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P�gina principal : UIT-T : NGN-GSI : Reuni�n�2009-05-11�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�NGN-GSI� C�(2009-05-11)�


Iniciativa de normalizaci�n mundial de las redes de la pr�xima generaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2009-05-11 al 2009-05-22

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-01-12�

Resultados :54 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�ZTE Corporation�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 218 ]
Proposed general architecture realization overview of content delivery and storage in NGN � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 217 ]
A Proposal on studying Framework to support Converged Service Network in NGN � ZTE Corporation, CATR Q13/13, Q12/13 2009-05-05
[ 216 ]
A proposal on Studying Requirements for NGN to support Converged Service Network (Y.CSN-Req) � ZTE Corporation, CATR Q3/13, Q12/13 2009-05-05
[ 215 ]
Editorial modifications to Y.FMC-IMS(Part 6) � ZTE Corporation, China Telecom Q11/13 2009-05-05
[ 214 ]
Proposed clarification for clause 8 of Y.NGN-MCC � ZTE Corporation, China Telecom Q3/13 2009-05-05
[ 213 ]
Proposal to add presence feature for Y.NGN-MCC � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2009-05-05
[ 212 ]
Proposals for some term definitions � ZTE Corporation Q17/13 2009-05-05
[ 211 ]
Proposal method for some term definitions � ZTE Corporation Q17/13 2009-05-05
[ 210 ]
Functional Requirement of Deep Packet Inspection � ZTE Corporation Q17/13 2009-05-05
[ 209 ]
Application Scenarios of Deep Packet Inspection � ZTE Corporation Q17/13 2009-05-05
[ 208 ]
Proposal for user plane traffic security considerations in Y.MMCF � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 207 ]
Proposal for user plane traffic protection between UE and NBE in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-05-05
[ 206 ]
Proposal for updating UE and HDF security clause in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-05-05
[ 205 ]
Proposal for updating full authentication clause in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-05-05
[ 204 ]
Proposal for updating fast re-authentication clause in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-05-05
[ 203 ]
Proposal for tunnel security consideration in Y.MMCF � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 202 ]
Proposal for secure channel establishment between UE and Network Border Element in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-05-05
[ 201 ]
Proposal for network based mobility security clause in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-05-05
[ 200 ]
Proposal for Mobility Security architecture in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-05-05
[ 199 ]
Proposal for host based mobility security clause in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2009-05-05
[ 198 ]
Editorial modifications to Y.FMC-IMS(Part 5) � ZTE Corporation Q11/13 2009-05-05
[ 197 ]
Editorial modifications to Y.FMC-IMS(Part 4) � ZTE Corporation Q11/13 2009-05-05
[ 196 ]
Editorial modifications to Y.FMC-IMS(Part 3) � ZTE Corporation Q11/13 2009-05-05
[ 195 ]
Editorial modifications to Y.FMC-IMS(Part 2) � ZTE Corporation Q11/13 2009-05-05
[ 194 ]
Editorial modifications to Y.FMC-IMS(Part 1) � ZTE Corporation Q11/13 2009-05-05
[ 193 ]
Proposed to add security requirement for content storage service in Y.dsnreq � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2009-05-05
[ 192 ]
Proposed to add scenarios for QoS control triggered by DPI � ZTE Corporation, China Telecom Q4/13 2009-05-05
[ 191 ]
Proposed to add requirement for QoS control triggered by DPI � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2009-05-05
[ 190 ]
Proposed to add introduction of service scenario in Y.dsnscen � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2009-05-05
[ 189 ]
Proposed to add content storage and delivery scenario in Y.dsnscen � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2009-05-05
[ 188 ]
Proposed draft text for scenarios of network infrastructure capability evolution � ZTE Corporation Q13/13 2009-05-05
[ 187 ]
Proposed Scenario of network infrastructure capability evolution � ZTE Corporation Q13/13 2009-05-05
[ 186 ]
Proposed inner interfaces among nodes of content delivery and storage � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 185 ]
Proposed content ingestion procedure � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 184 ]
Proposed content dispatching procedure � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 183 ]
Proposed content delivery procedures � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 182 ]
Proposed content aging procedures � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 181 ]
Proposal to modify the procedure for nomadicity scenario in Y.RACF � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2009-05-05
[ 180 ]
Proposal to enhancement of Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 179 ]
Proposal to add the scenario explanation for nomadicity in Y.RACF � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2009-05-05
[ 178 ]
Proposal to add the procedure for nomadicity scenario 2 in Y.RACF � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2009-05-05
[ 177 ]
Proposal for updating the content of connection-oriented information section in Y.PTDN � ZTE Corporation Q20/13 2009-05-05
[ 176 ]
Proposal for the procedures for attachment of the Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 175 ]
Proposal for the procedures for attachment in the case of host-based mobility of the Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 174 ]
Proposal for the multihoming of the Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 173 ]
Proposal for the High level functions of Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 172 ]
Proposal for revise the architecture model of Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-05
[ 171 ]
Proposal for adding the structure of connection-oriented data frame in Y.PTDN.doc � ZTE Corporation , People's Republic of China Q20/13 2009-05-05
[ 170 ]
Proposal for adding the structure of connection-oriented control frame in Y.PTDN � ZTE Corporation , People's Republic of China Q20/13 2009-05-05
[ 169 ]
Proposal for adding the data packet structure in Y.PTDN � ZTE Corporation , People's Republic of China Q20/13 2009-05-05
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