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P�gina principal : Oficina del Secretario General : CLCWGCOP19 : Documentos de informaci�n� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


Council Working Group on Child Online Protection

Resultados :22 documentos
Documentos de informaci�n

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 22 ]
Contribution from India - Presentation of G20 Toolkit on Cyber Education and Cyber Awareness � India 2023-10-04
[ 21 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-D Study Group 2 Rapporteur Group Meetings � ITU-D Study Group 2 2023-10-10
[ 20 ]
Contribution from Malta Foundation for the Well-being of Society - Child online protection actions in Malta � Malta Foundation for the Well-being of Society 2023-10-06
[ 19 ]
Contribution from National Authority on Electronic Certification and Cybersecurity (NAECCS) of Albania - Implementation of the ITU Global Project on Child Online Protection in Albania � National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber Security Council of Ministers (Albania) 2023-10-06
[ 18 ]
Contribution by the Georgian National Communications Commission (ComCom) - COP � Georgian National Communications Commission 2023-10-06
[ 17 ]
Contribution from Office of Elecronic Communications - Child online protection - projects of UKE � Office of Electronic Communications (Poland) 2023-10-06
[ 16 ]
Contribution from Katalin Baracsi dr. LL.M lawyer - Child online safety in Hungary � COP expert 2023-10-02
[ 15 ]
United Arab Emirates (ECA) - Child Protection in Digital Environment � United Arab Emirates 2023-09-28
[ 14 ]
Human Trafficking Front - Program: Putting an End to the Online Sexual Exploitation of Children: Preventing Victimization and Strengthening Child Protection Systems � Human Trafficking Front 2023-09-28
[ 13 ]
ECPAT International - Revision of the Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from Sexual Abuse and Exploitation and Presentation on the process of Revision of the Terminology Guidelines for the Protection of Children from Sexual Abuse and Exploitation � ECPAT International 2023-09-28
[ 12 ]
End-violence.org - Safe online � End Violence.org 2023-09-27
[ 11 ]
Commission Nationale Informatique & Libert�s (CNIL) - Protecting children in the digital ecosystem: a priority for our data protection authorities � CNIL 2023-09-27
[ 10 ]
Tech Coalition - Presentation � Tech Coalition 2023-09-27
[ 9 ]
United Nations - Protection Through Online Participation (POP) � United Nations 2023-09-27
[ 8 ]
European Commission - Child safety in the EU � European Commission 2023-09-27
[ 7 ]
WeProtect Global Alliance - Working for a digital world designed to protect children from sexual exploitation & abuse � WeProtect Global Alliance 2023-09-27
[ 6 ]
Snap Inc. - Overview of Safety Features to Prevent and Detect CSEAI � Snap Inc. 2023-09-27
[ 5 ]
DQ Institute - The DQ Child Online Safety Index (COSI) � DQ Institute 2023-09-27
[ 4 ]
Pelastakaa Lapset - Save the Children � Pelastakaa Lapset 2023-09-27
[ 3 ]
Terre des Hommes - Safety for Children and their Rights Online � Terre des Hommes 2023-09-27
[ 2 ]
Report and presentation from Telecommunications Management Group - safeguarding children online: a service-specific view on risks and parental attitudes � TMG 2023-09-28
[ 1 ]
Presentation from Kindernothilfe - Stopping cybercrime against children: more safety and protection in the Internet � Kindernothilfe 2023-08-18
Resultados :22 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2023-10-10