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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG11 : Reuni�n�2003-09-01�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG11� TD-WP2�(2003-09-01)�


Requisitos y protocolos de se�alizaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2001

Reuni�n� del 2003-09-01 al 2003-09-12

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2004-03-01� [ 2003-09-01 ]� 2002-11-11� 2002-02-18� 2001-07-02� 2001-05-14� 2001-03-21� 2000-11-27�

Resultados :33 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(WP2) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 33-WP2 ]
Draft Liaison generated in SWP 2-4/11 discussions � WP2/11 Chairman Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2003-09-10
[ 32-WP2 ]
LS - Draft Signalling Requirements to support IP telephony � Q7/11 Rapporteur (K. Kenyoshi) Q7/11 2003-09-09
[ 31-WP2 ]
Proposed Liaison Response to ITU-T SG2 (Q.6/2) on E.412 � WP2/11 Vice Chairman (D. Knight) Q9/11 2003-09-08
[ 30-WP2 ]
Technical Report TRQ.2000: Roadmap for the TRQ.2xxx-series technical reports � WP2/11 Vice Chairman (D. Knight) Q6/11, Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2003-09-08
[ 29-WP2 ]
Draft TRQ.2800 (editing output) � Editor (B. Pfeil) Q9/11 2003-09-08
[ 28-WP2 ]
Draft TRQ.NCAPX � Editor Q9/11 2003-09-08
[ 27-WP2 ]
Draft TRQ.2415 � Editor (L. Graf) Q9/11 2003-09-04
[ 26-WP2 ]
Draft TRQ.2402 � Editor (L. Graf) Q9/11 2003-09-04
[ 25-WP2 ]
Agenda of joint Qs 7, 8 & 9/11 (IP QoS) meeting (SWP 2-4) � Q7/11 Rapporteur (K. Kenyoshi) Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2003-09-02
[ 24-WP2 ]
Agenda of Q.7/11 (SWP2-2) � Rapporteur (K. Kenyoshi) Q7/11 2003-09-02
[ 23-WP2 ]
Q9/11 meeting agenda, document allocation and schedule � Rapporteur (L. Graf) Q9/11 2003-09-01
[ 22-WP2 ]
Draft Signalling Requirements to support IP telephony (INPUT) � Q7/11 Rapporteur (K. Kenyoshi) Q7/11 2003-09-01
[ 21-WP2 ]
WP 2/11 Work Programme (Input) � WP2/11 Vice-Chairman (D. Knight) Q6/11, Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2003-08-29
[ 20-WP2 ]
Agenda of Q.6/11 and joint Q.6/11 and Q.9/11 meeting � Q6/11 Rapporteur (K. Mainwaring) Q6/11, Q9/11 2003-08-29
[ 19-WP2 ]
Technical Report TRQ.NSIP Signalling Requirements for carrying narrowband service signalling information within IP-Based Signalling Systems to support interworking of services � Editor (T. Fu) Q6/11, Q9/11 2003-08-27
[ 18-WP2 ]
Draft TRQ.IPC.CS1 � Editor (L. Graf) Q9/11 2003-08-21
[ 17-WP2 ]
Draft TRQ.AAL2.CS3 � Editor (L. Graf) Q9/11 2003-08-21
[ 16-WP2 ]
Draft TRQ.AAL2IP.iw (Editor's input) � Editor (B. Pfeil) Q9/11 2003-08-18
[ 15-WP2 ]
Liaison Statement from ETSI/TIPHON � SG11 Chairman on behalf of ETSI/TIPHON Q7/11 2003-08-12
[ 14-WP2 ]
Liaison Statement - Reply to SG11 for comments and questions on Y.qosar � SG13 (GVA. 21 July - 1 Aug. 2003) Q16/13, Q8/11, Q9/11 2003-08-08
[ 13-WP2 ]
Liaison Statement - Information on the Scope of Y.1541 � SG13 (GVA. 21 July - 1 Aug. 2003) Q6/13, Q8/11, Q9/11 2003-08-08
[ 12-WP2 ]
BICC CS3 Overall Requirements (Editors Input) � Editor TRQ.BICC.CS3 (D. Knight) Q9/11 2003-08-11
[ 11-WP2 ]
TRQ.IPBCP.CS2: Requirements for Capability Set 2 of the IP Bearer Control Protocol (Editors Input) � Editor TRQ.IPBCP.CS2 (D. Knight) Q9/11 2003-08-11
[ 10-WP2 ]
Discussion Summary of QoS Matters in April 10, 2003 meeting � WP2/11 Chairmperson (G. Ratta) Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2003-08-07
[ 9-WP2 ]
Draft Technical Report TRQ.IPQoS.Sig.CS1 - Signalling Requirements for IP-QOS � Editor pro tem Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2003-08-07
[ 8-WP2 ]
Signalling Requirements for IP-QOS � WP2/11 Chairman (G. Ratta) Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2003-08-07
[ 7-WP2 ]
Discussion Summary of Joint Qs 6 & 9/11, Meeting on Arpil 7, 2003 � WP2/11 Chairman (G. Ratta) Q6/11, Q9/11 2003-08-07
[ 6-WP2 ]
Liaison Statement - Response to Progress of the discussion on generic end-to-end QoS service requirements � SG16 Rapprt. mtg. (11-14 Feb. 2003) Q8/11, Q9/11, QF/16 2003-03-03
[ 5-WP2 ]
Liaison Statement - Response on Signalling Requirements for IP-QOS � SG16 Rapprt. mtg (11-14 Feb. 2003) Q8/11, Q9/11, QF/16 2003-03-03
[ 4-WP2 ]
Liaison Statement from ETSI/TIPHON on requirements on IP Telephony � SG11 Chairman on behalf of ETSI Q6/11, Q7/11 2003-06-11
[ 3-WP2 ]
Liaison Statement - Optical Transport Netwroks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 3 � SG15 (GVA. 20-31 January 2003) Q9/11, QALL/15 2003-02-04
[ 2-WP2 ]
List of WP2/11 Series Tempoary Documents �
Rev. 1 - updated list 05.09.03
TSB QALL/11 2003-09-01
[ 1-WP2 ]
Agenda - WP2/11 Plenary Sessions � WP2/11 Chairperson (G. Ratta) Q6/11, Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2003-08-29
Resultados :33 documentos
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