Uni�n Internacional de Telecomunicaciones UIT
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P�gina principal : Oficina del Secretario General : CWGFHR17 : Distribuci�n Limitada�() : 1 Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
[1]� Proposal of an Oversight Charter



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2263172 octetos 2024-01-25 [1]�

Documento :

UIT-SG�CWGFHR17� Distribuci�n Limitada� 1

T�tulo :

Proposal of an Oversight Charter

Recibido en :


Origen :


Disponibilidad :

Restringido a usuarios de TIES�[UIT-SG]

Abstracto :

The Council at its 2023 session noted the Secretary-General's proposal to create an Oversight Unit and approved the creation of a Chief of Oversight position at D.1 level. In its deliberations, the Council invited the Secretary-General to submit a draft oversight charter and ToR of the evaluation function to CWG-FHR for approval by the Council in 2024.

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Actualizado el :�2024-01-25