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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SSG : Reuni�n�2004-04-19�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SSG� TD-GEN�(2004-04-19)�


IMT-2000 y sistemas posteriores

Periodo de estudios 2001

Reuni�n� del 2004-04-19 al 2004-04-23

Lugar : Rusia [Moscow]

Otras reuniones : 2004-10-01� [ 2004-04-19 ]� 2003-11-172003-06-022002-11-042002-05-21� 2002-02-20� 2001-08-30� 2001-05-07� 2000-12-11�

Resultados :33 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�Origen:�Rapporteur�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 92-GEN ]
Joint Q.1/SSG, Q.2/SSG, and Q.7/SSG Meeting Report � Q.2 Rapporteur Q7/SSG, Q2/SSG, Q1/SSG 2004-04-27
[ 90-GEN ]
Meeting Report - Q.5/SSG � Q.5/SSG Rapporteur Q5/SSG 2004-04-27
[ 84-GEN ]
Q.2/SSG Meeting Report � Q.2 Rapporteur Q2/SSG 2004-04-27
[ 83-GEN ]
Draft Report on Question 1/SSG Meeting in Moscow (19 - 23 April 2004) � SSG Vice Chair substituting for Q.1/SSG Rapporteur Q1/SSG 2004-04-27
[ 80-GEN ]
Material for the new chapter on harmonization � Rapporteur, Q.5/SSG Q5/SSG 2004-04-27
[ 78-GEN ]
Request for new information for draft Recommendation Q.1741.4 (referencing of 3GPP Release 6) � Q.3/SSG Rapporteur Q3/SSG 2004-04-27
[ 76-GEN ]
Q.3/SSG meeting report � Rapporteur, Q.3/SSG Q3/SSG 2004-04-27
[ 75-GEN ]
Draft new ITU-T Recommendation Q. SNFB � SSG Vice Chair substituting for Q.1/SSG Rapporteur Q1/SSG 2004-04-27
[ 73-GEN ]
Draft Q.7/SSG Meeting Report � Interim Q.7/SSG Rapporteur Q7/SSG 2004-04-27
[ 72-GEN ]
ETSI TC LI Liaison on Lawful Interception (LI) work � Q.7/SSG interim Rapporteur Q7/SSG 2004-04-26
[ 71-GEN ]
ITU-T Rec. Q.1761 "Principles and Requirements for Convergence of Fixed and Existing IMT-2000 Systems" � Q.7/SSG interim Rapporteur Q7/SSG 2004-04-26
[ 70-GEN ]
Update of the Work Plan related to satellite issues of ITU-T Study Groups to include Mobile Network Communications � Q.7/SSG interim Rapporteur Q7/SSG 2004-04-26
[ 68-GEN ]
Considerations in selecting form of deliverable � Rapporteur for Q.2/SSG Q2/SSG 2004-04-26
[ 67-GEN ]
Draft Agenda � Interim Q.7/SSG Rapporteur Q7/SSG 2004-04-26
[ 64-GEN ]
Proposed Agenda for joint Q.1/SSG, Q.2/SSG, Q.7/SSG meeting � Rapporteurs, Q.1/SSG, Q.2/SSG, Q.7/SSG Q7/SSG, Q2/SSG, Q1/SSG 2004-04-26
[ 63-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation Q.SNFB, version 4.0 (marked up version) � SSG Vice Chair substituting for Q.1/SSG Rapporteur Q1/SSG 2004-04-26
[ 62-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation Q.SNFB, version 4.0 (clean version) � SSG Vice Chair substituting for Q.1/SSG Rapporteur Q1/SSG 2004-04-26
[ 59-GEN ]
Agenda for Q.3/SSG meeting � Rapporteur, Q.3/SSG Q3/SSG 2004-04-16
[ 58-GEN ]
Proposed draft agenda for Question 1/SSG meeting in Moscow(19-23 April 2004) � SSG Vice Chair substituting for Q.1/SSG Rapporteur Q1/SSG 2004-04-16
[ 57-GEN ]
Report on Question 1/SSG Activities since last November 2003 SSG meeting in Geneva � Q.1/SSG Rapporteur Q1/SSG 2004-04-15
[ 54-GEN ]
Initial text for Q.1741.4 � Rapporteur, Q.3/SSG Q3/SSG 2004-04-14
[ 45-GEN ]
Proposed draft agenda for Q.5/SSG meeting � Rapporteur for Q.5/SSG Q5/SSG 2004-03-31
[ 37-GEN ]
Report of the Rapporteur's group meeting on question 18/2, Geneva, 26-29 January 2004 � Rapporteur for ITU-D question 18/2 Q5/SSG 2004-03-26
[ 36-GEN ]
Q.2/SSG Output Document of Q.MMF (version 0.3, clean) � Rapporteur, Q.2/SSG Q2/SSG 2004-03-26
[ 35-GEN ]
Q.2/SSG Output Document of Q.MMF (version 0.3, marked up) � Rapporteur, Q.2/SSG Q2/SSG 2004-03-26
[ 34-GEN ]
Q.2/SSG Output Document of Q.TRMMR (version 0.8, clean) � Rapporteur, Q.2/SSG Q2/SSG 2004-03-26
[ 33-GEN ]
Q.2/SSG Output Document of Q.TRMMR (version 0.8, marked up) � Rapporteur, Q.2/SSG Q2/SSG 2004-03-26
[ 32-GEN ]
Q.2/SSG Rapporteur on proposed draft text for continuation of Q.2/SSG in next Study Period � Q.2/SSG Rapporteur QALL/SSG 2004-03-26
[ 30-GEN ]
Proposed Agenda for Q.2/SSG � Rapporteur, Q.2/SSG Q2/SSG 2004-03-25
[ 20-GEN ]
Liaison response on Strategy for migration of mobile networks to IMT-2000 and beyond � Rapporteur Q.6/2 Q5/SSG 2004-03-08
[ 18-GEN ]
Draft "Guidelines on the smooth transition of existing mobile networks to IMT-2000 for developing countries" � ITU-D, Rapporteur for question 18/2 Q5/SSG 2004-03-08
[ 13-GEN ]
Liaison statement to ITU-T SSG � ITU-D Rapporteur Group for Question 18/2 QALL/SSG 2004-02-13
[ 12-GEN ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R WP 8F, WP 8A, WP 8D and ITU-T SSG � ITU-D Rapporteur's Group for Question 18/2 Q5/SSG 2004-02-13
Resultados :33 documentos
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