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P�gina principal : UIT-T : TSAG : Reuni�n�2004-07-12�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�TSAG� TD-GEN�(2004-07-12)�


Grupo Asesor para la Normalizaci�n de las Telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2001

Reuni�n� del 2004-07-12 al 2004-07-16

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : [ 2004-07-12 ]� 2003-11-102003-02-242002-06-172001-11-26� 2001-03-19�

Resultados :43 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�Origen:�TSB�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 456 ]
FINAL List of Documents of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group meeting (TSAG) - (Geneva, 12-16 July 2004) � TSB 2004-07-16
[ 453 ]
Final List of Participants � TSB 2004-07-16
[ 447 ]
Council Working Group request for information on improvements in ITU-T working methods and procedures � TSB 2004-07-15
[ 445 ]
Language utilization in ITU-T in the context of Resolution 115 (Marrakesh, 2002) � TSB / General Secretariat 2004-07-14
[ 433 ]
2001-2004 Statistics on participation in ITU-T Workshops � TSB 2004-07-14
[ 425 ]
Implementation of Result-based budgeting � TSB 2004-07-12
[ 423 ]
Information and Statistics requested by TSAG in Report R 34 � TSB 2004-07-12
[ 417 ]
Report of ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting on countering Spam, (Geneva, 7-9 July 2004) � TSB 2004-07-12
[ 416 ]
INITIAL list of documents of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group meeting (TSAG) - (Geneva, 12-16 July 2004) � TSB 2004-07-11
[ 415 ]
Granting the right to use texts between ITU-T and SDOs � TSB 2004-07-10
[ 414 ]
Objectives of a [Technology Watch and Spawning Group] � TSB 2004-07-10
[ 411 ]
Mapping of Recommendations in force to Study Questions � TSB 2004-07-10
[ 410 ]
Notes for TSAG discussions on languages issues. (Council Res. 1223 on the use of the six official and working languages of the Union) � TSB 2004-07-09
[ 403 ]
Membership Statistics (Sector Members as Observers, Council 2004, Decision 519) � TSB 2004-07-09
[ 402 ]
Provisional schedule of ITU-T meetings for end 2004 and 2005 � TSB 2004-07-09
[ 401 ]
Report of the ITU-T Chairmen's meeting (Geneva, 6-8 July 2004) � TSB 2004-07-09
[ 400 ]
The Chairmen's view on ITU-T Study Group Restructuring � TSB 2004-07-09
[ 397 ]
Council Decision 519 on Admission on a provisional basis of Observers representing Sector Members to Council 2005 � TSB 2004-07-07
[ 396 ]
Guide for Developing Countries - Status Report � TSB 2004-07-07
[ 395 ]
Report on ITU-T Workshops since TSAG, November 2003 � TSB 2004-07-07
[ 390 ]
Focus Group on Next Generation Networks (FGNGN) � TSB 2004-07-06
[ 389 ]
The African Regional Consultation meeting on ITU Standardization work (23-25 June, 2004, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe) � TSB 2004-07-06
[ 383 ]
Statistics on ITU-T membership, document and meeting data, texts approved, AAP texts pending � TSB 2004-07-05
[ 380 ]
Information on the OCAF Focus Group � TSB 2004-07-02
[ 379 ]
Report of the TSBEDH/WEB development Section � TSB 2004-07-01
[ 377 ]
Summary of proposed Questions from all ITU-T Study Groups � TSB 2004-07-02
[ 376 ]
SG 6 -Questions proposed for study during the next Study Period 2005-2008 � TSB 2004-06-29
[ 375 ]
SG 6 -Draft new mandate (Res.2) proposed for study during the next Study Period 2005-2008 � TSB 2004-06-29
[ 374 ]
Council Resolution 1223 on the use of the six official and working languages of the Union � TSB 2004-06-25
[ 373 ]
Council Resolution 1222 on ITU activities relevant to WSIS � TSB 2004-06-25
[ 370 ]
ITU-T Promotion activities since TSAG, 10-14 November 2003 � TSB 2004-06-21
[ 369 ]
SG 3 - Questions proposed for study during the next Study Period 2005-2008 � TSB 2004-06-17
[ 368 ]
Summary report on the 8-9 December 2003 CTO Meeting � TSB 2004-06-22
[ 367 ]
Implementation of Recommendations A.4, A.5 and A.6 � TSB 2004-06-17
[ 365 ]
Status report on ITU formal language databases � TSB 2004-06-10
[ 364 ]
SG 2 - Questions proposed for study during the next Study Period 2005-2008 � TSB 2004-06-03
[ 363 ]
Draft Agenda and Document Allocation of the TSAG meeting (12-16 July 2004) � TSB 2004-06-03
[ 362 ]
Draft Work Plan for the meeting of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (Geneva, 12-16 July 2004) � TSB 2004-06-03
[ 361 ]
Draft Agenda for the meeting of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) (Geneva, 12-16 July 2004) � TSB 2004-06-03
[ 356 ]
Report on GSC-9 (Global Standards Collaboration) meeting in Seoul, Korea, 9-13 May 2004 � TSB 2004-05-31
[ 337 ]
ITU-T Operational Plan for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 - Linkage between Strategic, Financial and Operational Planning (Resolution 72; Marrakesh, 2002) � TSB 2004-04-05
[ 336 ]
Follow-up on Resolutions 101,102 and 133 � TSB 2004-03-30
[ 330 ]
Report of the 3rd meeting of the World Standards Cooperation (WSC) - (Geneva, 29 January 2004) � TSB 2004-03-23
Resultados :43 documentos
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