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P�gina principal : Oficina del Secretario General : CLCWGCOP14 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


Council Working Group on Child Online Protection

Resultados :13 documentos

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 14 ]
Outcome of the fourteenth meeting of the Council Working Group on Child Online Protection � Chairman 2018-01-26
[ 13 ]
RErights / Consultation on Digital Literacy � RErights 2018-01-23
[ 11 ]
UNICEF - Going beyong Child online protection � UNICEF 2018-01-22
[ 10 ]
Actions by BDT � BDT 2018-01-22
[ 9 ]
Presentation by the United Arab Emirates - UAE's efforts towards Child Online Protection � UAE 2018-01-22
[ 8 ]
Contribution on the educational campaingn "I click sensibly" conducted by the President of the Office of Electornic Communications (UKE) � UKE, Poland 2018-01-17
[ 7 ]
Contribution by Egypt - Egypt's National Committee for Child online protection � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2018-01-17
[ 6 ]
Presentation by Internet Watch Foundation � Internet Watch Foundation 2018-01-16
[ 5 ]
Presentation by UK Safer Internet Center and SWGfK � UK safer Internet Center , SWGfK 2018-01-12
[ 4 ]
Contribution from Argentina - Update on the status of the #TodosSomos�nicos (We are all unique) Campaign � Argentina 2018-01-08
[ 3 ]
Contribution from the Russian Federation, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus and Kyrgyz Republic - Proposals on revision of Resolution 179 (Rev. Busan, 2014): ITU's role in child online protection � Russian Federation , Armenia (Republic of) , Azerbaijan (Republic of) , Belarus (Republic of) , Kyrgyz Republic 2017-12-28
[ 2 ]
Update on the ITU Child online protection (COP) initiative � Chairman 2017-12-18
[ 1 ]
Draft agenda � Chairman 2017-12-18
Resultados :13 documentos
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