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P�gina principal : UIT-R : WP5D : Contribuciones : 1496 Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
[1496]� Proposal of technical conditions under WRC-23 agenda item 1.2 (6 425-7 025 MHz) in relation to the use of IMT base station e.i.r.p. mask as a function of elevation angle for the protection of FSS-UL



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132863 octetos 2022-10-04 [1496]�

Documento :

UIT-R�WP5D� Contribuci�n� 1496

T�tulo :

Proposal of technical conditions under WRC-23 agenda item 1.2 (6 425-7 025 MHz) in relation to the use of IMT base station e.i.r.p. mask as a function of elevation angle for the protection of FSS-UL

Recibido en :


Origen :

Telefon AB - LM Ericsson , Huawei Technologies Sweden AB , Nokia Corporation

Disponibilidad :

Restringido a usuarios de TIES�[UIT-R]

Comienzo de la p�gina�-� Comentarios�-� Cont�ctenos�-� Copyright � UIT�2008�Reservados todos los derechos
Contacto p�blico :� Coordenador de Web UIT-R
Actualizado el :�2022-10-04