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P�gina principal : UIT-T : TSAG : Reuni�n�2007-12-03�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�TSAG� C�(2007-12-03)�


Grupo Asesor para la Normalizaci�n de las Telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2007-12-03 al 2007-12-07

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-12-14� 2009-04-27� 2008-07-022007-02-262006-07-032005-11-072005-03-14

Resultados :32 documentos
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 55 ]
Promotion of Bridging the Standardization Gap activities in the next WTSA period � Viet Nam 2007-11-23
[ 54 ]
Comments on Correspondence Group Proposal for Revision of Recommendation A.7 �
[Note: Document now contains draft Rec. A.7]
British Telecommunications plc 2007-11-22
[ 53 ]
ITU-T Study Group Restructuring � British Telecommunications plc, TDC Tele Danmark, TeliaSonera AB, Telecom Italia S.p.A, Telkom SA Ltd., 2007-11-22
[ 52 ]
ITU-T Work on Identity Management (IdM) � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2007-11-22
[ 51 ]
Proposed study scope of "NGN and Beyond" � ETRI 2007-11-22
[ 50 ]
Proposal of ITU-T Study Group Restructuring for the next Study Period � France Telecom 2007-11-22
[ 49 ]
Schema for defining XML structure of recommendation documents � Japan 2007-11-22
[ 48 ]
Use of the term "Identity" in ITU-T � Germany (Federal Republic of) 2007-11-22
[ 47 ]
Comments and proposal for revised text on draft future A.7 � Germany (Federal Republic of) 2007-11-22
[ 46 ]
Proposal for the A5 justification � Germany (Federal Republic of) 2007-11-22
[ 45 ]
Proposal for the attachment of the A5 justification for Normative references from an outside organization � Germany (Federal Republic of) 2007-11-22
[ 44 ]
Proposed editorial modification of the draft amendments to Rec. A4 and A6 in TSB Circular 154 � Japan 2007-11-22
[ 43 ]
Report of the group discussions towards bridging the standardization Gap during the ITU/MIC(Japan) training and an APT regional workshop � Japan 2007-11-22
[ 42 ]
Proposed plan of work for TSAG bridging the standardization gap Group (BSG) � Japan 2007-11-22
[ 41 ]
Basic considerations towards SG restructuring at WTSA-08 � Japan 2007-11-22
[ 40 ]
Proposal of new SG naming convention based on the use of technical keywords � Japan 2007-11-22
[ 39 ]
Proposed clarification on Section 8.3 of WTSA Resolution 1 � Japan 2007-11-22
[ 38 ]
In support of GSI-IdM and JCA-IdM � Canada 2007-11-22
[ 37 ]
Assessment of and suggestion for the Technology Watch Function � Korea (Republic of) 2007-11-22
[ 36 ]
Enhancing Collaboration among ITU-T, ISO and IEC � Korea (Republic of) 2007-11-22
[ 35 ]
Statistics on the SG activities for SG restructuring discussion � Korea (Republic of) 2007-11-22
[ 34 ]
Considerations for ITU-T SG restructuring � Korea (Republic of) 2007-11-22
[ 33 ]
Support for the IdM transition plan � United States of America 2007-11-22
[ 32 ]
Purpose and procedures for ITU-T "other groups" � United States of America 2007-11-22
[ 31 ]
ITU-T Structure � United States of America 2007-11-22
[ 30 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation A.7 to include transverse topics � United States of America 2007-11-22
[ 29 ]
Proposed text for Recommendation A.1 on JCAs and GSIs � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2007-11-20
[ 28 ]
Review of Recommendation A.7 - Different Types of Focus Groups � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2007-11-20
[ 27 ]
Proposals for ITU-T Study Group Restructuring � Nokia Siemens Networks 2007-11-19
[ 26 ]
In support of IPTV-GSI � Canada 2007-11-14
[ 25 ]
Proposed Restructuring of Existing Study Groups � Lebanon 2007-11-07
[ 24 ]
Contribution to TSAG from Lebanese Administration: Creation of a new Study Group "Modern and Future Networks" � Lebanon 2007-09-27
Resultados :32 documentos
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