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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG06 : Reuni�n�2006-09-19�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG06� TD�(2006-09-19)�


Planta exterior e instalaciones interiores relacionadas

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2006-09-19 al 2006-09-22

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-10-12� 2008-12-012008-04-142007-11-192007-05-14� [ 2006-09-19 ]� 2005-12-122005-01-31

Resultados :61 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 177-GEN ]
LS to SG 15 on additional items for Supplement 40 � Rapporteur Q7/6 Q7/6 2006-09-22
[ 176-GEN ]
Presentation on FTTH at Joint SG 5 and 6 � Rapporteur Q9/6 Q9/6 2006-09-22
[ 175-GEN ]
LS to ITU-T SG 15 and IEC SC86B on the revision of ITU-T Recommendation L.36 "Single mode fibre optic connectors" � Rapporteur Q9/6 Q9/6 2006-09-22
[ 174-GEN ]
Reply LS to IEC SC86A and SC86C on request for fusion splicing documentation � Rapporteur Q9/6 Q9/6 2006-09-22
[ 173-GEN ]
Reply LS to SG 15 on macrobending loss (COM 15-LS 81) � Rapporteur Q9/6 QALL/6 2006-09-22
[ 172-GEN ]
Draft Report of Working Party 2/6 - Application of products � Chairman WP 2/6 Q9/6, Q8/6, Q7/6, Q6/6, Q5/6 2006-09-22
[ 171-GEN ]
Draft WP 1/6 Report - Infrastructures and Environment � WP 1/6 Chair Q4/6, Q3/6, Q2/6, Q1/6 2006-09-22
[ 170-GEN ]
Draft report of the third meeting of Study Group 6 ?Outside Plant and related indoor installations? (Geneva, 19-22 September 2006) � Chairman SG 6 QALL/6 2006-09-22
[ 169-GEN ]
LS to IEC SC86A on a draft ITU-T Recommendation L.fubt � Rapporteur Q2/6 Q2/6 2006-09-21
[ 168-GEN ]
Final list of participants � TSB QALL/6 2006-09-21
[ 167-GEN ]
Draft text for a new Questionnaire on the management of poles carrying overhead telecommunication lines � Rapporteur Q2/6 Q2/6 2006-09-21
[ 166-GEN ]
Draft new ITU-T Recommendation L.idmd "ID Tag Requirements for Infrastructure and Network Elements Management" (for Consent) � Rapporteur Q4/6 Q4/6 2006-09-21
[ 165-GEN ]
Draft of new ITU-T Recommendation L.fubt "Installation of optical fibre units or mini-cables in short distances by blowing techniques" � Rapporteur Q2/6 Q2/6 2006-09-21
[ 164-GEN ]
Reply LS to SG 17 on summary of ITU-T Study Groups security related activities (COM 17-LS 81) � Rapporteur Q6/6 Q6/6 2006-09-21
[ 163-GEN ]
Draft revised ITU-T Rec. L.37 "Optical branching components (wavelength non-selective)" (For Consent) � Rapporteur Q9/6 Q9/6 2006-09-21
[ 162-GEN ]
LS to SG 15 on comment request for Table 1 of new ITU-T Rec. L.omhp � Rapporteur Q6/6 Q6/6 2006-09-21
[ 161-GEN ]
Security activities of Q6/6 � Rapporteur Q6/6 Q6/6 2006-09-21
[ 160-GEN ]
Draft new ITU-T Rec. L.ofdistr "Optical fibre distribution of access networks" (for Consent) � Rapporteur Q8/6 Q8/6 2006-09-21
[ 159-GEN ]
Updated draft of new ITU-T Recommendation L.omhp "Optical fibre cable maintenance support, monitoring and testing system for optical fibre cable networks carrying high total optical power" � Rapporteur Q6/6 Q6/6 2006-09-21
[ 158-GEN ]
Revised draft of new ITU-T Rec. L.omif "Optical fibre cable maintenance criteria for in-service fibre testing in access networks" (for Consent) � Rapporteur Q6/6 Q6/6 2006-09-21
[ 157-GEN ]
Status of the activities in Q5/15 and Q10/15 � Chairman SG 6 Q9/6, Q8/6, Q7/6, Q2/6 2006-09-19
[ 156-GEN ]
Roadmap for joint ITU-T SG 5 and SG 6 meeting (Geneva, 20 September 2006) � Chairmen SG 5 and SG 6 QALL/6 2006-09-19
[ 155-GEN ]
Draft text for a new questionnaire on the impregnation of wooden poles � Rapporteur Q1/6 Q1/6 2006-09-18
[ 154-GEN ]
Status on the Questionnaire on recycling discarded batteries � Rapporteur Q1/6 Q1/6 2006-09-18
[ 153-GEN ]
Status on the Questionnaire on the classification of outside plant waste � Rapporteur Q1/6 Q1/6 2006-09-18
[ 152-GEN ]
New ITU DMS short URL functionality � TSB QALL/6 2006-09-15
[ 151-GEN ]
Summary of approved changes at last TSAG to A.1, A.2, A.4, A.6. A.7, and A.8 � TSB QALL/6 2006-09-14
[ 150-GEN ]
LS on new meeting document distribution practice � TSAG QALL/6 2006-09-12
[ 149-GEN ]
LS regarding reporting of workshops � TSAG QALL/6 2006-09-12
[ 148-GEN ]
LS on Conformance and Interoperability Testing � TSAG QALL/6 2006-09-12
[ 147-GEN ]
LS on author's guide for drafting ITU-T Recommendations � TSAG QALL/6 2006-09-12
[ 146-GEN ]
LS request for fusion splicing documentation � IEC SC86A & SC86C Q9/6 2006-09-01
[ 145-GEN ]
Revised draft of new ITU-T Rec. L.ofdistr "Optical fibre distribution of access networks" � Rapporteur Q8/6 Q8/6 2006-08-28
[ 144-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation L.SCFIA "Small count optical fibre cables for indoor applications" (for Consent) � Rapporteur Q7/6 Q7/6 2006-08-28
[ 143-GEN ]
LS on terminology for NGN � ITU-T SG 13 QALL/6 2006-08-28
[ 142-GEN ]
LS on information from Daidalos � ITU-T SG 13 QALL/6 2006-08-28
[ 141-GEN ]
Revised draft of new L.omif "Optical fibre cable maintenance criteria for in-service fibre testing in access networks" � Rapporteur Q6/6 Q6/6 2006-07-19
[ 140-GEN ]
LS on NGN Management Focus Group � ITU-T SG 4 QALL/6 2006-06-12
[ 139-GEN ]
LS on SG2 Lead SG role on Service Definition, Numbering, Routing and TDR � ITU-T SG 2 QALL/6 2006-05-17
[ 138-GEN ]
LS reply on Guidance on conformance and interoperability testing workshop in January 2006 � ITU-T SG 17 QALL/6 2006-05-12
[ 137-GEN ]
LS on Status of WTSA Resolution 50 Obligations � ITU-T SG 17 QALL/6 2006-05-12
[ 136-GEN ]
LS on Summary of ITU-T Study Groups Security Related Activities � ITU-T SG 17 Q6/6, Q1/6 2006-05-12
[ 135-GEN ]
LS on NGN Project Management Database � Q1/13 Rapporteur Group QALL/6 2006-05-03
[ 134-GEN ]
LS on new working arrangement in SG 16 for ETS/TDR/EW and progress report � ITU-T SG 16 (Q20/16) QALL/6 2006-05-03
[ 133-GEN ]
Comments on LS on SG 17 guidance to TSAG and Study Groups on how ITU-T could strengthen its role in conformance and interoperability testing � ITU-T SG 16 QALL/6 2006-05-03
[ 132-GEN ]
LS on Consent of G.671 Amendment 1 for PON 1xN splitters (COM 6-LS 9) � ITU-T SG 15 QALL/6 2006-02-28
[ 131-GEN ]
LS on macrobending loss � ITU-T SG 15 QALL/6 2006-02-28
[ 130-GEN ]
LS on new versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan � ITU-T SG 15 QALL/6 2006-02-28
[ 129-GEN ]
LS on ITU Study Groups' Activities in Access Network-User Interface Standardization � ITU-T SG 15 QALL/6 2006-02-28
[ 128-GEN ]
LS on referral of SG 15 D543 "Proposal for how to study the standardization of Home Network interfaces" � ITU-T SG 15 QALL/6 2006-02-28
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