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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG02 : Reuni�n�2008-05-06�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG02� C�(2008-05-06)�


Servicio y evaluaci�n de redes e ingenier�a de tr�fico

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2008-05-06 al 2008-05-15

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-11-17� 2009-03-24� 2008-09-232007-10-302007-08-272007-01-302006-05-032005-12-062005-02-16

Resultados :31 documentos
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q1/2�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 110 ]
On insertion of a clause for technology neutral management in E.190 � Egypt (Arab Republic of) Q1/2 2008-04-28
[ 109 ]
Allocation and management of IP addresses � United States of America Q1/2 2008-04-28
[ 108 ]
Cell broadcast message identifiers � United States of America Q1/2 2008-04-28
[ 107 ]
Overview on the Egyptian Mobile Number Portability Regulations and Experience � Egypt (Arab Republic of) Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 106 ]
Issues related to Resolution 49 on ENUM � Egypt (Arab Republic of) Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 105 ]
Comments on revised recommendation E.164.1 � China Unicom Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 104 ]
Interconnection and inter-working requirement for other global services and multi use networks � China Unicom Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 103 ]
Comments on draft revision to ITU-T Recommendation E.164.1 � China Telecom Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 102 ]
Comments on draft revision to ITU-T Recommendation E.164.1 � China Telecom Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 101 ]
Comments for definition of multi use networks in draft recommendation E.164.1 � China Mobile , China Unicom Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 100 ]
Change request to draft recommendation E.164.1 � China Mobile , China Unicom Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 99 ]
Proposed revision for draft recommendation E.164.1 � China Mobile , China Netcom Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 98 ]
Editorial comments on draft recommendation E.164.1 � China Mobile Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 97 ]
Proposal for draft recommendation E.164.1 � China Mobile Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 96 ]
Editorial comments on draft revised Recommendation E.212 � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 94 ]
Draft Recommendation for Message Identifiers on Cell Broadcasting � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 92 ]
The impact of Answer No Reply on Calling Party delivery Number � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 91 ]
Proposals to progress e.ihlr and children's helplines � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 90 ]
Service Provider Identifiers (SPIDs) � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2008-04-25
[ 89 ]
Final SNAC progress report April 2005 � Inmarsat Global Ltd Q1/2 2008-04-24
[ 88 ]
Numbering principles and characteristics � AT&T Q1/2 2008-04-24
[ 86 ]
Proposed Revisions to Annex F of E.212 � Telcordia Q1/2 2008-04-22
[ 85 ]
Reply by Voxbone to article published on the web � Voxbone Q1/2 2008-04-22
[ 84 ]
Request for permanent assignment of E.164 country code and identification code to Voxbone and assignment of shared E.212 Mobile Country Code (MCC) and respective Mobile Network Code (MNC) to Voxbone � Voxbone Q1/2 2008-04-22
[ 83 ]
Proposed draft Recommendation on numbers for child helpline � Child Helpline International Q1/2 2008-04-21
[ 82 ]
Comments on Harmonization � ETECSA Q1/2 2008-04-17
[ 81 ]
Editorial comments on revised Recommendation E.212 � Sweden Q1/2 2008-04-01
[ 80 ]
Contribution to progress work on items related to CHI � ETNO Q1/2 2008-03-26
[ 79 ]
Summary on ETNS Questionnaire � European Radiocommunications Office (ERO) Q1/2 2008-03-26
[ 78 ]
VoipGATE usage of ETNS numbers � Working Group Numbering, Naming & Addressing, CEPT Q1/2 2008-03-26
[ 77 ]
Proposed Rwanda Numbering Plan � Rwanda (Republic of) Q1/2 2007-11-19
Resultados :31 documentos
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