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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG16 : Reuni�n�2005-07-26�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG16� TD-GEN�(2005-07-26)�


Terminales, sistemas y aplicaciones multimedia

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2005-07-26 al 2005-08-05

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2008-10-032008-09-052008-04-222008-02-012007-06-262007-03-302006-11-142006-06-132006-04-03� [ 2005-07-26 ]� 2005-04-082004-11-16

Resultados :10 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�Origen:�SG 16�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 133-GEN ]
LS on Status of Resolving Maximum CCSRL-SDU Size Ambiguity � SG 16 Chairman (on behalf of IMTC) Q1/16 2005-07-25
[ 128-GEN ]
LS on development of a Firewall/NAT traversal package � SG 16 Chairman (on behalf of ETSI TISPAN WG3) Q3/16 2005-07-19
[ 125-GEN ]
Communication on Audio Codecs from 3GPP TSG SA4 � SG 16 Chairman (on behalf of 3GPP SA4) Q23/16, Q10/16 2005-07-13
[ 124-GEN ]
Reply LS from 3GPP TSG SA4 on interoperability problems of recorded sounds and VEDs � SG 16 Chairman (on behalf of 3GPP SA4) Q18/16, Q16/16 2005-07-13
[ 123-GEN ]
LS reply on H.248 Profile for Legal Intercept � SG 16 Chairman (on behalf of ETSI TC LI) Q3/16, Q25/16 2005-07-12
[ 122-GEN ]
LS from WG 3 to SG 16 relating to H.248.1 and H.248.23 � SG 16 Chairman (on behalf of ETSI TISPAN WG 3) Q3/16 2005-07-12
[ 121-GEN ]
Reply to LS on "H.248 Profile for Legal Intercept" � SG 16 Chairman (on behalf of ATIS PTSC, formerly T Q25/16 2005-06-29
[ 120-GEN ]
LS on Digital Media Project (DMP) Phase I specification "Interoperable DRM Platform" � SG 16 Chairman (on behalf of the Digital Media Pro Q22/16, Q20/16 2005-06-15
[ 86-GEN ]
LS on Development of an Industry Standard on Analog Telephone Port Requirements for Packet-Based Terminal Adapters � SG 16 Chairman (on behalf of TIA) Q3/16, Q21/16, Q2/16, Q18/16, Q17/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q11/16 2005-03-14
[ 39-GEN ]
LS on definition of a new stimal package � SG 16 Chairman (on behalf of ETSI TISPAN WG 3) Q3/16 2004-08-31
Resultados :10 documentos
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