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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG13 : Reuni�n�2008-01-14�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG13� C�(2008-01-14)�


Gesti�n y coordinaci�n de proyectos; Arquitecturas y principios de interfuncionamiento; Redes y mecanismos multiprotocolo; Calidad de funcionamiento de la red y gesti�n de los recursos

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2008-01-14 al 2008-01-25

Lugar : Corea (Rep. de) [Se�l]

Otras reuniones : 2009-09-01� 2009-01-12� 2008-09-122008-05-222007-09-212007-04-162006-11-032006-07-172006-01-162005-08-292005-04-252004-12-07

Resultados :34 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�ZTE�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 525 ]
Proposed restructuring of Q.FMC-IMS � ZTE Corporation , Samsung Electronics Ltd. Q5/19, Q6/13 2008-01-11
[ 519 ]
New Question on Distributed IP Services Network(DISN) � China Mobile, ZTE Corporation, Huawei Technologies FUTURES, QALL/13 2008-01-08
[ 517 ]
Proposed new Question on Impact of Intelligent Terminals to NGN Architecture � ZTE Corporation Futures, QALL/13; 2008-01-08
[ 506 ]
Impact of NGN Architecture by Intelligent Terminals � ZTE Corporation FUTURES, Q3/13 2008-01-08
[ 505 ]
Proposal for content provider functions within Y.NGN-FRA R2 � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2008-01-08
[ 504 ]
Proposed deployment mode of Y.cmr � ZTE Corporation Q8/13 2008-01-08
[ 503 ]
Supplement to Appendix V in Y.RACF R2 � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 502 ]
Proposal to add the PD-FE selection function of TRC-FE and PE-FE � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 501 ]
Proposal to add the function of processing the resource control granularity � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 500 ]
Proposal to add new resource control scenarios for nomadism � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 499 ]
Modification to the hand-over procedure � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 498 ]
CPE-requested QoS resource reservation procedure triggered by TRE-FE � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 497 ]
Proposed Summary content for Y.cmr � ZTE Corporation Q8/13 2008-01-08
[ 496 ]
Rationale and scenario for CIRs aggregation function � ZTE Corporation Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 495 ]
Proposed use case for Y.cmr � ZTE Corporation Q8/13 2008-01-08
[ 494 ]
Proposal to add cache function to CTF � ZTE Corporation Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 493 ]
Proposal to add a scenario of RACF based charging and accounting � ZTE Corporation Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 492 ]
Proposed modifications of draft Recommendation Q.HCF (version 0.6) � ZTE Corporation Q2/19, Q5/13 2008-01-08
[ 491 ]
Proposed definition for Y.cmr � ZTE Corporation Q8/13 2008-01-08
[ 490 ]
Proposed changes to resource control procedure consideration for Y.racf-mpls � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 489 ]
Proposed architecture and functional requirements for PBA � ZTE Corporation Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 488 ]
Propose to extend multicast service control scenario of Y.ngn-mcastfa � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2008-01-08
[ 487 ]
Propose to extend multicast applications service control of Y.ngn-mcastfa � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2008-01-08
[ 486 ]
Proposal to modification to Section of Y.NGN-FRA R2 � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2008-01-08
[ 485 ]
Proposal on modification of Rn and TRE-FE of Y.RACF � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 484 ]
Proposal on modification of function overview of Y.MPLS-RACF � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 483 ]
Proposal of some modifications in Y.NACF � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2008-01-08
[ 482 ]
Proposal for supporting IPTV services in NGN architecture � ZTE Corporation Q3/13, Q2/13 2008-01-08
[ 481 ]
Proposal for some modifications in the Section 5.2.3 of Y.secMechanisms � ZTE Corporation Q15/13 2008-01-08
[ 480 ]
Proposal for Resource Control Scenarios for Mobility in RACF � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 479 ]
Proposal for considering SIP forking cases in of Y.secMechanisms � ZTE Corporation Q15/13 2008-01-08
[ 478 ]
Modification to the procedure for pull mode in Y.RACF R2 � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 477 ]
Add a information component to Rs in Y.RACF R2 � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2008-01-08
[ 345 ]
Proposed protection field in the frame for the PTDN link layer � CATR, MII (P.R. China) , ZTE Corporation (P.R. China) Q13/13 2008-01-07
Resultados :34 documentos
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