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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG05 : Reuni�n�2007-05-14�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG05� TD�(2007-05-14)�


Protecci�n contra los efectos del entorno electromagn�tico

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2007-05-14 al 2007-05-18

Lugar : China [Beijing]

Otras reuniones : 2008-11-242008-02-252007-11-19� [ 2007-05-14 ]� 2006-09-182006-05-222005-12-122005-06-132004-11-08

Resultados :12 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�Origen:�Chairman�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 551-GEN ]
Report of Working Party 1/5 � Chairman of WP 1/5 Q9/5, Q6/5, Q5/5, Q4/5, Q13/5, Q11/5, Q10/5 2007-05-18
[ 550-GEN ]
Report of Working Party 2/5 � Vice-Chairman of WP2/5 Q8/5, Q7/5, Q3/5, Q2/5, Q16/5, Q15/5, Q12/5, Q1/5 2007-05-18
[ 537-GEN ]
Summary of the Technical Session: New Infrastructure Elements in the Access Network � Chairman of SG5 QALL/5 2007-05-17
[ 501-GEN ]
Chairman's opening presentation � Chairman of SG5 QALL/5 2007-05-13
[ 497-GEN ]
A proposed method to determine whether the electromagnetic disturbance that leaks from PC displays contains information or not � Chairman of WP2/5 Q15/5 2007-05-11
[ 484-GEN ]
Merging Recommendations K.33 and K.53 into Volume VI of the Directives � Chairman of SG5 Q9/5 2007-05-08
[ 482-GEN ]
Voltages for the safety of persons � Chairman of SG5 Q9/5 2007-05-07
[ 454-GEN ]
Establishment of a Joint Coordination Activity on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (JCA-CIT) � Chairman SG17 QALL/5 2007-04-03
[ 453-GEN ]
Risk assessment of telecommunication lines using metallic conductors against lightning � Chairman of SG5 Q5/5, Q13/5, Q11/5 2007-04-02
[ 427-GEN ]
Draft agenda for the meeting of Working Party 2/5 � Chairman of WP2/5 Q8/5, Q7/5, Q3/5, Q2/5, Q16/5, Q15/5, Q12/5, Q1/5 2006-10-20
[ 426-GEN ]
Draft agenda for the meeting of Working Party 1/5 � Chairman of WP1/5 Q9/5, Q6/5, Q5/5, Q4/5, Q13/5, Q11/5, Q10/5 2006-10-20
[ 425-GEN ]
Draft agenda and timetable for the meeting of Study Group 5 � Chairman of SG5 QALL/5 2006-10-20
Resultados :12 documentos
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