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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG09 : Reuni�n�2007-10-29�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG09� TD�(2007-10-29)�


Redes de cable integradas de banda ancha y transmisi�n de televisi�n y sonido

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2007-10-29 al 2007-11-02

Lugar : Estados Unidos [Louisville, Colorado]

Otras reuniones : 2009-11-02� 2009-02-23� 2008-09-192008-05-05� [ 2007-10-29 ]� 2007-06-142006-10-022005-10-172005-01-17

Resultados :21 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q9/9�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 717-GEN ]
Reply LS to SG 16 on J.161 revision 1 video codecs and free-viewpoint television requirements � WG 1 and WG 3 Q9/9, Q1/9 2007-11-01
[ 709-GEN ]
Updated draft new Recommendation J.preffr - Framework for implementing preferential telecommunications in IPCablecom networks. � WG 1 Q9/9 2007-11-01
[ 704-GEN ]
Consent of Draft Recommendation J.700 (was Draft J.iptvfra) - IPTV Service Requirements and Framework for Secondary Distribution � ITU-T SG 9 Q9/9 2007-11-01
[ 681-GEN ]
Working Group 1 Report � Working Group 1 Q9/9 2007-11-02
[ 675-GEN ]
Reply LS to SG 16 on J.161 revision 1 video codecs and free-viewpoint television requirements � WG 1 and WG 3 Q9/9 2007-10-30
[ 669-GEN ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation on IPTV Service Requirements and Framework for Secondary Distribution (J.iptvfra) � Working Group 1 Q9/9 2007-10-30
[ 659-GEN ]
LS - Report to TSAG on Achievements of SG 17 as the Lead Study Group on Telecommunication Security since its meeting on 6-18 December 2006 � ITU-T SG 17 Q9/9 2007-10-18
[ 653-GEN ]
Q9/9 Rapporteurs' meeting Report (Saitama, Japan, 11-13 September 2007) � Q9/9 Rapporteur Q9/9 2007-10-15
[ 652-GEN ]
Liaison on Technical Output of Focus Group on Identity Management (FG IdM) � ITU-T SG 17 Q11/9, Q10/9, Q9/9, Q8/9, Q6/9, Q5/9, Q4/9, Q3/9, Q1/9 2007-10-09
[ 644-GEN ]
Reply to Liaison from FG IPTV (FG IPTV-OL-0055) � Chairman, ITU-T SG 9 Q9/9 2007-10-09
[ 638-GEN ]
Proposed Draft New Recommendation on IPTV Service Requirements and Framework for Secondary Distribution (J.iptvfra) � ITU-T SG 9 Rapporteurs for Qs 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 Q9/9 2007-09-26
[ 637-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation J.162 , Network call signalling protocol for the delivery of time-critical services over cable television networks using cable modems � Editor Q9/9 2007-09-26
[ 636-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation J.167 Media terminal adapter (MTA) device provisioning requirements for the delivery of real-time services over cable television networks using cable modems � Editor Q9/9 2007-09-26
[ 635-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation J.166 IPCablecom Management Information Base (MIB) framework � Editor Q9/9 2007-09-26
[ 634-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation J.164 Event message requirements for the support of real-time services over cable television networks using cable modems � Editor Q9/9 2007-09-26
[ 633-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation J.163 Dynamic quality of service for the provision of real-time services over cable television networks using cable modems � Editor Q9/9 2007-09-26
[ 618-GEN ]
LS - Liaison statement on Activities on standardization for Emergency Telecommunications � ICG SAT Q9/9 2007-07-31
[ 617-GEN ]
LS - Liaison statement on aspects of common and critical interest to the satellite industry � ICG SAT Q9/9 2007-07-31
[ 616-GEN ]
LS - reply LS to SG 9 on J.161 revision 1 video codecs and free-viewpoint television requirements � ITU-T SG 16 - Q6/16 Q9/9 2007-07-31
[ 615-GEN ]
LS - Reply LS to SG 9 on J.161 Revision 1 Approval � ITU-T SG 16 - Q26/16 Q9/9 2007-07-31
[ 614-GEN ]
LS - LS to TSAG and ITU-T SGs on new Questions on advanced multimedia systems and on multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTV � ITU-T SG 16 QALL/9, Q9/9 2007-07-31
Resultados :21 documentos
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