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[7]� Contribution by the Scort Foundation - Child Online Protection in and through sports



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Documento :

UIT-SG�CLCWGCOP22� Documento de informaci�n� 7

T�tulo :

Contribution by the Scort Foundation - Child Online Protection in and through sports

Recibido en :


Origen :

Scort Foundation

Reuni�n :


Disponibilidad :

Documento p�blico

Abstracto :

Sport plays a significant role in raising awareness about child online protection. Through the implementation of sport-based activities and targeted advocacy initiatives, the Scort Foundation highlights the potential of sport to foster a secure environment both online and offline, addressing the risks children and youth face in the digital realm.
The partnership with the International Telecommunication Union led to several impactful initiatives, including an expert webinar held in December 2024 with a cohort of coaches training children in vulnerable communities in Ecuador. This initiative aimed to enhance their understanding and equip them with practical tools to create a safer digital environment for children. The contribution highlights this best practice as an example of effective collaboration in advancing child online protection.

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Actualizado el :�2025-01-30