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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG04 : Reuni�n�2007-08-28�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG04� TD-GEN�(2007-08-28)�


Capacidades de gesti�n de las telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2007-08-28 al 2007-09-07

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-11-17� 2009-03-242008-05-13� [ 2007-08-28 ]� 2007-02-052006-05-242005-09-202005-07-292005-02-15

Resultados :26 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�ALL/4�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 498-GEN ]
SG 4 Restructuring and Reinvention Session 2 Presentations � Chairman, ITU-T SG4 QALL/4 2007-09-05
[ 491-GEN ]
Overview of SDF Workshop - Boston/July 2007 � Chairman, SG4 QALL/4 2007-09-03
[ 489-GEN ]
SG4 Restructuring and Reinvention Session 1 Presentations � Chairman, ITU-T SG4 QALL/4 2007-08-31
[ 487-GEN ]
Agenda for Home Networking Session on Aug 30 (1330-1430) � Vice Chairman, SG4 (JCA-HN contact) QALL/4 2007-08-29
[ 481-GEN ]
Report to SG 4 � NGNMFG QALL/4 2007-08-27
[ 460-GEN ]
Links to the reports of ITU-T JCAs (HN, NID, NGN, IPTV, CIT) and FGs (IPTV, IdM, SBNO) � TSB QALL/4 2007-08-17
[ 458-GEN ]
LS on ITU-T activities on bridging the standardization gap � TDAG QALL/4 2007-08-07
[ 457-GEN ]
Reply LS to TSAG on creation of ITU-T Restructuring Correspondence Group and request for inputs (TSAG-LS 23) � ITU-T SG 15 QALL/4 2007-08-07
[ 451-GEN ]
Liaison statement to all ITU-T Study Groups and the FG IdM on report of the 3rd JCA-NID meeting held in Geneva on the 3rd July 2007 � JCA-NID Convener QALL/4 2007-08-10
[ 441-GEN ]
Meeting facilities and information � TSB QALL/4 2007-08-03
[ 440-GEN ]
LS to TSAG and ITU-T SGs on new Questions on advanced multimedia systems and on multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTV � ITU-T SG 16 (Geneva, 26 June-6 July 2007) QALL/4 2007-08-07
[ 436-GEN ]
LS - Innovations in NGN - Future Network and Services/An ITU-T Kaleidoscope Event (Geneva, 12-13 May 2008) � TSB QALL/4 2007-06-05
[ 435-GEN ]
LS - Reply LS to TSAG on ITU-T activities on bridging the standardization gap (TSAG-LS 20) � ITU-T SG6 QALL/4 2007-06-05
[ 434-GEN ]
Reply LS to TSAG on creation of ITU-T SG Restructuring Correspondence Group and requested for inputs (TSAG-LS 23) � ITU-T SG6 QALL/4 2007-06-07
[ 433-GEN ]
NGN/Satellite Workshop and Meeting of the ICG-SAT � ITU-T Study Group 13 (Geneva, 16-27 April 2007) QALL/4 2007-06-05
[ 432-GEN ]
LS - FG IPTV activities at the May meeting � FG IPTV QALL/4 2007-05-16
[ 417-GEN ]
LS - Establishment of a Joint Coordination Activity on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (JCA-CIT) � ITU-T SG17 QALL/4 2007-04-16
[ 416-GEN ]
LS - Output of the Digital Identity for Next Generation Networks workshop held on 5 December 2006 in Geneva � ITU- T SG17 QALL/4 2007-04-16
[ 414-GEN ]
LS - Improvement of the Author's Guide for drafting ITU-T Recommendations � TSAG QALL/4 2007-03-19
[ 412-GEN ]
LS - Voice codecs standardization and normative references � TSAG QALL/4 2007-03-12
[ 411-GEN ]
LS - Creation of ITU-T SG Restructuring Correspondence Group and request for inputs � TSAG QALL/4 2007-03-12
[ 410-GEN ]
LS - Improve the geographic distribution of Workshops � TSAG QALL/4 2007-03-12
[ 409-GEN ]
LS - PP-06 results as strategic guidelines for Workshops � TSAG QALL/4 2007-03-12
[ 408-GEN ]
LS - Revised terms of reference for JCA-HN � TSAG QALL/4 2007-03-12
[ 407-GEN ]
LS - ITU-T activities on bridging the standardization gap � TSAG QALL/4 2007-03-12
[ 405-GEN ]
LS - Suggested procedure for disclosing patents in Contributions � Ad Hoc Group on IPR QALL/4 2007-02-28
Resultados :26 documentos
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