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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG04 : Reuni�n�2005-09-20�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG04� TD-GEN�(2005-09-20)�


Capacidades de gesti�n de las telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2005-09-20 al 2005-09-30

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-11-17� 2009-03-242008-05-132007-08-282007-02-052006-05-24� [ 2005-09-20 ]� 2005-07-292005-02-15

Resultados :32 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q8/4�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 160-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for Joint Meeting between Question 10/4 and Q 8/4 - Accounting Management � Rapporteur Q10/4 Q8/4, Q10/4 2005-09-28
[ 159-GEN ]
Usage Data Management for Packet-Based Services - Service-Neutral Architecture and Protocol Requirements � SG4 Chairman on behalf of TMOC Q10/4, Q8/4 2005-09-28
[ 157-GEN ]
Proposed Revised NGN Management Focus Group Terms of Reference � SG4 Chairman Q8/4 2005-09-26
[ 155-GEN ]
LS response on NGN charging and billing � 3GPP SA5 Q10/4, Q9/4, Q8/4 2005-09-21
[ 151-GEN ]
LS - Publication of NGN Management OSS Architecture and Requirements Specifications � ETSI TISPAN Q8/4 2005-09-19
[ 142-GEN ]
LS - Initial response to Liaison on Coordination on Management aspects of Accounting, Charging and Billing in NGN � ITU-T SG13 Q8/4 2005-09-15
[ 141-GEN ]
LS - Feedback on FGNGN-CMIP � ITU-T SG13 Q8/4 2005-09-15
[ 135-GEN ]
LS - NGN charging and billing � NGN MFG Q8/4 2005-09-02
[ 134-GEN ]
LS - NGN Management Specification Roadmap � NGN MFG Q8/4 2005-09-02
[ 129-GEN ]
LS - NGN Management Architecture Specifications � ETSI TISPAN WG8 Q8/4 2005-08-04
[ 128-GEN ]
LS - TMOC Submission to ITU-T regarding VoIP/NGN Accounting Management � TMOC Q8/4 2005-07-22
[ 125-GEN ]
LS - Response on FGNGN-CMIP � FGNGN WD2 Leaders Q8/4 2005-07-14
[ 124-GEN ]
LS reply on NGN Management Architecture HarmonizationResponse to: LS (06TD379/S5-050314) on NGN Management Architecture Harmonization from ETSI TISPAN WG8Work Item: SA5 WID WT Enhance NRM to accommodate NGN (IMS as basis of the Next Generation Network) � 3GPP Q8/4 2005-07-06
[ 123-GEN ]
LS reply on NGN Management Architecture Harmonization Response to: LS (06TD185r1/S5-050313) on OSS Standards Overview and Gap Analysis from ETSI TISPAN WG8 � 3GPP Q8/4 2005-07-06
[ 120-GEN ]
Draft Amendment 2 to ITU-T Rec. M.3010 referred back to Study Group 4 during AAP � Chairman SG4 Q8/4, Q6/4 2005-06-16
[ 116-GEN ]
LS - The first OCAF Focus Group deliverable, Carrier Grade Open Environment (CGOE) reference model � ITU-T SG13 QALL/4, Q8/4 2005-06-15
[ 115-GEN ]
LS - Planned TMOC Submission to ITU-T regarding VoIP (NGN Accounting Management) � TMOC Q10/4, Q8/4 2005-06-13
[ 114-GEN ]
LS - OSS Standards Overview and Gap Analysis � ETSI TISPAN WG8 Q12/4, Q8/4 2005-06-02
[ 112-GEN ]
LS - NGN Management Architecture Harmonization � ETSI TISPAN WG8 Q7/4, Q8/4 2005-06-02
[ 111-GEN ]
LS - Approval of NGN Management Specifications � ETSI TISPAN WG8 Q7/4, Q8/4 2005-06-02
[ 110-GEN ]
LS - Management Specification Harmonization � ETSI TISPAN WG8 Q10/4, Q8/4, Q9/4 2005-05-31
[ 108-GEN ]
LS - Coordination on Management aspects of Accounting, Charging and Billing in NGN � ITU-T SG13 Q10/4, Q8/4 2005-05-18
[ 106-GEN ]
LS - Project Co-ordination and Release Planning for NGN � ITU-T SG13 Q8/4 2005-05-18
[ 105-GEN ]
Response to SG 4 on the liaison Project Co-ordination and Release Planning for NGN � ITU-T SG13 Q8/4 2005-05-18
[ 82-GEN ]
LS -New versions of Y.NGN.FRA and TR.CMIP � FGNGN Q8/4 2005-04-04
[ 79-GEN ]
LS - Revised New Rec. E.QoSParam � ITU-T SG2 Q8/4, Q7/4, Q3/4 2005-04-05
[ 76-GEN ]
Meeting Report (electronic, 8 September 2005) - Part II: Draft New Recommendation M.3060/Y.NGN-Management, "Principles for the Management of Next Generation Networks", version 0.7 � Editor Rec. M.3060 Q8/4 2005-09-20
[ 75-GEN ]
Meeting Report (electronic, 8 September 2005) � Rapporteur Q8/4 Q8/4 2005-09-20
[ 74-GEN ]
Meeting Report (electronic, 9-11 August 2005) � Rapporteur Q8/4 Q8/4 2005-09-16
[ 73-GEN ]
Meeting Report (Montreal, Canada, 29 July 2005) � Rapporteur Q8/4 Q8/4 2005-09-16
[ 72-GEN ]
Meeting Report (electronic, 21-24 June 2005) � Rapporteur Q8/4 Q8/4 2005-09-16
[ 71-GEN ]
Meeting Report (electronic, 27-29 April 2005) � Rapporteur Q8/4 Q8/4 2005-09-16
Resultados :32 documentos
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