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P�gina principal : Oficina del Secretario General : WTPF13IEG3 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


WTPF-13 Informal Experts Group

Resultados :50 documentos

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 50 ]
Report of the Chairman on the third meeting of the Informal Expert Group (IEG) � Chairman 2013-02-20
[ 49 ]
Draft opinion from Internet Systems Consortium on enabling the recognition of impacts on the Internet by information society initiatives � Internet Systems Consortium 2013-02-19
[ 48 ]
Comments from Canada on the fourth draft Report of the Secretary-General � Canada 2013-02-15
[ 47 ]
Proyecto de Opini�n 1: Promover las Centrales Internet (IXP), la soluci�n a largo plazo para potenciar la conectividad � N/A (no se aplica) � 2013-02-12
[ 46 ]
Proyecto de Opini�n 3: Apoyar la capacitaci�n para la implantaci�n de IPv6 � N/A (no se aplica) � 2013-02-12
[ 45 ]
Proyecto de Opini�n 4: En apoyo de la adopci�n de IPv6 y de la transici�n desde IPv4 � N/A (no se aplica) � 2013-02-12
[ 44 ]
Proyecto de Opini�n 6 sobre el apoyo a la puesta en pr�ctica del proceso de cooperaci�n mejorado � N/A (no se aplica) � 2013-02-12
[ 43 ]
Proyecto de Opini�n 2: Fomentar el entorno propicio para un mayor crecimiento y desarrollo de la conectividad de banda ancha � N/A (no se aplica) � 2013-02-12
[ 42 ]
Proyecto de Opini�n 5: Respaldar un enfoque multipartito en la gobernanza de Internet � N/A (no se aplica) � 2013-02-12
[ 41 ]
Report of the convener of the draft Opinion on Enhanced cooperation � Convener 2013-02-07
[ 40 ]
Report of the convener of the draft Opinion on Multistakeholder involvement � Convener 2013-02-07
[ 39 ]
Report of the convener of the draft Opinion on Role of governments in the multi-stakeholder framework � Convener 2013-02-07
[ 38 ]
Report of the convener of the draft Opinion on Enabling environment from Broadband development � Convener 2013-02-07
[ 37 ]
Report of the convener of the draft Opinion on IPv6 Adoption/deployment; transition from IPv4 � Convener 2013-02-07
[ 36 ]
Report of the convener of the draft Opinion on Promoting Internet Exchange Points (IXP's) (revised) � Convener 2013-02-07
[ 35 ]
Report of the convener of the draft Opinion on Supporting Capacity Building for the deployment of IPv6 � Convenor 2013-02-07
[ 34 ]
Report of the convener of the draft Opinion on Promoting Internet Exchange Points (IXP's) � Convenor 2013-02-07
[ 33 ]
Agenda with names of conveners, timings � Chair 2013-02-07
[ 32 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/39 - Comments from Poland on the fourth draft of the Secretary-General's report � Poland (Republic of) 2013-02-05
[ 31 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/38 - Contribution from ISOC - Opinion (XX) to foster an enabling environment for the greater growth of high-speed broadband connectivity � ISOC 2013-02-04
[ 30 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/37 - Comments from Internet Society on the Fourth Draft of the Secretary-General's report � ISOC 2013-02-04
[ 29 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/11 - Comments from Telecom Italia on the fourth draft of the Secretary-General's report � Telecom Italia 2013-02-04
[ 28 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/10 - Comments from URAXS on the fourth draft of the Secretary-General's report � URAXs 2013-02-04
[ 27 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/9 - Comments from the European Commission on the fourth draft of the Secretary-General's report � European Commission 2013-02-04
[ 26 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/36 - Contribution from Saudi Arabia - Report of the Chairman on the 2nd meeting of the IEG � Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) 2013-02-04
[ 25 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/33 - Contribution from the United States - Draft Opinion (USA-1) on support of participation in multistakeholder policy processes � United States of America 2013-02-04
[ 24 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/8 - Comments from the Czech Republic on the fourth draft of the Secretary-General's report � Czech Republic 2013-02-04
[ 23 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/7 - Comments from Cisco on the fourth draft of the Secretary-General's report � Cisco 2013-02-01
[ 22 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/12 - Comments from ICANN and NRO on the fourth draft of the Secretary-General's report � ICANN, NRO 2013-02-01
[ 21 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/35 - Contribution from the Russian Federation - Opinion (7): the role of Member States in the Internet Governance Multistakeholder model to facilitate its further development � Russian Federation 2013-02-01
[ 20 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/6 - Comments from the Russian Federation on the fourth draft of the Secretary-General's report � Russian Federation 2013-02-01
[ 19 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/5 - Comments from the United States on the fourth draft of the Secretary-General's report � United States of America 2013-02-01
[ 18 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/4 - Comments from Paypal on the fourth draft of the Secretary-General's report � Paypal 2013-02-01
[ 17 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/34 - Contribution from Paypal - Opinion X - Trust Frameworks and X.509 Certificates � Paypal 2013-02-01
[ 16 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/32 - Contribution from the United States - Draft Opinion (USA-3) on Development and Broadband � United States of America 2013-02-01
[ 15 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/31 - Contribution from the United States of America: Opinion (n+1) on Promoting Internet Exchange Points (IXP's) as a long term solution to advance connectivity � United States of America 2013-01-31
[ 14 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/30 - Contribution from the United States of America: Opinion (1) on Supporting full multi-stakeholderism in Internet Governance � United States of America 2013-01-31
[ 13 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/29 - Contribution from the United States of America: Opinion (3) on Supporting operationalizing the enhanced cooperation process � United States of America 2013-01-31
[ 12 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/28 - Contribution from the United States of America: Draft Opinion in support of Capacity building for the deployment of IPv6 and transition from IPv4 � United States of America 2013-01-31
[ 11 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/27 - Contribution from the Islamic Republic of Iran: Opinion (n+2) supporting the inclusivity of communications for all � Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2013-01-30
[ 10 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/26 - Contribution from the Islamic Republic of Iran: Opinion (n+1) Promoting Internet Exchange Points (IXP's) as a long term solution to advance connectivity � Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2013-01-30
[ 9 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/25 - Contribution from the Islamic Republic of Iran: Opinion (n) supporting capacity building for the deployment of IPv6 Rev. � Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2013-01-30
[ 8 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/24 - Contribution from the Islamic Republic of Iran: Opinion 3 on supporting operationalizing the enhanced cooperation process � Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2013-01-30
[ 7 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/23 - Contribution from the Islamic Republic of Iran - Opinion (2) in support of the adoption of IPv6 and of careful management of the transition from IPv4 � Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2013-01-30
[ 6 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/22 - Contribution from the Islamic Republic of Iran: Opinion (1) on supporting full multi-stakeholderism in Internet Governance � Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2013-01-30
[ 5 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/3 - Comments from the Administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the 4th draft of the Report of the Secretary-General � Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2013-01-30
[ 4 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/21 - Contribution from Brazil: Opinion (Y) in support of IPv6 deployment � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2013-01-30
[ 3 ]
Doucment WTPF-IEG/3/20 - Contribution from Brazil: Opinion (n+1) Promoting Internet Exchange Points (IXP's) as a long term solution to advance connectivity � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2013-01-30
[ 2 ]
Document WTPF-IEG/3/19 - Contribution from Brazil: Opinion (X) on the role of Government in the multistakeholder framework for Internet governance � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2013-01-30
[ 1 ]
Agenda of the 3rd meeting of IEG � SG 2013-01-30
Resultados :50 documentos
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