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P�gina principal : UIT-T : TSAG : Reuni�n�2003-02-24�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�TSAG� TD-GEN�(2003-02-24)�


Grupo Asesor para la Normalizaci�n de las Telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2001

Reuni�n� del 2003-02-24 al 2003-02-28

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2004-07-122003-11-10� [ 2003-02-24 ]� 2002-06-172001-11-26� 2001-03-19�

Resultados :98 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 205 ]
FINAL list of documents of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group meeting (TSAG) - (Geneva, 24-28 February 2003) � TSB 2003-02-28
[ 204 ]
Report of Working Party 3/TSAG (EDH, Promotion and Publication Policy) - (Geneva, 24-27 February 2003) � Chairman, Working Party 3/TSAG 2003-02-28
[ 203 ]
Report of the Finance ad hoc group � Chairman, Finance ad hoc group (E. Lieser) 2003-02-28
[ 202 ]
Roadmap for TSAG Plenary, 28 February 2003 � TSAG Chairman 2003-02-28
[ 201 ]
Draft Report of the meeting of Working Party 2/TSAG (Work Programme), Geneva, 25-27 February 2003 � Chairman, WP2/TSAG 2003-02-27
[ 200 ]
FINAL list of participants - TSAG Meeting (24-28 February 2003) � TSB 2003-02-27
[ 199 ]
Draft Report of the TSB Director's Ad Hoc Group on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) � TSB 2003-02-27
[ 198 ]
Report of the meeting of Working Party 4/TSAG (Strategy), Geneva, 24-28 February 2003 � Chairman, WP 4/TSAG (Strategy) 2003-02-27
[ 197 ]
Draft schedule of ITU-T meetings - 2004 � TSB 2003-02-27
[ 196 ]
Schedule of ITU-T meetings - REV.1 � TSB 2003-02-27
[ 195 ]
Draft Report of Meeting of ad hoc group on Internet Domain Name and Address issues � Chairman, TSAG ad hoc group on Internet Domain Name and Address Issues 2003-02-27
[ 194 ]
Liaison on security from TSAG to all ITU-T Study Groups � Co-Chairman, Study Group 17 (H. Bertine) 2003-02-27
[ 193 ]
Proposed Terms of Reference for "ITU-T SG Restructuring" Group � Chairman, Working Party 2/TSAG (Work Programme) 2003-02-26
[ 192 ]
Article 7 of Financial Regulations: Preparation of the Biennial Budget � TSB 2003-02-26
[ 191 ]
Draft Report of Meeting of Working Party 1/TSAG (Work Methods) � Chairman, WP 1/TSAG 2003-02-26
[ 190 ]
SG 11 Revised Question 15/11 � SG 11 Chairman, (Y. Hiramatsu) 2003-02-26
[ 189 ]
List of ITU-T contributions relating to proposals for a new deliverable in the form of a Technical Specification � Ad Hoc Group of WP 1 on comments surrounding proposals for a new deliverable in the form of a Technical Specification 2003-02-26
[ 188 ]
How to use the words "shall" and "must" � Ad Hoc Drafting Group of WP 1/TSAG 2003-02-26
[ 187 ]
Report of the meeting of Cooperation and Coordination Group (Geneva, 25-26 February 2003) � Acting Chairman, Cooperation & Coordination Group 2003-02-25
[ 186 ]
Meeting agenda - RG2/WP3 - ITU-T Promotion � Rapporteur RG2/WP3/TSAG 2003-02-25
[ 185 ]
Draft Revised Recommendation A.9 � Chairman, WP 1/TSAG 2003-02-25
[ 184 ]
Cost reductions in the draft budget for 2004-2007 � TSB 2003-02-25
[ 183 ]
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Liaison Report � ISO/IEC JTC 1 Liaison Officer 2003-02-25
[ 182 ]
Draft Agenda of the Finance ad hoc group (Tuesday, 25 February 2003 (p.m.)) � Chairman, Finance ad hoc group (E. Lieser) 2003-02-24
[ 181 ]
Report of ITU-T Chairmen's meeting (Geneva, 20-21 February 2003) � TSB 2003-02-24
[ 180 ]
Draft definitions for Standardization Area and Domain � TSB 2003-02-24
[ 179 ]
Draft Agenda for the meeting of RG1/WP3 (EDH and ITU-T Publication) � Rapporteur, RG1/WP3 2003-02-24
[ 178 ]
+Corr.1 +Add.1
Progress Report on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief and Mitigation (TDR, formerly referred to as ETS) � Chairmen, ITU-T SG 2 and SG 16 2003-02-24
[ 177 ]
Draft Agenda for the meeting of Cooperation and Coordination Group (25 February 2003 (a.m.) and 26 February 2003 (p.m.) � Acting Chairman, Cooperation & Coordination Group 2003-02-24
[ 176 ]
Preliminary draft plan for SG 17 promotion in 2003 � Co-Chairmen, SG 17 (H. Bertine & Amardeo Sarma) 2003-02-24
[ 175 ]
Draft Agenda and Document List of Working Party 4/TSAG (Geneva, 24-28 February 2003) � Chairman, WP4/TSAG (Strategy) 2003-02-24
[ 174 ]
Statistics on ITU-T Sector Member categories, meeting attendance, study group output � TSB 2003-02-24
[ 173 ]
Draft Work Plan for the 4th meeting of WP3/TSAG (Geneva, 24-28 February 2003) � Chairman, WP3/TSAG 2003-02-24
[ 172 ]
Draft Agenda and Document Allocation of the 4th meeting of WP3/TSAG (Geneva, 24-28 February 2003) � Chairman, WP3/TSAG 2003-02-24
[ 171 ]
Report of World Standards Cooperation meeting (Geneva, 19 February 2003) � TSAG Chairman 2003-02-23
[ 170 ]
ITU-T Texts approved by Question in the Study Period 2001 - 2004 � TSB 2003-02-23
[ 169 ]
Statistics for Workshops /Seminars 2001 - 2002 � TSB 2003-02-23
[ 168 ]
ITU-T Study Group and Working Party meeting data for the 2001-2004 Study Period � TSB 2003-02-23
[ 167 ]
ITU-T TIES Users Download Statistics (Excluding FTP downloads, and public-non TIES restricted - documents) � TSB 2003-02-23
[ 166 ]
Draft agenda of the meeting of WP2/TSAG - 25, 26 and 27 February 2003 (mornings) � Chairman, WP2/TSAG (Work Programme) 2003-02-23
[ 165 ]
INITIAL list of documents of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group Meeting (TSAG) - Geneva, 24-28 February 2003) � TSB 2003-02-22
[ 164 ]
Business and Economic Benefits of Standardization � TSB 2003-02-22
[ 163 ]
Work areas and suggested principles to select appropriate SG-structure � ITU-T Study Group Chairmen 2003-02-22
[ 162 ]
Draft Agenda for the meeting of Working Party 1/TSAG (Working Methods) - Monday, 24th February 2003 (p.m.) � Chairman, WP 1/TSAG 2003-02-22
[ 161 ]
ITU-T Imperatives � ITU-T Study Group Chairmen 2003-02-22
[ 160 ]
Report of the TSBEDH/WEB development Section � TSB 2003-02-22
[ 159 ]
ITU-T Communication and promotion objectives 2003 � Communication and Promotion 2003-02-22
[ 158 ]
ITU-T promotion activities since January 2002 � Communication and Promotion 2003-02-22
[ 157 ]
ITU Plenipot Resolutions indicating advice by TSAG � TSAG Chairman 2003-02-21
[ 156 ]
Reply to the request to input for an ITU-T promotional action � SSG Chairman 2003-02-21
Resultados :98 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
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