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P�gina principal : UIT-T : NGN-GSI : Reuni�n�2010-01-18�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�NGN-GSI� TD�(2010-01-18)�


Iniciativa de normalizaci�n mundial de las redes de la pr�xima generaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2010-01-18 al 2010-01-29

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� [ 2010-01-18 ]� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Resultados :95 documentos
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Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�Origen:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 408-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.OSE-arch, Open Service Environment Functional Architecture for NGN (ITU-T NGN-GSI meeting, Geneva , 18-29 January 2010) � Editors Q5/13 2010-01-29
[ 407-GEN ]
Updated draft ITU-T Recommendation Y.dpireq "Requirements of DPI in packet-based networks and NGN environment" � Editors Q17/13 2010-01-29
[ 405-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IPTV-IDF, Information Delivery Framework for IPTV � Editors Q5/13 2010-01-28
[ 401-GEN ]
Multi-connection Requirement � Editor Q9/13 2010-01-28
[ 400-GEN ]
Output of Y.MC-SCEN � Editor Q9/13 2010-01-28
[ 399-GEN ]
The output of draft Recommendation Y.MC-ID "Identification and configuration of resources for Multi-Connection" � Editors Q9/13 2010-01-28
[ 398-GEN ]
New draft Recommendation of Q.3308: Resource control protocol 8 (rcp8) for Rh interface � Editor Q5/11 2010-01-28
[ 396-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation: Content Delivery Architecture in NGN � Editor for Y.CD&S Q5/13 2010-01-28
[ 393-GEN ]
Output text of draft Supplement Y.iptv-ipmcast, "Guidelines on deployment of IP multicast for IPTV service delivery" � Editor Q5/13 2010-01-28
[ 390-GEN ]
Output-Draft of Recommendation Y.IPTV-TM in Jan. 10 � Editors Q4/13 2010-01-28
[ 389-GEN ]
Output Draft - Amendment1: Annex A, RACF Enhancement for Supporting Policy-based Charging Control � Editors Q4/13 2010-01-28
[ 388-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation Y.RACF (Y.2111) Revision 2 (Version 0.1.x) � Editors Q4/13 2010-01-28
[ 385-GEN ]
Outgoing LS - Sharing the revised output documents: Y.2233Rev.1 and Y.2111Rev.1Amd � Editor Q3/13 2010-02-01
[ 383-GEN ]
First version of new draft Recommendation " Framework for IPTV service provisioning using IPTV identifiers: concepts, use cases and requirements" (Y.IPTV-Service-Provision) � Editor Q3/13 2010-01-29
[ 382-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.iptv-netcontrol-fw, IPTV network control framework (NGN-GSI, 18-29 January 2010) � Editors Q3/13 2010-01-29
[ 381-GEN ]
Y.2233Rev.1 � Editor Q3/13 2010-02-01
[ 380-GEN ]
Output version of draft Recommendation Y.NGN-SIDE-Req "Requirements for NGN Service Integration & Delivery Environment", from ITU-T NGN-GSI meeting, 18-29 January 2010, Geneva � Editors Q3/13 2010-02-01
[ 378-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation: Content Delivery Architecture in NGN � Editor Q5/13 2010-01-28
[ 375-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IPTVintwVoD, IPTV interworking for VoD services � Editor Q12/13 2010-01-28
[ 374-GEN ]
Output version of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ipev � Editor Q12/13 2010-01-28
[ 373-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-Web, Functional Requirements and Architecture of Web Service Component in NGN � Editors Q12/13 2010-01-28
[ 372-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.UbiNet-hn (Framework of home network using ubiquitous networking) � Editors Q12/13 2010-01-28
[ 371-GEN ]
Revised draft recommendation of Y.ngn-hn "Framework for NGN based home network" � Editor Q12/13 2010-01-28
[ 370-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-Vehicle, Framework of Networked Vehicle using NGN - for consent � Editor Q12/13 2010-01-28
[ 369-GEN ]
Draft Q.3324.1: Protocol at the interface between a Transport Resource Control Physical Entity (TRC-PE) and a Transport Physical Entity (T-PE) (Rc interface): COPS alternative � Editor Q5/11 2010-01-28
[ 365-GEN ]
Revised draft recommendation of Y.ngn-son "Functional Model of Service Overlay Network over NGN" � Editor Q14/13 2010-01-28
[ 364-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.FAid-loc-split-Functional architecture of id-loc-split in NGN, output document � Editors Q5/13 2010-01-28
[ 363-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Q.PCNApp out of the January, 2010 meeting � Editor Q5/11 2010-01-28
[ 361-GEN ]
New draft Recommendation of Q.3310: Resource control protocol 8 (rcp8) for Rh' interface � Editor Q5/11 2010-01-28
[ 360-GEN ]
New draft Recommendation of Q.3309: Resource control protocol 8 (rcp8) for Rh interface � Editor Q5/11 2010-01-28
[ 357-GEN ]
Draft output Recommendation Y.NGN-FRA Revision 1 (Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN) � Editors Q5/13 2010-01-27
[ 354-GEN ]
Draft Q.3322: Resource control protocol no. 2 (rcp2) Protocol at the interface between Transport Resource Control Physical Entities (TRC-PEs) (Rp interface) � Editor Q5/11 2010-01-27
[ 353-GEN ]
Draft Q.3323.2: Resource control protocol no.3 (H.248 Rw Profile version 2), Protocol at the Rw interface between a Policy Decision Physical Entity (PD-PE) and a Policy Enforcement Physical Entity (PE-PE) (Rw interface) � Acting Editor Q5/11 2010-01-27
[ 352-GEN ]
Q.Test suites for VoIP interoperability testing - output of the NGN GSI meeting � Editor Q9/11, Q8/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 2010-01-27
[ 351-GEN ]
Q.Test suites for VoIP conformance testing - output of the NGN GSI meeting � Editor Q9/11, Q8/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 2010-01-27
[ 350-GEN ]
Q.NGN interoperability - output of the NGN GSI meeting � Editor Q9/11, Q8/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 2010-01-27
[ 348-GEN ]
Q. centrexSig - output of the NGN GSI meeting � Editor Q3/11, Q2/11 2010-01-27
[ 347-GEN ]
Output text of "Handbook on testing" � Editor Q6/11 2010-01-27
[ 345-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2014 (Y.NACF Revision 1) - Network attachment control functions in Next Generation Networks - for consent � Editor Q5/13 2010-01-27
[ 344-GEN ]
Output text of Q.3325.1 � Editor Q5/11 2010-01-27
[ 343-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2007 (Y.NGN-Cap2) - NGN Capability Set 2 - for consent � Editor Q1/13 2010-01-27
[ 342-GEN ]
Updated text for draft new Recommendation Q.ANCP � Editor Q5/11 2010-01-27
[ 341-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Q.3222 � Editors Q7/11 2010-01-27
[ 340-GEN ]
Draft Q.3321.1: Protocol at the interface between service control entities and the Policy Decision Physical Entity � Editor Q5/11 2010-01-27
[ 339-GEN ]
Draft Q.3323.3: Resource control protocol no. 3 (rcp3) Protocol at the interface between the Policy Decision Physical Entity (PD-PE) and the Policy Enforcement Physical Entity (PE-PE) (Rw interface):Diameter Profile version 2 � Editor Q5/11 2010-01-27
[ 335-GEN ]
Output Mobility Management roadmap document � Editors Q1/13 2010-01-27
[ 332-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation Q.3911 'Monitoring parameters set for voice services in NGN � Editors Q9/11 2010-01-26
[ 331-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation of Draft Recommendation Q.3910 'Monitoring parameters set for NGN protocols ' � Editors Q9/11 2010-01-26
[ 329-GEN ]
Output text of Q.3320 � Editor Q5/11 2010-01-26
[ 327-GEN ]
Output version of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.iptvintwrm � Editor Q12/13 2010-01-26
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