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P�gina principal : Oficina del Secretario General : CWGFHR15 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


Council Working Group on Financial and Human Resources

Resultados :11 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�SG�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 13 ]
Regional presence review implementation � SG 2021-12-16
[ 12 ]
ITU compliance dashboard - Follow-up on the recommendations of the external auditor and IMAC � SG 2021-12-14
[ 11 ]
Preliminary amount of the contributory unit � SG 2021-12-10
[ 10 ]
First draft Financial Plan for 2024-2027 � SG 2021-12-10
[ 9 ]
Recruitment process - Reduction of the Advertisement Period � SG 2021-12-10
[ 8 ]
Advancement within grade for professional and higher categories � SG 2021-12-10
[ 7 ]
Personal status for the purpose of ITU entitlements � SG 2021-12-10
[ 5 ]
New ITU accountability model and framework � SG 2021-12-10
[ 4 ]
In-kind contribution guidelines � SG 2021-12-07
[ 3 ]
Summary of status of PwC recommendations on ITU forensic audit � SG 2021-12-07
[ 2 ]
JIU Reports on United Nations system-wide issues for 2020-2021 and recommendations to executive heads and legislative bodies � SG 2021-11-23
Resultados :11 documentos
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