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UIT-T�SG13� C�


Gesti�n y coordinaci�n de proyectos; Arquitecturas y principios de interfuncionamiento; Redes y mecanismos multiprotocolo; Calidad de funcionamiento de la red y gesti�n de los recursos

Periodo de estudios 2005

Resultados :39 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�NTT�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 329 ]
Proposal for initiating approval process for the Annex to Y.2012 regarding server-to-network interface � NTT Corporation Q3/13 2008-01-05
[ 328 ]
Proposal for modification of Clause 8 and 9 of Y.NGN-R1 � NTT Corporation Q1/13 2008-01-05
[ 327 ]
Proposal for modification of Clause 1 of Y.NGN-R1 � NTT Corporation Q1/13 2008-01-05
[ 326 ]
Proposals for the Section 5.background of the draft Y.IdMsec � NTT Corporation Q15/13 2008-01-05
[ 325 ]
Proposal to delete clause 7.3 of the draft of Y.NGN AAA � NTT Corporation Q15/13 2008-01-05
[ 324 ]
Proposal for proper usage of the term "Certification Authority (CA)" in the draft recommendation of Y.NGN AAA � NTT Corporation Q15/13 2008-01-05
[ 323 ]
Proposals for consistency of the draft recommendation of Y.NGN AAA, with Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN � NTT Corporation Q15/13 2008-01-05
[ 322 ]
Proposals for improving Y.NGN AAA � NTT Corporation Q15/13 2008-01-05
[ 321 ]
Proposal to add "Enterprise Network" descriptions in TRY.NGN-R2-scope and Y.NGN-R2-Reqts � NTT Comware Corporation Q2/13, Q1/13 2008-01-05
[ 320 ]
Proposed update of comparison table for alignment between NGN Release 2 Scope and Requirements � NTT Comware Corporation Q2/13, Q1/13 2008-01-05
[ 319 ]
Proposals to update the NGN-roadmap document � NTT Corporation Q1/13 2008-01-05
[ 318 ]
Proposal for editorial modifications to Y.NGNR-1 � NTT Corporation Q1/13 2008-01-05
[ 317 ]
Proposal for modification of description in clause 6.3 in Y.NGNR-1 � NTT Corporation Q1/13 2008-01-05
[ 316 ]
Proposal for modification of Clause 7 of Y.NGN-R1 � NTT Corporation Q1/13 2008-01-05
[ 105 ]
Clarification of profiles of MDS � NTT Q2/13 2007-04-05
[ 104 ]
Clarification of new functional entities required by MDS � NTT Q2/13 2007-04-05
[ 103 ]
Proposal on charging architecture of draft Recommendation Y.ngn-account � NTT Q2/13 2007-04-05
[ 102 ]
Proposal on terminologies of draft Recommendation Y.ngn-account � NTT Q2/13 2007-04-05
[ 101 ]
Proposal on flow based charging of draft Recommendation Y.ngn-account � NTT Q2/13 2007-04-05
[ 100 ]
Editorial corrections of draft Recommendation Y.rtconv � NTT Q2/13 2007-04-05
[ 99 ]
Proposed description of multimedia conference in draft Recommendation Y.rtconv � NTT Q2/13 2007-04-05
[ 98 ]
Proposed description of 3PCC in draft Recommendation Y.rtconv � NTT Q2/13 2007-04-05
[ 97 ]
Proposed description of UPT services in draft Recommendation Y.rtconv � NTT Q2/13 2007-04-05
[ 96 ]
Proposal to introduce a reference model of Y.IFN in Y.rtconv � NTT Q2/13 2007-04-05
[ 95 ]
Proposed modifications to clause 6.5 of draft Y.NGN Certificate Management � NTT Q15/13 2007-04-05
[ 94 ]
Proposed modification on RSA key size to sub clause 6.3 of draft Y.NGN Certificate Management � NTT Q15/13 2007-04-05
[ 93 ]
Proposed modifications to section 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 of draft Y.NGN Certificate Management � NTT Q15/13 2007-04-05
[ 92 ]
Proposed modifications to clause 6.1.1 of draft Y.NGN Certificate Management � NTT Q15/13 2007-04-05
[ 91 ]
Proposed modifications to clause 6 of draft Y.NGN Certificate Management (2) � NTT Q15/13 2007-04-05
[ 90 ]
Proposed modifications to clause 6 of draft Y.NGN Certificate Management (1) � NTT Q15/13 2007-04-05
[ 89 ]
Proposal of deletion of description concerning AAA server out of transport stratum in Q.nacf.sec � NTT Q7/11, Q15/13 2007-04-05
[ 88 ]
Proposal to clarify the reference point specified in draft Q.nacf.sec � NTT Q7/11, Q15/13 2007-04-05
[ 87 ]
Proposals for modification of the title and the scope of Draft Recommendation Q.nacf.sec � NTT Q7/11, Q15/13 2007-04-05
[ 86 ]
Proposal of basic security requirements for the draft Y.IdMsec � NTT Q15/13 2007-04-05
[ 85 ]
Proposal to draft Y.nacf documentation � NTT Q3/13 2007-04-05
[ 84 ]
Proposed enhancement of NGN architecture overview in Y.2012 � NTT Q3/13 2007-04-05
[ 83 ]
Proposals of new text for mobility related clauses in NGN Release 2 documents � NTT Comware Q6/13, Q2/13, Q1/13 2007-04-05
[ 82 ]
Proposal for the structure of the series of NGN Release 2 Recommendations � NTT Q3/13, Q2/13, Q1/13 2007-04-05
[ 81 ]
Proposal to update the NGN-roadmap document � NTT Q1/13 2007-04-05
Resultados :39 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2025-2-4