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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG02 : Reuni�n�2005-02-16�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG02� TD-WP1�(2005-02-16)�


Aspectos de explotaci�n de la prestaci�n de servicios, redes y calidad de funcionamiento

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2005-02-16 al 2005-02-24

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2009-11-17� 2009-03-242008-09-232008-05-062007-10-302007-08-272007-01-302006-05-032005-12-06� [ 2005-02-16 ]�

Resultados :22 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(WP1) �[�Origen:�TSB�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 35-WP1 ]
Tanzania National Destination Codes (NDC) and subscriber number length changes for mobile cellular services � TSB Q1/2 2005-02-16
[ 34-WP1 ]
Interim ENUM procedures � TSB Q1/2 2005-02-14
[ 32-WP1 ]
Evaluation of a new gTLD exclusively for Global ENUM implementation � TSB (Originally, Editor) Q1/2 2005-02-03
[ 31-WP1 ]
Progress report for Q.1/2, SG2 meeting, Geneva, 7-16 May 2002 � TSB (Originally Rapporteur for Q.1/2) Q1/2 2005-02-03
[ 29-WP1 ]
LS - ICANN comments to ITU-T COM 2-LS 112-E - Questions concerning draft Recommendation E.int �
Public access
TSB (on behalf of ICANN) Q1/2 2005-01-31
[ 27-WP1 ]
LS - RFC 3953 on Telephone Number mapping (ENUM) Service Registration for Presence Services � TSB Q1/2 2005-01-27
[ 26-WP1 ]
Universal International Numbers (Period May - December 2004) � TSB Q1/2 2005-01-17
[ 24-WP1 ]
New E.164 country code for American Samoa � TSB Q1/2 2004-12-09
[ 22-WP1 ]
Applications to ICANN for Telephony-Related TLDs � TSB Q1/2 2004-12-06
[ 13-WP1 ]
Proposed Draft Recommendation E.TDR � TSB (originally Rapporteur for former Q.3/2) Q1/2 2004-11-15
[ 12-WP1 ]
Proposed draft Recommendation E.ETS � TSB (originally Rapporteur for former Q.3/2) Q1/2 2004-11-15
[ 11-WP1 ]
Recommendation E.DEF on Internet Definitions � TSB Q1/2 2004-11-15
[ 10-WP1 ]
Recommendation E.INRA.IP - Interworking of routing addresses and IP-names/addresses � TSB (originally Corresp Group for Rec. E.INRA.IP) Q1/2 2004-11-15
[ 9-WP1 ]
Recommendation E.353.1 - Criteria and procedures for the allocation of International Routing Addresses (INRAs) and Serving Service Provider Identitites (SSPIs) to telecom providers � TSB (originally E.353.1 Correspondence Group) Q1/2 2004-11-15
[ 8-WP1 ]
Progress report (E.misuse) � TSB (originally, Chair, A-h G on Numbering Misuse) Q1/2 2004-11-15
[ 7-WP1 ]
Report of Editor's meeting and revised text for draft Recommendation E.int �
Public access
TSB (originally Editor, E.int) Q1/2 2004-11-15
[ 6-WP1 ]
Draft new Rec E.A-N/GoC - Principles & procedures for the registration of E.164 Country Codes and their associated Identification Codes (ICs) for Networks and Group Identification Codes (GICs) for Groups of Countries into the Domain Name System - draft #4 � TSB (originally Editor, draft new Rec E.A.-N/GoC) Q1/2 2004-11-15
[ 5-WP1 ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation E.A-ENUM, draft #8 - Version 01 �
Revision 2 contains version 02
TSB (originally Associate Rapporteur) 1/2 2004-11-15
[ 4-WP1 ]
Procedures for the assignment of an additional MCC to a country and principles for the assignment and use of MNCs � TSB (originally Rapporteur for Question 1/2) Q1/2 2004-11-15
[ 3-WP1 ]
Revised version of E.164 Supplement 2: Number portability � TSB (originally Editor of Number Portability Supp) 1/2 2004-11-15
[ 2-WP1 ]
Progress report � TSB (orig. Convenor, A-h G dissemin Global Numberi 1/2 2004-11-15
[ 1-WP1 ]
Use of Recommendation E.118 for GSM SIM cards � TSB (originally United States of America) Q1/2 2004-11-15
Resultados :22 documentos
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Contacto p�blico :� TSB EDH
Actualizado el :�2025-2-4