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P�gina principal : UIT-T : NGN-GSI : Reuni�n�2010-01-18�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�NGN-GSI� TD-GEN�(2010-01-18)�


Iniciativa de normalizaci�n mundial de las redes de la pr�xima generaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2010-01-18 al 2010-01-29

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� [ 2010-01-18 ]� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Resultados :95 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�Origen:�Rapporteur�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 413-GEN ]
Meeting Report for Q.5/13 � Rapporteur Q5/13 2010-01-29
[ 412-GEN ]
Meeting report of Q.21/13 (future networks) � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2010-01-29
[ 411-GEN ]
Liaison on ITU-T Y.NGN-SIDE-Req work � Rapporteur Q3/13 2010-01-29
[ 410-GEN ]
Liaison on ITU-T Y.NGN-SIDE-Req work � Rapporteur Q3/13 2010-01-29
[ 409-GEN ]
Liaison on ITU-T Y.NGN-SIDE-Req work � Rapporteur Q3/13 2010-01-29
[ 406-GEN ]
Meeting report of Q.9/13 � Rapporteur Q9/13 2010-01-29
[ 404-GEN ]
Report of the Q.17/13 NGI GSI meeting: Geneva, 18-29 January 2010 � Rapporteur Q17/13 2010-01-28
[ 403-GEN ]
Reply LS to Q.10/11 on request for the corroboration relevant to the "Service standardization process" � Rapporteur Q14/13 2010-01-28
[ 402-GEN ]
Information on current work in ITU-T SG13, Future Networks, Question 9 on Multi-connection � Rapporteurs Q9/13 2010-01-28
[ 397-GEN ]
Report of the Q.5/11 � Rapporteur Q5/11 2010-01-28
[ 395-GEN ]
Q5/13 Living list New Work Item: A Proposal on studying functional requirements and architecture of the NGN for Multimedia Communication Centre service � Rapporteur Q5/13 2010-01-28
[ 394-GEN ]
Q5/13 Living list for NACF: Quality of Service enhancements � Rapporteur Q5/13 2010-01-28
[ 392-GEN ]
Report of the Q4/13 Meeting � Rapporteur Q4/13 2010-01-28
[ 391-GEN ]
Re: Comments on ITU-T Y.2111 Rev.2 in IP home network aspect � Rapporteur Q4/13 2010-01-28
[ 387-GEN ]
Updated general Living List of Q.3/13 (Geneva, 18-29 January 2010) � Rapporteur Q3/13 2010-02-01
[ 386-GEN ]
Q.3/13 meeting report - Geneva, January 18-29 2010 � Rapporteur Q3/13 2010-01-29
[ 384-GEN ]
NGN high-level requirements: agreed proposal for launch of a new revision/amendment to Y.2201 (2009), as Y.2201 Rev.2, and draft list of candidate work items for inclusion � Rapporteur Q3/13 2010-01-29
[ 377-GEN ]
LS on draft recommendation Y.NGN-vehicle "Framework of Networked Vehicle using NGN" � Rapporteur Q12/13 2010-01-28
[ 376-GEN ]
Q.12/13 living list on service architecture for IPTV brokering � Rapporteur Q12/13 2010-01-28
[ 368-GEN ]
Q.12/13 meeting report (Geneva, 18-29 January 2010) � Rapporteur Q12/13 2010-01-28
[ 367-GEN ]
Q.14/13 meeting report � Rapporteur Q14/13 2010-01-28
[ 366-GEN ]
Q.1/13 Meeting Report � Rapporteur Q1/13 2010-01-28
[ 362-GEN ]
Draft joint meeting report for Q.2&Q3/11 � Rapporteur Q3/11 Q3/11, Q2/11 2010-01-28
[ 359-GEN ]
LS to SG 9 on IPCablecom2 Definition � Rapporteur Q13/11 2010-01-28
[ 358-GEN ]
Report of Q.13/11 � Rapporteur Q13/11 2010-01-28
[ 356-GEN ]
Q.2/13 draft meeting report � Rapporteur Q2/13 2010-01-27
[ 355-GEN ]
Q.6/11 Report � Rapporteur Q6/11 2010-01-27
[ 349-GEN ]
Q.7/11 meeting report (January 2010) � Rapporteur Q7/11 2010-01-27
[ 346-GEN ]
Output of draft of Q.nacp.0 � Rapporteur Q7/11 2010-01-27
[ 338-GEN ]
Reply LS to SG15 on new versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan � Rapporteur Q1/13 2010-01-27
[ 337-GEN ]
Q.1/13 Living List � Rapporteur Q1/13 2010-01-27
[ 336-GEN ]
LS to 3GPP and 3GPP2 on mobility coordination for NGN � Rapporteur Q1/13 2010-01-27
[ 330-GEN ]
Q.9/11 Report � Rapporteur Q9/11 2010-01-26
[ 325-GEN ]
Q.7/13 meeting report � Rapporteur Q7/13 2010-01-26
[ 324-GEN ]
Current Work Status on IPv6 based NGN related in ITU-T Q7/13 � Rapporteur Q7/13 2010-01-26
[ 323-GEN ]
Draft meeting report for Q.1/11 � Rapporteur Q1/11 2010-01-26
[ 317-GEN ]
Q.8/11 Report � Rapporteur Q8/11 2010-01-26
[ 314-GEN ]
Q.13/13 meeting report (SG13, Geneva, 18-29 Jan 2010) � Rapporteur Q13/13 2010-01-27
[ 313-GEN ]
Meeting report of Q.19/13 � Rapporteurs Q19/13 2010-01-29
[ 309-GEN ]
Q.6/11 Agenda � Rapporteur Q6/11 2010-01-25
[ 307-GEN ]
Revised text of Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.604.2: MMC-3 � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 306-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Q.15/11 � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 305-GEN ]
Proposed editorial changes to align ISO/IEC 16512-2/FPDAM 1 with ISO/IEC 16512-2/FPDAM 2 (6N 14227) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 304-GEN ]
Revised text of RMCP-3: Relayed multicast protocol - Specification for N-plex group applications (6N 14216) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 303-GEN ]
DoC of FCD of RMCP-3: Relayed multicast protocol - Specification for N-plex group applications (6N 14215) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 302-GEN ]
Revised text of FPDAM2 of RMCP-2: Messages and code values (6N 14214) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 301-GEN ]
DoC of FPDAM 2 of RMCP-2: Messages and code values (6N 14213) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 300-GEN ]
DoC of FCD of MMC-2: Mobile Multicast Communications - Protocol over native IP multicast networks (6N 14191) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 299-GEN ]
DoC of FCD of MMC-1: Mobile Multicast Communications - Framework (6N 14190) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
[ 298-GEN ]
Revised text of MMC-2: Mobile Multicast Communications - Protocol over native IP multicast networks (6N 14189) � Rapporteur Q15/11 2010-01-25
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