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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG13 : Reuni�n�2007-04-16�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG13� TD-WP2�(2007-04-16)�


Gesti�n y coordinaci�n de proyectos; Arquitecturas y principios de interfuncionamiento; Redes y mecanismos multiprotocolo; Calidad de funcionamiento de la red y gesti�n de los recursos

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2007-04-16 al 2007-04-27

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-09-01� 2009-01-12� 2008-09-122008-05-222008-01-142007-09-21� [ 2007-04-16 ]� 2006-11-032006-07-172006-01-162005-08-292005-04-252004-12-07

Resultados :27 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(WP2) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�6/13�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 351-WP2 ]
Report of Joint Meetings on FMC and Mobility Management � Rapporteurs, Qs.2/19 & 5/19, 6/13 Q6/13, Q5/19, Q2/19 2007-04-25
[ 350-WP2 ]
LS to TISPAN on progress of work in ITU-T on FMC � ITU-T SG13 & 19 Q6/13 2007-04-25
[ 348-WP2 ]
LS to ITU-R on the development of a PDN Report ITU-R M.[IP CHAR] "Key technical and operational characteristics for access technologies to support IP applications over mobile systems" in response to QUESTION ITU-R 223-1/8 � ITU-.T SG13 & 19 Q6/13 2007-04-25
[ 347-WP2 ]
LS to ITU-T SG4 - Response on Telecommunications management and OAM project � ITU-T SG13 & 19 Q6/13 2007-04-25
[ 346-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Q.HMF vesion 0.4 (Geneva, 16-27 April 2007) � Editors Q6/13 2007-04-25
[ 345-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation LMF (version 0.4) � Editor Q6/13 2007-04-25
[ 344-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation MMF (version 1.3) � Editors Q6/13 2007-04-25
[ 340-WP2 ]
Functional Architecture consideration for recommendation MMF (version 1.2) � Co-Rapporteurs Q6/13 2007-04-25
[ 339-WP2 ]
Construction of Location ID with L2/L3 Network environment � Co-Rapporteurs Q6/13 2007-04-25
[ 335-WP2 ]
Agenda for WP 2/13 plenary � Chairman of WP 2/13 Q15/13, Q10/13, Q9/13, Q6/13, Q3/13 2007-04-25
[ 317-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation FMC-PAM � Editor Q6/13 2007-04-23
[ 315-WP2 ]
Working draft of Q.FMC-IMS: Fixed mobile convergence with a common IMS session control domain � Acting Editor Q6/13 2007-04-23
[ 309-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation FMC-REQ � Editor Q6/13 2007-04-19
[ 308-WP2 ]
Draft agenda � Rapporteurs Q5/19, Q2/19, Q6/13 2007-04-17
[ 306-WP2 ]
Status and guidelines of WP 2/13 temporary documents � Chairman WP 2/13 Q15/13, Q10/13, Q9/13, Q6/13, Q3/13 2007-04-16
[ 292-WP2 ]
Report of the Q.5/19 and Q.6/13 e-meeting on 22-26 January 2007 � Q.6/13 and Q.5/19 Rapps Q6/13 2007-03-22
[ 291-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation FMC-REQ � Q.6/13 and Q.5/19 Rapps Q6/13 2007-03-22
[ 290-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation FMC-PAU � Q.6/13 and Q.5/19 Rapps Q6/13 2007-03-22
[ 266-WP2 ]
Information to ITU-T about progress of FMC work inside ETSI TISPAN � ETSI TISPAN WG 1 Q6/13 2007-01-04
[ 250-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Q.LMF version 0.3 (Geneva, October-November 2006) � Editor Q6/13 2006-12-18
[ 249-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Q.HMF version 0.3 (Geneva, October-November 2006) � Editors Q6/13 2006-12-18
[ 248-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Q.MMF version 1.2 (Geneva, October-November 2006) � Editors Q6/13 2006-12-18
[ 247-WP2 ]
Output of draft Recommendation Q.FMC-PAU (Geneva, October-November 2006) � Temporary Editor Q6/13 2006-12-18
[ 246-WP2 ]
Working draft of Q.FMC-IMS (Geneva, October-November 2006) � Editors Q6/13 2006-12-18
[ 245-WP2 ]
Output for draft of Q.FMC-Req (Geneva, October-November 2006) � Editor Q6/13 2006-12-18
[ 244-WP2 ]
Joint 2, 5/19, 6/13, 29/16 Rapporteur Group meeting report (Geneva, October-November 2006) � Rapporteurs Q26/16, Q5/19, Q2/19, Q6/13 2006-12-18
[ 226-WP2 ]
Liaison Statement On the development of a PDN Report ITU-R M.[IP CHAR] "Key technical and operational characteristics for access technologies to support IP applications over mobile systems" in response to Question ITU-R 223-1/8 � ITU-R Working Party 8A Q6/13 2006-10-31
Resultados :27 documentos
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