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P�gina principal : UIT-T : NGN-GSI : Reuni�n�2011-05-09�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�NGN-GSI� C�(2011-05-09)�


Iniciativa de normalizaci�n mundial de las redes de la pr�xima generaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2011-05-09 al 2011-05-20

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Resultados :38 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�ZTE Corporation�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1072 ]
Proposal to update management requirements � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2011-04-29
[ 1071 ]
Proposal of modifying definition of MOC local network � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2011-04-29
[ 1070 ]
Proposal to clarify data prioritization in section 8.14 of Y.MOC-Reqts � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2011-04-29
[ 1069 ]
Proposal for adding new service requirements about temporary identifier � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2011-04-29
[ 1068 ]
Proposal for adding new service requirements on MOC gateway � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2011-04-29
[ 1067 ]
Proposal about NGN-SIDE Arch and NGN-OSE Arch � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2011-04-29
[ 1066 ]
Proposal of adding NGN-SIDE functional entities description in section 7.2 of Y.NGN-SIDE Arch � ZTE Corporation , China Telecom Q5/13, Q3/13 2011-04-29
[ 1065 ]
Proposal of adding service execution related functional entities description in section 7.2 of Y.NGN-SIDE Arch � ZTE Corporation , China Telecom Q5/13 2011-04-29
[ 1064 ]
Proposal of adding service delivery and management related functional entities description in section 7.2 of Y.NGN-SIDE Arch � ZTE Corporation , China Telecom Q5/13 2011-04-29
[ 1063 ]
Proposal of adding service creation related functional entities description in section 7.2 of Y.NGN-SIDE Arch � ZTE Corporation , China Telecom , China Unicom Q5/13 2011-04-29
[ 1062 ]
Proposal of adding section of service flows in Y.NGN-SIDE Arch � ZTE Corporation , China Telecom Q5/13 2011-04-29
[ 1061 ]
Proposal of adding high level description of resource brokering and adaptors in Y.NGN-SIDE Arch � ZTE Corporation , China Telecom Q5/13 2011-04-29
[ 1060 ]
Proposal of adding description of interaction between functional groups in Y.NGN-SIDE Arch � ZTE Corporation , China Telecom Q5/13 2011-04-29
[ 1059 ]
Proposal to enhancement of Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2011-04-29
[ 1058 ]
Proposal to add some rewording and editorial changes to MCC � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2011-04-29
[ 1057 ]
Proposal to add explanation for functional reference points � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2011-04-29
[ 1056 ]
Proposal to add deployment explanation for MCC � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2011-04-29
[ 1055 ]
Proposal to add an architecture for MCC � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2011-04-29
[ 1054 ]
Proposal for the use case of service convergence of MOC device/gateway and the NGN terminal � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2011-04-29
[ 1053 ]
Proposal for add the integrate with Internet services and convergence service in chapter 8 � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2011-04-29
[ 1052 ]
Proposal for updating the information flows in Y.MC-arch � ZTE Corporation Q9/13 2011-04-29
[ 1051 ]
Proposal for modifying the authentication flows in Y.MC-arch � ZTE Corporation Q9/13 2011-04-29
[ 1050 ]
Proposal for reference point between MPC-FE and MMC-FE in Y.MC-arch � ZTE Corporation Q9/13 2011-04-29
[ 1049 ]
Proposal for the interaction between MPM and RACF in Y.2111 � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2011-04-29
[ 1048 ]
Proposal for Remaining Quota in Y.2111 � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2011-04-29
[ 1047 ]
Proposed draft recommendation for DSN service routing � ZTE Corporation , China Unicom Q19/13 2011-04-29
[ 1046 ]
Propose to initiate a work item to study DSN Service Routing � ZTE Corporation , China Unicom Q19/13 2011-04-29
[ 1045 ]
Proposal granularity detailing for Content Service Application Functional architecture in Y.dsncdf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-04-29
[ 1044 ]
Proposal granularity detailing for Content Delivery Functional architecture in Y.dsncdf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-04-29
[ 1043 ]
Proposal for modifications on chapter list in clause 14 of Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-04-29
[ 1042 ]
Proposal for changing the description of OPP-FE in Y.dsntocf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-04-29
[ 1041 ]
Proposal for Adding Node Overload Influence on Session Establishment in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-04-29
[ 1040 ]
Proposal for Adding Node Overload Influence on Node Joining in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-04-29
[ 1039 ]
Proposal for adding introduction of fault management in 14.1 of Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-04-29
[ 1038 ]
Proposal for adding introduction of diagnosis management in 14.4 of Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-04-29
[ 1037 ]
Proposal for adding multi relay path update failure procedure in Y.dsnrf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-04-29
[ 1036 ]
Proposal for adding joining node data migration procedure in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-04-29
[ 979 ]
Proposal of adding NGN-SIDE reference points of service creation group FE in section 7.3 of Y.NGN-SIDE Arch � China Telecom, ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2011-04-28
Resultados :38 documentos
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