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UIT-R�R23-WP4B� C�


Sistemas, interfaces radioel�ctricas, objetivos de calidad de funcionamiento y de disponibilidad para el SFS, SRS y SMS, con inclusi�n de aplicaciones basadas en el IP y el periodismo electr�nico por sat�lite

Resultados :100 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 100 ]
Reply liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5D (copy to RAG, TSAG, TDAG, ITU-T SGs 17 AND 13 and ITU-R WP 4B) - Terms and definitions related to IMT-2020 (5G) technology � CCT 2024-12-20
[ 99 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 3/1 to ITU-T Study Groups, ITU-R Working Parties, APT ASTAP and ETSI - ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 3/1 - The use of telecommunications/ICTs for disaster risk reduction and management � ITU-D SG1 - Q3/1 2024-11-27
[ 98 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 4B (copy to Working Party 6B for information) - Revision of Recommendation BO/BT.1774-2 - Use of satellite and terrestrial broadcast infrastructures for public warning, disaster mitigation and relief � WP 6A 2024-11-18
[ 97 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A (copy to Working Parties 3M, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 7B, 7C and 7D) - WRC-27 agenda item 1.6 � WP 6A AI1.6 2024-11-18
[ 96 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 5C (copy to Working Parties 3J, 3M, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 7C and 7D) - WRC-27 agenda item 1.10 � WP 6A AI1.10 2024-11-18
[ 95 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4B, 4C, 5A and 7B - Handbook on satellite communications and technologies � WP 4A 2024-11-14
[ 94 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 5C (copy to Working Parties 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 7C and 7D for information) - Studies under WRC-27 agenda item 1.10 � WP 4C AI1.10 2024-11-12
[ 93 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 1C, 4B, 4C and 5A - Draft table of contents (ToC) of Handbook on best practices for the sustainable use of frequencies and associated non-GSO orbits by space radiocommunication services � WP 4A 2024-11-07
[ 92 ]
Report on the fifty-fifth meeting of Working Party 4B (Geneva, 16 - 22 October 2024) � Chair, WP 4B 2024-10-22
[ 91 ]
Final list of participants Working Party 4B (Geneva, 16 - 22 October 2024) � Director, BR 2024-10-22
[ 90 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 7B (copy to Working Parties 3L, 3M, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 7C and 7D) - WRC-27 agenda item 1.11 � WP 4C AI1.11 2024-10-22
[ 89 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Parties 3L, 3M, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 7B, 7C and 7D (copy to Working Party 5D) - WRC-27 agenda item 1.13 � WP 4C AI1.13 2024-10-22
[ 88 ]
Draft reply liaison statement to Working Party 4B - Relevant technical information to support studies under WRC-27 agenda item 1.12 � WP 4C AI1.12 2024-10-18
[ 87 ]
Liaison statement to Coordination Committee for Terminology (Copy to RAG, TSAG, TDAG, ITU-T SGs 17 and 13 and ITU-R WP 4B) - Terms and definitions related to IMT-2020 (5G) technology � WP 5D 2024-10-17
[ 86 ]
List of documents issued (Documents 4B/31 - 4B/86) � BR, Study Groups Department 2024-10-15
[ 85 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new report on development and technology trends for the satellite component of IMT towards 2030 and beyond � United States 2024-10-04
[ 84 ]
[Elements towards a working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[MSS_OBP]] - [EXAMPLE] network architectures and their impacts on performance objectives for mobile-satellite service systems with on-board processing � United States 2024-10-04
[ 83 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[SAT IOT] - Technical and operational aspects of satellite Internet of Things (IoT) applications � United States 2024-10-04
[ 82 ]
Working Party 4B's activity related to the satellite component of IMT � United States 2024-10-04
[ 81 ]
Proposed additions to working document towards a preliminary draft new report on development and technology trends for the satellite component of IMT towards 2030 and beyond � Thales SA 2024-10-04
[ 80 ]
Proposed revision to Recommendations ITU-R BO.789-2 and ITU-R BO.1130-4 � European Broadcasting Union , Broadcast Networks Europe 2024-10-04
[ 79 ]
Proposed timeline and updates to the workplan for the future development of the IMT-2030 satellite component � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson 2024-10-04
[ 78 ]
Final evaluation report on the proposed candidate IMT-2020 satellite radio interface technology in document IMT-2020-SAT/4 � ETSI 2024-10-04
[ 77 ]
Final evaluation report by 5GIF towards the 3GPP candidate technology for satellite component of IMT-2020 � Director, BR 2024-10-04
[ 76 ]
Proposal to include IMT terrestrial and satellite radio interfaces in WRC-27 agenda item 1.13 � Qualcomm, Inc. AI1.13 2024-10-04
[ 75 ]
Evaluation report on the proposed candidate IMT-2020 satellite radio interface technology in document IMT-2020-SAT/4 � Director, BR 2024-10-03
[ 74 ]
Proposed reply liaison statement to Working Party 4C on WRC-27 agenda item 1.12 - Information for studies on WRC-27 agenda item 1.12 � Canada , Norway AI1.12 2024-10-01
[ 73 ]
Considerations on the possible future development of low data rate MSS systems related to WRC-27 agenda item 1.12 � Canada , Norway AI1.12 2024-10-01
[ 72 ]
Proposed preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020-SAT.SPECS] � France 2024-10-01
[ 71 ]
Proposed modifications to the preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[SAT-IMT-2020-EVAL] � France 2024-10-01
[ 70 ]
Proposed liaison statement to independent evaluation groups (IEGs) � France 2024-10-01
[ 69 ]
Proposed actions and exchange of information with external organisations for the finalization of the IMT-2020 satellite radio interface process � France 2024-10-01
[ 68 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 4C (copy to the SG 7 Chair, the CPM Chair and to Working Parties 3L, 3M, 4B, 5A, 5C, 5D, 7B for information) - WRC-27 agenda item 1.14 � WP 7C AI1.14 2024-09-30
[ 67 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 5C (copy to Working Parties 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6A and 7C for information) - Studies under WRC-27 agenda item 1.10 � WP 7D AI1.10 2024-09-30
[ 66 ]
Proposal on the work plan for the future development of satellite IMT-2030 � China 2024-09-27
[ 65 ]
Contribution to working document towards a preliminary draft new report on development and technology trends for the satellite component of IMT towards 2030 and beyond � China 2024-09-27
[ 64 ]
Proposal for a new study on detailed specifications of the satellite radio interfaces of international mobile telecommunications-2020 (IMT-2020) � China 2024-09-27
[ 63 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 4C (copy to Working Parties 3L, 3M, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 7B, 7C for information) - Technical information to support the studies for WRC-27 agenda items 1.12 and 1.13 � WP 7D AI1.13, AI1.12 2024-09-27
[ 62 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 4C (copy to Working Parties 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 7B and 7C for information) - WRC-27 agenda item 1.11 � WP 7D AI1.11 2024-09-27
[ 61 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new report on framework, requirements and evaluation guidelines for satellite radio interface(s) of IMT-2030 � Korea (Rep. of) 2024-09-26
[ 60 ]
Proposed updates on work plan for the future development of satellite IMT-2030 � Korea (Rep. of) 2024-09-26
[ 59 ]
Proposed updates on [Elements towards a working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation/Report ITU-R M.[MSS_OBP]] � Korea (Rep. of) 2024-09-26
[ 58 ]
Liaison statement on SG17 new work item ITU-T X.5GSEC-FMSC: Security requirements and guidelines for fixed, mobile and satellite convergence of IMT-2020 networks and beyond � ITU-T SG17 2024-09-12
[ 57 ]
Final evaluation analysis from ATIS WTSC IMT-2020 Independent Evaluation Group on the 3GPP submission(s) toward IMT-2020 satellite component technologies � Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) 2024-09-11
[ 56 ]
ITU-R Handbook on satellite communications � Editor of Satellite Communications Handbook 2024-09-05
[ 55 ]
Liaison statement on consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3215 (Ex.Y.FMSC-NS-REQ) - Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Requirements of network sharing for IMT-2020 networks and beyond � ITU-T SG13 2024-08-26
[ 54 ]
Liaison statement on consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3214 (Ex.Y.FMSC-SFC) - Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Service function chain (SFC) for IMT-2020 networks and beyond � ITU-T SG13 2024-08-26
[ 53 ]
Liaison statement on consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3213 (Ex.Y.FMSC-PC) - Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Policy control for IMT-2020 networks and beyond - For consent � ITU-T SG13 2024-08-26
[ 52 ]
Liaison statement on consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3212 (Ex.Y.FMSC-HAP-REQ) - Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Requirements of supporting high altitude platform for IMT-2020 networks and beyond � ITU-T SG13 2024-08-26
[ 51 ]
Liaison statement on determination of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3211 (Ex. Y.FMSC-ABC-REQ) - Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Requirements of supporting airborne broadband communication for IMT-2020 networks and beyond � ITU-T SG13 2024-08-26
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