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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG09 : Reuni�n�2007-06-14�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG09� TD�(2007-06-14)�


Redes de cable integradas de banda ancha y transmisi�n de televisi�n y sonido

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2007-06-14 al 2007-06-20

Lugar : Singapur

Otras reuniones : 2009-11-02� 2009-02-23� 2008-09-192008-05-052007-10-29� [ 2007-06-14 ]� 2006-10-022005-10-172005-01-17

Resultados :162 documentos
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Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 603-GEN ]
Proposed revision to J.601 � Vice-Chairman SG9 Q15/9 2007-06-20
[ 602-GEN ]
Final List of participants � TSB QALL/9 2007-06-20
[ 601-GEN ]
Liaison to TSAG on revised Questions 1/9 � ITU-T SG 9 Q1/9 2007-06-19
[ 600-GEN ]
Draft Recommendations for "SG Decision", "Consent" using AAP (Rec. A.8) procedure, "Determination" using AAP (Rec. A.8) procedure and "Approval" of Appendix in accordance with Rec. A.1 � TSB QALL/9 2007-06-19
[ 599-GEN ]
Response concerning NGN management � ITU-T SG 9 Q9/9 2007-06-20
[ 598-GEN ]
Draft New Recommendations on Residential SIP Telephony � Editor Q9/9 2007-06-19
[ 597-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for Plenary (at 09:00 on 20 June 2007) � TSB QALL/9 2007-06-19
[ 596-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.preffr "Framework for implementing preferential telecommunications in IPCablecom networks" � WG 1 Q9/9 2007-06-19
[ 595-GEN ]
Liaison Statement on Call for Proponents for perceptual video quality models for HDTV and hybrid perceptual/bit-stream models � ITU-T SG 9 Q14/9 2007-06-19
[ 594-GEN ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation on Architecture for synchronised programme transfer with pull operation over IP networks (J.spt-arch) � WG 4 Q11/9 2007-06-19
[ 593-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.ftvreq "Requirements for Free Viewpoint Television (FTV) video transmission system � Q.1 Rapporteur Q1/9 2007-06-19
[ 592-GEN ]
Liaison Statement reply to ITU-R SG 6 on FTV � ITU-T SG 9 Q1/9 2007-06-19
[ 591-GEN ]
Liaison Statement reply on FTV � ITU-T SG 9 Q1/9 2007-06-19
[ 590-GEN ]
Liaison Statement reply on ANT (Access Network Transport) � ITU-T SG 9 Q1/9 2007-06-19
[ 589-GEN ]
Proposed modification to ITU-T Recommendation J.61-Transmission performance of television circuits designed for use in international connections � WG 3 Chairman Q1/9 2007-06-19
[ 588-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for Plenary (at 09:00 on 19 June 2007) � TSB QALL/9 2007-06-19
[ 587-GEN ]
New topics proposed to SG9 for future urgent study � Rapporteur on Questions, on behalf of SG9 Chairman Q12/9, Q11/9, Q1/9 2007-06-18
[ 586-GEN ]
Liaison statement on draft new Recommendations concerning program contribution � ITU-T SG 9 (WG 4) Q11/9 2007-06-19
[ 585-GEN ]
Reply to SG12 Liaison Statement on a new Recommendation G.1070 (G.OMV) - "Opinion Model for Videophone applications" � ITU-T SG 9 Q14/9 2007-06-18
[ 584-GEN ]
Reply to LS on Revision of Question 13/12 � ITU-T SG 9 Q14/9 2007-06-18
[ 583-GEN ]
Reply to LS on Definition of Quality of Experience (QoE) � ITU-T SG 9 Q2/9, Q14/9 2007-06-18
[ 582-GEN ]
Liaison Statement for FG-IPTV � WG 5 Q2/9, Q14/9 2007-06-18
[ 581-GEN ]
Call for proponents for J.vqhdtv and J.bitvqm � Working Group 5 Q2/9, Q14/9 2007-06-18
[ 580-GEN ]
Draft New Recommendation J.cal "Calibration methods for constant misalignment of spatial and temporal domains with constant gain and offset" � WG 5 Q2/9, Q14/9 2007-06-18
[ 579-GEN ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation J.222.0 � WG 2 Q8/9 2007-06-19
[ 578-GEN ]
Liaison Statement to SG 15 on New Recommendation Regarding IP Cable Modems Consented by SG 9 � Working Group 2 Q8/9 2007-06-19
[ 577-GEN ]
Response to Liaison Statement from ITU-R WP8A on draft new Recommendation M.[ENG] � ITU-T SG 9 Q11/9 2007-06-19
[ 576-GEN ]
A.5 documentation for new Recommendation J.tei � Working Group 2 Q8/9 2007-06-19
[ 575-GEN ]
A.5 documentation for new Recommendation J.erouter � Working Group 2 Q8/9 2007-06-19
[ 574-GEN ]
Draft New Recommendation J.prefp2 - "Specification for preferential telecommunications over IPCablecom2 networks" � WG 1 Q9/9 2007-06-18
[ 573-GEN ]
Liaison Statement to SG 16 on ITU-T Roadmap for Telemedicine � ITU-T SG 9 Q2/9, Q14/9 2007-06-18
[ 572-GEN ]
Reply LS to ITU-T SG 16 on accessibility matters � ITU-T SG 9 Q9/9 2007-06-18
[ 571-GEN ]
Response to LS to JCA-NID and ITU-T SGs on planned work in SG 16 related to Networked ID � WG 1 Q9/9 2007-06-18
[ 570-GEN ]
J.161 Amendment 1 Approval � WG 1 Q9/9 2007-06-18
[ 569-GEN ]
Proposal draft new ITU-T Recommendation J.noref Perceptual video quality measurement techniques for digital cable television in absence of reference � ITU-T Study Group 9 Q2/9 2007-06-18
[ 568-GEN ]
Proposal draft new ITU-T Recommendation J.samip Method for subjective assessment, at the user's premises, of the quality of standard definition television programming delivered over broadband IP networks � ITU-T Study Group 9 Q2/9 2007-06-18
[ 567-GEN ]
Proposal draft new ITU-T Recommendation J.noref Perceptual video quality measurement techniques for digital cable television in the absence of reference � WG 5 Q2/9 2007-06-19
[ 566-GEN ]
Draft New Recommendation J.bitvqm "Hybrid perceptual/bit-stream models for objective video quality measurements" � WG 5 Q2/9, Q14/9 2007-06-18
[ 565-GEN ]
Liaison statement on recent activities of ITU-T SG 9 relevant to IEC TC 100 � ITU-T SG 9 Q14/9, Q10/9 2007-06-19
[ 564-GEN ]
Response on Home Networking Activities � ITU-T SG 9 Q14/9, Q10/9 2007-06-19
[ 563-GEN ]
Response on Home Networking Activities � ITU-T SG 9 Q14/9, Q10/9 2007-06-19
[ 562-GEN ]
Report of WG9 on Set Top Boxes and Home Networking � WG 9 Chairman Q5/9, Q10/9 2007-06-19
[ 561-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation on IPTV Service Requirements and Framework for Secondary Distribution (J.iptvfra) and other J series Recommendations related to IPTV services � Study Group 9 QALL/9 2007-06-18
[ 560-GEN ]
Comments on Report of IPTV-JCA meeting (23 April 2007) � Study Group 9 QALL/9 2007-06-18
[ 559-GEN ]
ITU-T Accessibility Brochure and Updates in Accessibility Regulation � Chairman SG9 QALL/9 2007-06-18
[ 558-GEN ]
Report of Working Group 8 on LSDI Transmission � WG 8 Chairman Q15/9 2007-06-15
[ 557-GEN ]
Report of Working Group 7 on APIs � WG7 Q4/9 2007-06-15
[ 556-GEN ]
Report of Working Group 6 on Work Programme, Questions, Liaison Statements � WG 6 QALL/9 2007-06-18
[ 555-GEN ]
Report of WG 5 on Quality Assessment � WG 5 QALL/9 2007-06-15
[ 554-GEN ]
Draft Report of WG 4 on Conditional Access and Webcasting � WG 4 Chairman Q11/9 2007-06-19
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