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P�gina principal : UIT-T : NGN-GSI : Reuni�n�2010-09-06�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�NGN-GSI� C�(2010-09-06)�


Iniciativa de normalizaci�n mundial de las redes de la pr�xima generaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2010-09-06 al 2010-09-16

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Resultados :28 documentos
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q5/13�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 879 ]
Comments on draft Rec. Y.OSE-arch � France Telecom Q5/13 2010-08-30
[ 858 ]
Sensor Control Networks and their classification � Russian Federation Q5/13, Q3/13 2010-08-31
[ 850 ]
Proposal on deployment guidelines for Y.iptv-ipmcast � ETRI Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 849 ]
Proposed plan for development of Y.iptv-netcontrol-fa � ETRI Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 839 ]
A Proposal for a draft Recommendation of Functional requirements and architecture for NGN to support of USN applications and services � ETRI Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 833 ]
The proposed update text of service development support FE on Y.OSE-arch � ETRI Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 832 ]
The proposal for updating texts for Y.OSE-arch � ETRI Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 790 ]
Proposal to enhancement of Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 789 ]
Proposal for the QoS enhancement related parameters in NACF � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 782 ]
Proposal for new work item of Y.xyz, 'Interworking Architectures between NGN and 3GPP' � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 748 ]
The proposed security texts for Y.MCC-arc � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 747 ]
The proposed abbreviations and acronym texts for Y.MCC-arc � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 746 ]
The proposed procedure texts for Y.MCC-arc � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 745 ]
The proposed over of MCC architecture in Y.MCC-arc � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 744 ]
The proposed MCC hierarchical model deployment principle texts for Y.MCC-arc � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 743 ]
The proposed functional components description for Y.MCC-arc � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 742 ]
The proposed the functional architecture in Y.MCC-arc � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 741 ]
The proposed definitions for Y.MCC-arc � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 740 ]
The proposed additional requirements for Y.MCC-arc � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 716 ]
A Proposal for Study on functional architecture of NGN service integration and delivery environment (Y.NGN-SIDE-Arch) � China Telecom , ZTE Corporation Q5/13, Q3/13 2010-08-25
[ 708 ]
Comments on draft Rec Y.FAid-loc-split � France Telecom Q5/13 2010-08-25
[ 681 ]
Comparisons of capabilities between NGN OSE and NGN SIDE � ETRI Q5/13, Q3/13 2010-08-25
[ 644 ]
Service layered approach for Information Delivery Framework, Y.IPTV-IDF � ETRI Q5/13 2010-08-24
[ 643 ]
Concept of service layered approach for Information Delivery Framework, Y.IPTV-IDF � ETRI Q5/13 2010-08-24
[ 624 ]
Y.2205 Revision: Proposal to Include IdM References � Telcordia Technologies Q5/13 2010-08-24
[ 621 ]
Proposed Changes to Section 9.4.2 (Wireless Radio Access) of Y.2205 Rev.1 � Telcordia Technologies Q5/13 2010-08-24
[ 620 ]
Proposed New Text for Section 9.2 of Y.2205 Rev. 1 on Diameter � Telcordia Technologies Q5/13 2010-08-24
[ 619 ]
Proposed Text for Section 9.3.1 of Y.2205 Rev. 1 � Telcordia Technologies Q5/13 2010-08-24
Resultados :28 documentos
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