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UIT-T�SG17� C�


Redes de datos y soporte l�gico de telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2001

Resultados :7 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�Q.12/17 Rapporteur�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 68 ]
Draft revised Recommendation X.671, Procedures for a Registration Authority operating on behalf of countries to register organization names subordinate to country names (part of 6N12496) � Q.12/17 Rapporteur Q12/17 2003-07-21
[ 67 ]
Draft revised Recommendation X.670, Procedures for registration agents operating on behalf of organizations to register organization names subordinate to country names (part of 6N12496) � Q.12/17 Rapporteur Q12/17 2003-07-21
[ 66 ]
Draft revised Recommendation X.669, Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities: Registration procedures for the itu-t subordinate arcs (part of 6N12496) � Q.12/17 Rapporteur Q12/17 2003-07-21
[ 65 ]
Draft revised Recommendation X.666, Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities: Assignment of international names for use in specific context (part of 6N12496) � Q.12/17 Rapporteur Q12/17 2003-07-21
[ 64 ]
Draft revised Recommendation X.665, Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities: Application processes and application entities (part of 6N12496) � Q.12/17 Rapporteur Q12/17 2003-07-21
[ 63 ]
Draft revised Recommendation X.662, Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities: Registration of values of RH-name-tree components for joint ISO and ITU-T use (part of 6N12496) � Q.12/17 Rapporteur Q12/17 2003-07-21
[ 62 ]
Draft revised Recommendation X.660, Procedures for the operation of registration authorities for OSI and for ASN.1 Object Identifier components: General procedures (part of 6N12496) � Q.12/17 Rapporteur Q12/17 2003-07-21
Resultados :7 documentos
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