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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG16 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG16� C�


Terminales, sistemas y aplicaciones multimedia

Periodo de estudios 2005

Resultados :20 documentos
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q23/16�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 473 ]
Q23 Joint SWB/Stereo ToR clarifications � LM Ericsson Q23/16 2008-04-15
[ 472 ]
Stereo processing tool � LM Ericsson Q23/16, Q10/16 2008-04-15
[ 456 ]
On Application Layer Error Recovery Functions and Architecture for IPTV Service � Huawei Technologies Q23/16, Q13/16 2008-04-14
[ 436 ]
NGN codec requirements from mobility management aspects � ETRI Q23/16 2008-04-14
[ 435 ]
NGN codec requirements from FMC aspects � ETRI Q23/16 2008-04-14
[ 209 ]
Extensions and limited upgrades of audio/voice codec Recommendations � LM Ericsson Q23/16, Q10/16, Q9/16, Q8/16 2007-06-19
[ 200 ]
Comments regarding work of Question 10/16 � VoiceAge Q23/16, Q10/16, Q9/16, Q8/16 2007-06-18
[ 182 ]
Clarification of 3GPP2 Wideband Codec Standards and Schedules � Nokia Corporation Q23/16, Q9/16 2007-06-18
[ 180 ]
Management of audio coding work in the next study period � United Kingdom Q23/16, Q10/16, Q9/16, Q8/16 2007-06-18
[ 171 ]
Analysis of NGN requirements for next generation speech/audio codec study � ETRI Q23/16 2007-06-18
[ 170 ]
Summary of ITU workshop on "The Future of Voice" � ETRI Q23/16 2007-06-18
[ 121 ]
Current activities on standardization of speech coders in WP 3/16 � NTT, Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. Q23/16, Q10/16, Q9/16, Q8/16, Q6/16 2007-03-16
[ 77 ]
Information from 3GPP-SA4 on embedded extension to G722.2 and media coding summary database (COM 16-LS-107) � Nokia Corporation Q23/16, Q10/16 2006-11-06
[ 50 ]
The scope of G.SAD � Huawei Q23/16, Q18/16, Q17/16, Q16/16 2006-11-03
[ 48 ]
Proposed test method for G.SAD � Huawei Q23/16 2006-11-03
[ 47 ]
Proposed ToR and time plan for G.SAD � Huawei Q23/16 2006-11-03
[ 44 ]
Comments on G.MMCC ToR � Huawei Q23/16 2006-11-03
[ 32 ]
Information on SAD Implementation in CME applications � Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Q23/16, Q18/16, Q17/16, Q16/16, Q15/16 2006-11-03
[ 23 ]
Comments on the future direction of G.MMCC standardization � Korea (Republic of) Q23/16 2006-11-01
[ 14 ]
Text for draft new ITU-T/T.801 | ISO/IEC 154444-2 Corrigendum 4 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Extensions" (for Consent) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Q23/16 2005-12-06
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