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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG06 : Reuni�n�2008-04-14�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG06� TD-GEN�(2008-04-14)�


Planta exterior e instalaciones interiores relacionadas

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2008-04-14 al 2008-04-18

Lugar : China [Wuhan]

Otras reuniones : 2009-10-12� 2008-12-01� [ 2008-04-14 ]� 2007-11-192007-05-142006-09-192005-12-122005-01-31

Resultados :32 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�QALL/6�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 388-GEN ]
Reply LS to Q1/15 on update on access network activities in SG 6 � SG6 Chairman QALL/6 2008-05-06
[ 387-GEN ]
Mandate for SG6 Study Period 2009 - 2012 � Chairman SG6 QALL/6 2008-04-29
[ 386-GEN ]
Draft Report of the sixth meeting of Study Group 6 "Outside plant and related indoor installations" (Wuhan, 14-18 April 2008) � ITU-T Study Group 6 QALL/6 2008-05-07
[ 385-GEN ]
SG6 restructuring discussions � Chairman SG6 QALL/6 2008-04-29
[ 372-GEN ]
Reply to LS on proposed breakdown of the ITU-T Focus Group on IdM Use Case Gap Analysis � ITU-T SG6 QALL/6 2008-04-17
[ 371-GEN ]
Reply to LS on SG 5 questions for the Study Period 2009-2012 � ITU-T SG6 QALL/6 2008-04-17
[ 370-GEN ]
[ 367-GEN ]
Preliminary Framework for further detailed Discussion of ITU-T Study Group restructuring � Convenor, ad hoc group on restructuring QALL/6 2008-04-15
[ 366-GEN ]
Report of Teleconference on ITU-T SG Restructuring (April 2-4, 2008) � TSB QALL/6 2008-04-15
[ 363-GEN ]
Status of texts under WTSA-04 Resolution 1 Procedures � TSB QALL/6 2008-04-15
[ 362-GEN ]
Initial list of Temporary Documents for Study Group 6 meeting (Wuhan, 14-18 April 2008) � TSB QALL/6 2008-04-15
[ 361-GEN ]
Work Programme for Study Group 6 � TSB QALL/6 2008-04-15
[ 360-GEN ]
List of Report(s) and Contributions for Study Group 6 meeting (Wuhan, 14-18 April 2008) � TSB QALL/6 2008-04-15
[ 359-GEN ]
Information for the Study Group 6 Meeting � TSB QALL/6 2008-04-15
[ 358-GEN ]
Draft Agenda and Work Plan for Study Group 6 Meeting � TSB QALL/6 2008-04-15
[ 351-GEN ]
IEEE OUI assignment for ITU-T � ITU-T SG15 QALL/6 2008-04-04
[ 347-GEN ]
Reply to LS on update on access network activities in SG6 � ITU-T SG15 QALL/6 2008-04-04
[ 346-GEN ]
New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan. � ITU-T SG15 QALL/6 2008-04-04
[ 345-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation G.hnta - Generic Home Network Transport Architecture � ITU-T SG15 QALL/6 2008-04-04
[ 340-GEN ]
Liaison on a three party query response IdM model � JCA-IdM Co-convenors QALL/6 2008-03-17
[ 339-GEN ]
Liaison on a proposed breakdown of the ITU-T Focus Group on IdM Use Case Gap Analysis � JCA-IdM Co-convenors QALL/6 2008-03-17
[ 338-GEN ]
Liaison on IPTV deliverables � ITU-T SG13 QALL/6 2008-03-17
[ 337-GEN ]
Revised Recommendation Y.2091 "Terms, definitions and high level terminological framework for Next Generation Networks". � ITU-T SG13 QALL/6 2008-03-17
[ 336-GEN ]
Advance programme for "Innovations in NGN" ITU-T Kaleidoscope academic conference (Geneva, 12-13 May 2008) � TSB QALL/6 2008-03-17
[ 335-GEN ]
SG 5 Questions for the Study Period 2009-2012 � ITU-T Study Group 5 QALL/6 2008-03-17
[ 334-GEN ]
Draft SG15 proposal of New Questions for the next study period of 2009-2012 � ITU-T SG15 QALL/6 2008-03-17
[ 328-GEN ]
LS - Initial Meetings of the Joint Coordination Activity for Identity Management (JCA-IdM) and of the Global Standards Initiative for Identity Management (IdM-GSI) � JCA - IdM QALL/6 2008-01-10
[ 327-GEN ]
LS - Outgoing Liaison Statement from 7th FG IPTV meeting (Malta, 11-18 December 2007).Termination of FG IPTV mandate and beginning of the IPTV-GSI � FG IPTV QALL/6 2008-01-10
[ 326-GEN ]
LS - Availability of Web Conferencing Tools � TSAG QALL/6 2007-12-20
[ 325-GEN ]
LS - Improved Geographic Distribution and Coordination of ITU-T Seminars and Workshops � TSAG QALL/6 2007-12-20
[ 324-GEN ]
LS - Assessment of ITU-T Recommendations in the light of Climate Change � TSAG QALL/6 2007-12-20
[ 323-GEN ]
LS - A.5 justification for normative references to documents of other organizations � TSAG QALL/6 2007-12-20
Resultados :32 documentos
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