Uni�n Internacional de Telecomunicaciones UIT
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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 3 : Reuni�n�2012-09-03�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 3� TD-PLEN�(2012-09-03)�


Principios de tarificaci�n y contabilidad incluyendo los temas relativos a econom�a y pol�tica de las telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2012-09-03 al 2012-09-07

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : [ 2012-09-03 ]� 2012-01-162011-03-282010-05-172009-09-212009-01-19

Resultados :25 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�QALL/3�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 270-PLEN ]
oLS - Smart Grid related issues (representative and deliverables) � Chairman QALL/3 2012-09-10
[ 267-PLEN ]
iLS - Establishment of Focus Group on Disaster Relief Systems, Network Resilience and Recovery � Chairman, FG-DR&NRR QALL/3 2012-07-02
[ 265-PLEN ]
Alternative calling procedures: background and trends � TSB QALL/3 2012-05-25
[ 264-PLEN ]
Resumen del taller de la UIT sobre identificaci�n del origen y procedimientos alternativos de llamada, Ginebra, 19-20 de marzo de 2012 � TSB QALL/3 2012-05-25
[ 263-PLEN ]
iLS - Reply LS to JCA-CIT on draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing needs � ITU-T SG9 QALL/3 2012-05-24
[ 262-PLEN ]
iLS - Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan � ITU-T SG2 QALL/3 2012-05-24
[ 261-PLEN ]
iLS - Reply to Ref: COM 15 - LS 371 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT QALL/3 2012-05-24
[ 260-PLEN ]
iLS - Reply to Ref: COM 16 - LS 281 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT QALL/3 2012-05-24
[ 259-PLEN ]
iLS - Reply to Ref: COM 16 - LS 264 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT QALL/3 2012-05-24
[ 258-PLEN ]
iLS - Reply to Ref: COM 9 - LS 128 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT QALL/3 2012-05-24
[ 257-PLEN ]
iLS - Reply to Ref: COM 11 - LS 75 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT QALL/3 2012-05-24
[ 256-PLEN ]
iLS - Smart Grid related issues (representative and deliverables) � Conveners, JCA SG&HN QALL/3 2012-05-21
[ 255-PLEN ]
iLS - Support and harmonization of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) activities � ITU-R SG5 QALL/3 2012-05-21
[ 254-PLEN ]
iLS - SG2 work on conformance and interoperability (Response to JCA-CIT on JCA-CIT-LS6) � ITU-T SG2 QALL/3 2012-05-21
[ 252-PLEN ]
Proposed text of Questions for the 2013-2016 study period � Chairman QALL/3 2012-07-02
[ 248-PLEN ]
Report of the 20-22 June 2012 meeting of CWG-WCIT12 � Chairman, CWG-WCIT12 QALL/3 2012-07-13
[ 247-PLEN ]
Council-12 highlights (not available yet) � TSB QALL/3 2012-08-27
[ 246-PLEN ]
TSAG highlights (2-4 July 2012) � TSB QALL/3 2012-08-27
[ 244-PLEN ]
Electronic working methods (EWM): Recent updates to the wireless LAN facilities, e-printing and list of documents � TSB QALL/3 2012-07-09
[ 243-PLEN ]
Draft report for ad hoc group on developing country issues � Chairman QALL/3 2012-09-06
[ 242-PLEN ]
Agenda for the ad hoc Group on Developing Country Issues � Chairman QALL/3 2012-09-02
[ 236-PLEN ]
Draft SG3 report � Chairman, SG3 QALL/3 2012-08-27
[ 231-PLEN ]
List of incoming liaison statements � TSB QALL/3 2012-08-27
[ 230-PLEN ]
Timetable and room allocation � TSB QALL/3 2012-08-30
[ 229-PLEN ]
Draft agenda � TSB QALL/3 2012-08-27
Resultados :25 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2025-2-14