Change and FG Deliverable 3 "Methodology" � Chairman WP3/5 Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2009-10-14
[ 290-GEN ]
Meeting agenda for Q19/5 � Rapporteur Q19/5 Q19/5 2009-10-13
[ 280-GEN ]
Draft agenda for the technical session on ICTs and climate change � Chairman WP3/5 Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2009-10-12
[ 271-GEN ]
Standardisation mandate to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI on a common Charging Capability for Mobile Telephones � Chairman WP3/5 Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2009-10-12
[ 270-GEN ]
Preliminary information on a possible input to activities under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol � TSB Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2009-10-09
[ 266-GEN ]
Submission from the ITU to the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-Term Collaborative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) � TSB Director Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2009-10-09
[ 226-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Working Party 3/5 � Chairman WP3/5 Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2009-07-22
Resultados :13 documentos
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