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P�gina principal : UIT-T : TSAG : Reuni�n�2004-07-12�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�TSAG� TD-GEN�(2004-07-12)�


Grupo Asesor para la Normalizaci�n de las Telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2001

Reuni�n� del 2004-07-12 al 2004-07-16

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : [ 2004-07-12 ]� 2003-11-102003-02-242002-06-172001-11-26� 2001-03-19�

Resultados :34 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�Origen:�TSAG�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 455 ]
Draft Report of Working Party 2/TSAG (Work Programme) � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-16
[ 452 ]
Proposed working methods for cooperation between co-located SGs � Chairman, WP2/TSAG 2004-07-15
[ 451 ]
Roadmap for TSAG Plenary, 15-16 July 2004 � TSAG Chairman 2004-07-15
[ 450 ]
Draft revised text for Resolution 2 "Study Group responsibility and mandates" - Part II � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-15
[ 449 ]
Draft revised text for Resolution 2 "Study Group responsibility and mandates" - Part I � Chairman WP2/TSAG 2004-07-15
[ 444 ]
Draft liaison statement to IETF and ITU-T Study Groups: Countering SPAM � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-14
[ 442 ]
Draft revised new WTSA Resolution: Action Plan to Bridge the Standardization Gap between developing and developed countries � Chairman, WP4/TSAG (Strategy) 2004-07-14
[ 441 ]
Summary of agreements, majority views, open points on Restructuring �
[Note: TD 441Rev.1 has been withdrawn]
Chairman WP2/TSAG 2004-07-14
[ 440 ]
TSAG report to WTSA-2004 in respect of Resolution 22 � TSAG Chairman 2004-07-14
[ 438 ]
Draft revised Resolution 1 � Chairman, Working Party 1/TSAG 2004-07-14
[ 437 ]
Draft revised Recommendation A.8 � Chairman, Working Party 1/TSAG 2004-07-14
[ 435 ]
DRAFT Report of Meeting of Working Party 1/TSAG (Working Methods) -Part 1 � Chairman, Working Party 1/TSAG 2004-07-14
[ 432 ]
Q.A/2: Agreed version � Chairman Working Party 2/TSAG 2004-07-13
[ 429 ]
Draft revised Recommendation A.1 � WP 1/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-12
[ 428 ]
Draft revised WTSA Resolution 17 � Chairman, Working Party 4/TSAG (Strategy) 2004-07-12
[ 427 ]
Draft liaison statement to ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 regarding ITU-T Guide for Developing Countries � Chairman, Working Party 4/TSAG (Strategy) 2004-07-12
[ 426 ]
Draft Working Party 4 Report � Chairman, Working Party 4/TSAG (Strategy) 2004-07-12
[ 424 ]
Report of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group to WTSA-2004 - Part I: General � TSAG Leadership Team 2004-07-12
[ 420 ]
Draft Agenda and Document List of Working Party 4/TSAG � Chairman, Working Party 4/TSAG (Strategy) 2004-07-12
[ 418 ]
Draft Agenda and Document Allocation for the Working Party3/TSAG Meeting (Geneva, 13-14 July 2004) � Chairman, Working Party 3/TSAG 2004-07-12
[ 413 ]
A table comparing the recent Delayed Contributions proposing ITU-T Structures and WP2/Chairman's proposal in TD/385 � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-10
[ 412 ]
Operational Issue - AAP Intervals � TSAG Chairman 2004-07-10
[ 408 ]
Draft agenda and document allocation of the meeting of WP2/TSAG - 12 to 15 July 2004 � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-09
[ 407 ]
Draft text for revision of WTSA Resolution 2 and skeleton of a related new A-series Recommendation � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-09
[ 406 ]
WTSA Resolutions 2, 29 and 41 � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-09
[ 404 ]
Restoring Section 3 (Definitions) of former Recommendation A.3 to Recommendation A.1 � TSAG Chairman 2004-07-09
[ 398 ]
Draft Agenda for the meeting of Working Party 1/TSAG (Working Methods) - Monday, 12th July 2004 (a.m.) � WP1/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-08
[ 394 ]
Editorial Revisions to Recommendation A.8 � WP1/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-07
[ 385 ]
WP2/TSAG Chairman's proposal for ITU-T SG Restructuring � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-05
[ 384 ]
Proposal to revise the WTSA Resolution 32 � WP3/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-05
[ 382 ]
Report of the work of the ITU-T SG Restructuring Group since last TSAG meeting (November 2003) and conclusions � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2004-07-05
[ 381 ]
Proposal for draft Resolution for WTSA-04 � Chairman of Working Party 4/TSAG 2004-07-02
[ 378 ]
Convenor's Report to TSAG on the activities of the Correspondence Group on the User Guide for ITU-T Study Groups � Convenor, TSAG Correspondence Group on ITU-T User Guide 2004-07-01
[ 340 ]
Meeting Report of the TSAG ITU-T SG Restructuring Group (Ottawa, 5-7 April 2004) � Chairman, WP2/TSAG 2004-04-19
Resultados :34 documentos
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