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P�gina principal : Oficina del Secretario General : CWGFHR17 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


Council Working Group on Financial and Human Resources

Resultados :24 documentos
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 24 ]
Final report of the seventeenth meeting � Chair, CWG-FHR 2024-02-09
[ 23 ]
Contribution by the Russian Federation - Issues and questions for discussion related to the HQ's project � Russian Federation 2024-01-18
[ 22 ]
IMAC review of ITU Internal Oversight Unit Charter � SG 2024-01-19
[ 21 ]
Contribution from Ghana - Towards a resource mobilization strategy-trends and analysis � Ghana 2024-01-15
[ 20 ]
Multi-country contribution - Proposal of establishing guidelines for cooperation with third-party which may have substantial financial and/or strategic implications � China , Algeria , Cuba , South Africa 2024-01-12
[ 19 ]
Contribution from the Russian Federation - Premises of the new ITU headquarters building that cannot be subject to descoping and the requirements for them are deteriorated � Russian Federation , Armenia , Belarus , Kyrgyzstan 2024-01-12
[ 18 ]
Multi-country contribution - The proposal of an oversight charter � Russian Federation , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan , Uzbekistan 2024-01-12
[ 17 ]
Multi-country contribution - Draft decision "on the equal representation of regions in the independent management advisory committee (IMAC)" � Russian Federation , Armenia , Belarus , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan , Uzbekistan 2024-01-12
[ 16 ]
Multi-country contribution - Proposed amendments to the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules - Edition 2018 � Russian Federation , Armenia , Belarus , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan 2024-01-12
[ 15 ]
Multi-country contribution - Proposal for the revision of Council Resolution 925 "Financial conditions for the participation of the United Nations, the Specialized agencies and other international organizations in the conferences, assemblies and meetings of the ITU" � Russian Federation , Armenia , Belarus , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan , Uzbekistan 2024-01-12
[ 14 ]
Multi-country contribution - Sponsorship for ITU Headquarters building project � Saudi Arabia , Algeria , Bahrain , China , Egypt , Kuwait , Morocco , Russian Federation , South Africa , Tunisia , Uganda , United Arab Emirates 2024-01-11
[ 13 ]
Multi-country contribution - ITU Headquarters project � Saudi Arabia , Algeria , Bahrain , China , Egypt , Kuwait , Morocco , Russian Federation , South Africa , Tunisia , Uganda , United Arab Emirates 2024-01-11
[ 12 ]
Report by the Budget Control Committee of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) � SG 2024-01-15
[ 11 ]
MoUs/Agreements reported to Council � SG 2023-12-20
[ 10 ]
Proposed amendments to the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules - Edition 2018 � SG 2023-12-20
[ 9 ]
Revised Resolution 1338 � SG 2023-12-20
[ 8 ]
Status report on implementation of Council Decisions 600 and 601 (UIFN, IIN) � SG
[ 7 ]
Report on the implementation of the Resolution 217: ITU's business continuity management for the period 2023-2026 � SG 2023-12-20
[ 6 ]
Status update on transformation � SG 2023-12-20
[ 5 ]
Report on establishing a governance structure for cyber security, IT and data/information � SG 2023-12-20
[ 4 ]
Progress report on the Union's headquarters premises project � SG 2023-12-20
[ 3 ]
Towards a resource mobilization strategy - trends and analysis � SG 2023-12-20
[ 2 ]
2023 and 2024 budget implementation forecasts report on the implementation of efficiency measures for 2023 and 2024 � SG 2023-12-20
[ 1 ]
Draft agenda � Chair, CWG-FHR 2023-11-28
Resultados :24 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2024-02-28