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P�gina principal : Oficina del Secretario General : CL : Reuni�n�2016-05-25�: Distribuci�n Limitada� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-SG�CL� DL�(2016-05-25)�


Reuni�n de 2016 del Consejo

Reuni�n� del 2016-05-25 al 2016-06-02

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : [ 2016-05-25 ]�

Resultados :7 documentos
Distribuci�n Limitada��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 7 ]
Further analysis of INRs � SG 2016-05-31
[ 6 ]
Draft agenda of the third meeting of Steering Committee � SG 2016-05-30
[ 5 ]
Drafting output of the Ad hoc group on ITRs - Terms of Reference of the Expert Group on the International Telecommunication Regulations (EG-ITR) � Ad hoc group on ITRs 2016-05-27
[ 4 ]
Drafting Group on Resolution 1332 (WSIS) and SDGs - Compilation of the Proposals on Revision of Resolution 1332 (based on proposals by the Russian Federation [C16/87] and the USA [C16/84] � Ad hoc group on WSIS and SDGs 2016-05-27
[ 3 ]
Proposal by the Chairman of the Drafting Group on Resolution 1332 (WSIS) and SDGs - Working Draft Resolution 1332 (based on proposals by the Russian Federation [C16/87], the United States of America [C16/75, C16/ 84], and Council Document [C16/58]) � Drafting Group 2016-05-27
[ 2 ]
Draft agenda of the second meeting of Steering Committee � SG 2016-05-27
[ 1 ]
Draft agenda of the first meeting of Steering Committee � SG 2016-02-03
Resultados :7 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2016-05-31