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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG12 : Reuni�n�2005-10-17�: Contribuciones Tard�as� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG12� D�(2005-10-17)�


Calidad de funcionamiento y calidad del servicio

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2005-10-17 al 2005-10-21

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-11-03� 2009-03-10� 2008-05-22� 2007-10-02� 2007-01-16� 2006-06-05� [ 2005-10-17 ]� 2005-01-18

Resultados :15 documentos
Contribuciones Tard�as �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q17/12�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 109 ]
Proposal on IP Network Measurement Design and Test Duration � AT&T Q17/12, Q11/12 2005-10-07
[ 108 ]
Process for Achieving Network QoS Objectives in a Multi-Provider Environment with Impairment Accumulation � AT&T Q17/12, Q11/12 2005-10-07
[ 107 ]
Proposal on Performance Management for Multi-Network QoS in the NGN � AT&T Q17/12, Q11/12 2005-10-07
[ 106 ]
Clarifications to the IP Packet Delay Variation definition in Y.1540 � AT&T Q17/12 2005-10-07
[ 102 ]
Invitation to review previous guidance given to SG 11 with respect to Y.1541 � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q17/12 2005-10-07
[ 101 ]
P.1010 terminals and draft revision of Y.1541 � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q17/12 2005-10-07
[ 92 ]
New Appendix X for the Revised Y.1541 on data transmission performance using TCP � AT&T Q17/12 2005-10-07
[ 91 ]
New Introduction and Revised Scope for Rec. Y.1541 � AT&T Q17/12 2005-10-07
[ 90 ]
Modified versions of Appendix III and Appendix VII of Y.1541 � AT&T Q17/12 2005-10-07
[ 83 ]
On the overall packet loss specification for ISDN emulation � BT Q17/12 2005-10-07
[ 82 ]
On the budget for packet loss and the delay variation quantile in Y.1541 � BT Q17/12 2005-10-07
[ 81 ]
On the definition of IPTD in Y.1541 � BT Q17/12 2005-10-07
[ 74 ]
Some editorial comments for Revised Version of Rec. Y.1541 (TD 14rev1) � Korea Telecom Q17/12 2005-09-30
[ 73 ]
Proposal for new Recommendation on QoS for higher layer protocols � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q17/12 2005-09-30
[ 72 ]
A ranged allocation example for TR-APO � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q17/12, Q15/12, Q13/12, Q11/12 2005-09-30
Resultados :15 documentos
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