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P�gina principal : UIT-R : WRC23 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


World Radiocommunication Conference 2023

Resultados :40 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�Secretary-General�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 522 ]
Final List of Participants - World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23), Dubai, 20 November to 15 December 2023 � Secretary-General 2023-12-18
[ 521 ]
Additional Declarations and Reservations � Secretary-General 2023-12-14
[ 520 ]
Declarations and Reservations � Secretary-General 2023-12-14
[ 505 ]
Note by the Secretary-General: Resolution 12 (Rev. WRC-23) � Secretary-General 2023-12-13
[ 435 ]
Note by the Secretary-General: Final Days of the Conference � Secretary-General 2023-12-10
[ 389 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - Provisional financial implications of the Decisions of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) as at 8 December 2023 � Secretary-General 2023-12-08
[ 387 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - Financial statement of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) as at 8 December 2023 � Secretary-General 2023-12-08
[ 270 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - Financial statement of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) as at 27 November 2023 � Secretary-General 2023-11-28
[ 222 ]
Conference Structure � Secretary-General 2023-11-21
[ 221 ]
Schedule of WRC-23 � Secretary-General 2023-11-21
[ 220 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - Financial statement of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) as at 20 November 2023 � Secretary-General 2023-11-20
[ 217 ]
Note by the Secretary General - Report from ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, Dubai, 2023 to the World Radiocommunication Conference, Dubai, 2023 � Secretary-General 2023-11-22
[ 216 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - EBU Positions on the WRC-23 Agenda � Secretary-General 2023-11-02
[ 215 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - CRAF Objectives for the WRC-23 Agenda Items relevant to Radio Astronomy � Secretary-General 2023-10-30
[ 214 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - BIPM Position on Resolution 655 (WRC-15) � Secretary-General 2023-10-30
[ 212 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - European Aeronautical Common Position � Secretary-General 2023-10-29
[ 211 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - IALA Position on WRC-23 Agenda Item 10 � Secretary-General 2023-10-31
[ 210 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - SKAO Position on the WRC-23 Agenda � Secretary-General 2023-10-27
[ 208 ]
Secretariat of the Conference � Secretary-General 2023-11-13
[ 207 ]
List of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Conference � Secretary-General 2023-11-13
[ 206 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - Resolution 216 (Bucharest, 2022) � Secretary-General 2023-11-08
[ 204 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - Loss of the right to vote � Secretary-General 2023-11-06
[ 194 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - Agreed position of the Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications on the agenda items of the World Radiocommunications Conference 2023 of the International Telecommunication Union � Secretary-General 2023-10-30
[ 68 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - World Meteorological Organization - Space Weather Issue - Agenda item 10 � Secretary-General 2023-10-04
[ 67 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - World Meteorological Organization - Sea Surface Temperature Measurements - Agenda item 1.2 � Secretary-General 2023-10-04
[ 66 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - World Meteorological Organization - WMO position on the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) Agenda � Secretary-General 2023-10-04
[ 63 ]
Transfers of powers and delegation of voting rights � Secretary-General 2023-09-27
[ 57 ]
General Rules of Conferences and the Use of Audiovisual Aids � Secretary-General 2023-08-16
[ 56 ]
Participation of observers � Secretary-General 2023-08-16
[ 55 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - ICAO position for the Conference � Secretary-General 2023-07-27
[ 50 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - Report by the Radio Regulations Board to WRC-23 on Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-07) � Secretary-General 2023-07-10
[ 49 ]
Note by the Secretary-General - Report by the Radio Regulations board to WRC-23 on the application of Resolves 12 of Resolution 35 (WRC-19) � Secretary-General 2023-07-07
[ 45 ]
Note by the Secretary General - IMO Position for the Conference � Secretary-General 2023-06-29
[ 8 ]
Financial responsibilities of conferences � Secretary-General 2023-04-12
[ 7 ]
Contribution of organizations of an international character and Sector Members to the expenses of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) � Secretary-General 2023-04-12
[ 6 ]
Budget of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) � Secretary-General 2023-04-12
[ 5 ]
Agreement between the Government of the United Arab Emirates and the International Telecommunication Union relating to the holding, organization and financing of the Radiocommunication Assembly, the World Radiocommunication Conference and the Conference Preparatory Meeting � Secretary-General 2022-10-06
[ 3 ]
CPM Report to the 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference � Secretary-General 2022-10-06
[ 2 ]
Credentials of delegations to the World Radiocommunication Conference � Secretary-General 2023-07-28
[ 1 ]
Agenda, Place and Date of the Conference � Secretary-General 2022-10-06
Resultados :40 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2025-2-3