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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG11 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG11� C�


Requisitos y protocolos de se�alizaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2005

Resultados :17 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�NTT Corporation�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 95 ]
Editorial amendments to Q.3401 Amendment A � NTT Corporation 3/11 2008-01-07
[ 94 ]
Proposals to remove Annexes from Q.UNI_profile � NTT Corporation 3/11 2008-01-07
[ 93 ]
Proposal to amend descriptions about the SIP authorization procedures in Q.UNI_profile � NTT Corporation 3/11 2008-01-07
[ 92 ]
Proposals to amend descriptions about codecs in Q.UNI_profile � NTT Corporation 3/11 2008-01-07
[ 91 ]
Proposals to add descriptions about video support in Q.UNI_profile � NTT Corporation 3/11 2008-01-07
[ 90 ]
Proposals to sort out Internet-Drafts in Q.UNI_profile � NTT Corporation 3/11 2008-01-07
[ 89 ]
Miscellaneous amendments to Q.UNI_profile � NTT Corporation 3/11 2008-01-07
[ 36 ]
A proposal of Text of Clause 13 "IP Protocol Version" in Q.UNI � NTT Corporation 3/11 2007-04-12
[ 35 ]
A proposal of Text of Clause 12 "Call Control Signalling Transport" in Q.UNI � NTT Corporation 3/11 2007-04-12
[ 34 ]
A proposal of Clause 11 "Transport-level Profile" in Q.UNI � NTT Corporation 3/11 2007-04-12
[ 33 ]
A proposal of Text of Clause 10.3.2 "Capabilities Negotiation" in Q.UNI � NTT Corporation 3/11 2007-04-12
[ 32 ]
A proposal of text of SIP profile for clauses 10.2.1 and 10.2.2 in Q.UNI � NTT Corporation 3/11 2007-04-12
[ 31 ]
A proposal for SIP header specifications in Clause 10.2.3 in Q.UNI � NTT Corporation 3/11 2007-04-12
[ 30 ]
A proposal for the URI specification in Clause 9 in Q.UNI � NTT Corporation 3/11 2007-04-12
[ 29 ]
A proposal of Text of Clause 8 "Codec" in Q.UNI � NTT Corporation 3/11 2007-04-12
[ 28 ]
A proposal of Text of Clause 7 "Media Availability in a SIP session" in Q.UNI � NTT Corporation 3/11 2007-04-12
[ 27 ]
Clarification of the scope of Q.UNI � NTT Corporation 3/11 2007-04-12
Resultados :17 documentos
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