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P�gina principal : UIT-T : TSAG : Reuni�n�2007-12-03�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�TSAG� TD�(2007-12-03)�


Grupo Asesor para la Normalizaci�n de las Telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2007-12-03 al 2007-12-07

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-12-14� 2009-04-27� 2008-07-02� [ 2007-12-03 ]� 2007-02-262006-07-032005-11-072005-03-14

Resultados :38 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�Origen:�TSB�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 556 ]
FINAL List of Documents (TSAG) - Geneva, 3-7 December 2007 � TSB 2008-02-18
[ 551 ]
Report of the first meeting of the Expert Group on Review of the ITRs, Geneva, 10-11 October 2007 � Director, TSB 2007-12-06
[ 543 ]
Cost breakdown of the ITU-T budget for 2008-2009 � Director, TSB 2007-12-05
[ 531 ]
Bridging the Standardization Gap: Information Document � Director, TSB 2007-12-04
[ 528 ]
List of Participants (TSAG meeting, 3-7 December 2007) � TSB 2007-12-04
[ 525 ]
Opening address of Dr. Hamadoun Tour�, ITU Secretary-General, to TSAG meeting (3 -7 December 2007) � Director, TSB 2007-12-03
[ 524 ]
Compilation of restructuring proposals � Director, TSB 2007-12-03
[ 521 ]
Proposed changes to Resolution 1 and various A-series Recommendations � TSB Director's Ad Hoc Group on IPR 2007-12-03
[ 520 ]
LS on proposed change to qualifying criteria item 5 (IPR policy) for cooperation with other standardization bodies as specified in Recommendations A.4 and A.6 � TSB Director's Ad Hoc Group on IPR 2007-12-03
[ 514 ]
ITU-T / IETF Collaboration � Director, TSB 2007-12-02
[ 506 ]
ITU-T Membership trends � Director, TSB 2007-11-28
[ 504 ]
World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2008, venue, date and structure of committees � Director, TSB 2007-11-27
[ 502 ]
WTSA-04 Resolutions - Action plans � Director, TSB 2007-11-26
[ 501 ]
Draft TSB Circular concerning Candidates for Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of ITU-T study groups and the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) for 2009-2012 � Director, TSB 2007-11-26
[ 500 ]
Tentative Draft schedule of meetings for 2009 � Director, TSB 2007-11-27
[ 499 ]
Draft schedule of meetings for 2008 � Director, TSB 2007-11-27
[ 498 ]
Report of TSB Director's Ad Hoc Group on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Geneva, 27-28 November 2007 � Director, TSB 2007-12-03
[ 497 ]
Report on Second Internet Governance Forum (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 12-15 Nov., 2007) � Director, TSB 2007-11-23
[ 496 ]
Progress report on cooperation between ITU-T and Universities � Director, TSB 2007-11-22
[ 495 ]
TSB Director's Report: Highlights of 2007 � Director, TSB 2007-11-27
[ 494 ]
Implementation of the ITU-T Strategic Plan � Director, TSB 2007-11-22
[ 493 ]
ITU-T Communication and Promotion issues � Director, TSB 2007-11-22
[ 492 ]
Report on the ITU-T Workshops and Seminars � Director, TSB 2007-11-22
[ 491 ]
Updates on Electronic Working Methods Services � Director, TSB 2007-11-28
[ 490 ]
Approval of 3 draft amendments to existing ITU-T Recommendations A.4, A.6 and A.13 � Director, TSB 2007-11-22
[ 489 ]
Real-time online access to SANC/ISPC database � Director, TSB 2007-11-19
[ 488 ]
ITU-T Operational Plan for the 2008 to 2011 timeframe � Director, TSB 2007-11-14
[ 487 ]
ITU-T Budget for 2008-2009 � Director, TSB 2007-11-14
[ 476 ]
Implementation of Recommendations A.4, A.5 and A.6 � Director, TSB 2007-11-08
[ 475 ]
JCA-NID Progress Report to TSAG � Director, TSB 2007-11-08
[ 474 ]
Free ITU-T Recommendations Online � Director, TSB 2007-11-08
[ 473 ]
ICTs and Climate Change � Director, TSB 2007-11-08
[ 472 ]
Technology Watch: Status Report � Director, TSB 2007-11-08
[ 471 ]
Global Standards Symposium, 20 October 2008 �
[Rev: Annex 1 updated]
Director, TSB 2007-11-08
[ 470 ]
Bridging the Standardization Gap � Director, TSB 2007-11-08
[ 468 ]
Report on GSC-12 (Global Standards Collaboration) meeting in Kobe, Japan, 8 - 13 July 2007 � Director, TSB 2007-10-31
[ 467 ]
ITU-T Study Group Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen and the number of terms they will have served at WTSA-08 � Director, TSB 2007-10-28
[ 434 ]
Innovations in NGN - Future Network and Services / An ITU-T Kaleidoscope Event (Geneva, 12-13 May 2008) � Director, TSB 2007-06-06
Resultados :38 documentos
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