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P�gina principal : UIT-R : WP5B.AR : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


Servicio m�vil mar�timo, incluido el sistema mundial de socorro y seguridad mar�timos (SMSSM); servicio m�vil aeron�utico, y servicio de radiodeterminaci�n

Resultados :187 documentos
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Contribuciones �[�Origen:�United States of America�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 616 ]
Proposed draft reply liaison statement to Working Party 4C - Relevant technical information for sharing studies under WRC-27 agenda Item 1.13 � United States of America 2024-11-05
[ 610 ]
Proposed draft reply liaison statement to Working Party 4C - Relevant technical information for sharing studies under WRC-27 Agenda Item 1.11 � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 609 ]
Information for proposed joint meeting of Working Parties 5B and 5A - New SSTX weather radar pulse characteristics � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 608 ]
Proposed draft reply liaison statement to Working Party 7B - Relevant technical information for sharing studies under WRC-27 Agenda Item 1.15 � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 607 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2089-0 - Technical characteristics and protection criteria for aeronautical mobile service systems in the frequency range 14.5-15.35 GHz � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 606 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R M.2116-0 - Technical characteristics and protection criteria for the aeronautical mobile service systems operating within the 4 400-4 990 MHz frequency range � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 605 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1638-1 - Characteristics of and protection criteria for sharing studies for radiolocation (except ground based meteorological radars) and aeronautical radionavigation radars operating in the frequency bands between 5 250 and 5 850 MHz � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 604 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation M. [Modernization of HF AM(OR)S] - Frequency bands, technical characteristics, and protection criteria for the modernization of high-frequency spectrum for aeronautical mobile (OR) service within the 2.8 to 18.05 MHz frequency range � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 603 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[FOD_EESS_SHARE] - Sharing and compatibility studies between foreign object debris detection system and other services in the frequency ranges 92-100 GHz � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 602 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AMRS-VDL] - Characteristics and protection criteria for the International Civil Aviation Organization standardized VHF datalink Mode 2 systems operating in the aeronautical mobile (route) service in the frequency band 136-137 MHz � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 601 ]
Characteristics of and protection criteria for radars operating in the radionavigation service in the frequency band 24.45-24.65 GHz � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 600 ]
Characteristics of and protection criteria for radars operating in the aeronautical radionavigation service in the frequency band 15.4-15.7 GHz � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 599 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[CNPC_CHAR_5GHZ] - Characteristics and protection criteria of terrestrial and satellite unmanned aircraft system control and non-payload communications links operating in the aeronautical mobile (route) service and aeronautical mobile satellite (R) service in the band 5 030-5 091 MHz � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 598 ]
Draft reply liaison statement to Working Party 5C - Technical characteristics and protection criteria for WRC-27 agenda item 1.10 � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 597 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-5 - Technical characteristics for an automatic identification system using time division multiple access in the VHF maritime mobile frequency band � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 596 ]
Elements Toward a Working Document Toward Preliminary Draft New Recommendation ITU-R M.[DIGITAL-VOICE] Digital voice communications in the VHF maritime mobile band - Digital voice communication in the VHF maritime mobile band � United States of America 2024-11-01
[ 593 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2092-1 - Technical characteristics for a VHF data exchange system in the VHF maritime mobile band � United States of America , China (People's Republic of) 2024-11-04
[ 590 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2092-1 - Technical characteristics for a VHF data exchange system in the VHF maritime mobile band � United States of America , China (People's Republic of) , Denmark , Germany (Federal Republic of) , International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) , Korea (Republic of) , Poland (Republic of) 2024-11-01
[ 553 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[24.45-24.65_GHZ_ARNS] - Characteristics of and protection criteria for radars operating in the aeronautical radionavigation service in the frequency band 24.45-24.65 GHz � United States of America 2024-04-26
[ 552 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[15.4-15.7_GHz_ARNS] - Characteristics of and protection criteria for radars operating in the aeronautical radionavigation service in the frequency band 15.4-15.7 GHz � United States of America 2024-04-26
[ 551 ]
Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[SPACE-VHF] - Space-based aeronautical VHF communications in the frequency band 117.975-137 MHz � United States of America 2024-04-26
[ 543 ]
Preliminary draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R M.2116-0 - Technical characteristics and protection criteria for the aeronautical mobile service systems operating within the 4 400-4 990 MHz frequency range � United States of America 2024-04-26
[ 542 ]
Activities in WP 5B related to WRC-27 agenda item 1.9 preparations � United States of America AI1.9 2024-04-26
[ 541 ]
Draft liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 3L, 5C, 6A , 7A - Relevant technical information to support studies under WRC-27 agenda item 1.9 � United States of America AI1.9 2024-04-26
[ 540 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AMS CHARACTERISTICS_1 780-1 850 MHZ] - Technical characteristics and protection criteria for systems operating in the aeronautical mobile service within the frequency range 1 780-1 850 MHz � United States of America 2024-04-26
[ 539 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2089-0 - Technical characteristics and protection criteria for aeronautical mobile service systems in the frequency range 14.5 15.35 GHz � United States of America 2024-04-26
[ 538 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-5 - Technical characteristics for an automatic identification system using time division multiple access in the VHF maritime mobile frequency band � United States of America , China (People's Republic of) 2024-04-26
[ 537 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AMRS-VDL] - Characteristics and protection criteria for the International Civil Aviation Organization standardized VHF datalink Mode 2 systems operating in the aeronautical mobile (route) service in the frequency band 136-137 MHz � United States of America 2024-04-26
[ 536 ]
Proposed draft reply liaison statement to Working Party 7C - Relevant technical information for sharing studies under WRC-27 agenda item 1.19 � United States of America AI1.19 2024-04-26
[ 535 ]
Proposed draft reply liaison statement to Working Party 7B - Relevant technical information for sharing studies under WRC-27 agenda item 1.15 � United States of America AI1.15 2024-04-26
[ 534 ]
Proposed draft reply liaison statement to Working Party 4C - Relevant technical information for sharing studies under WRC-27 agenda item 1.13 � United States of America AI1.13 2024-04-26
[ 533 ]
Proposed draft reply liaison statement to Working Party 5D - Relevant technical information for sharing studies under WRC-27 agenda item 1.7 � United States of America AI1.7 2024-04-26
[ 510 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1638-1 - Characteristics of and protection criteria for sharing studies for radiolocation (except ground based meteorological radars) and aeronautical radionavigation radars operating in the frequency bands between 5 250 and 5 850 MHz � United States of America 2023-06-30
[ 509 ]
Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R M.2116-0 - Technical characteristics and protection criteria for the aeronautical mobile service systems operating within the 4 400-4 990 MHz frequency range � United States of America 2023-06-30
[ 505 ]
Updates to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R [NON-SAFETY AMS CHARACTERISTICS AND SHARING STUDIES] � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 504 ]
Reply liaison statement to the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) - Terminology and associated definitions produced in 2020-2023 during review of in-force ITU-R Recommendations under the remit of WP 5B � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 503 ]
Preliminary draft revision of recommendation ITU-R M.541-10 � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 502 ]
Preliminary draft revision of preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[DIGITAL-VOICE] - Digital voice communication in the VHF maritime band � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 501 ]
Working document towards a Handbook on unmanned aircraft detect and avoid systems [HDBK.UAS_DAA] - Handbook on unmanned aircraft detect-and-avoid systems � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 500 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[24.45-24.65_GHZ_ARNS] - Characteristics of and protection criteria for radars operating in the aeronautical radionavigation service in the frequency band 24.45-24.65 GHz � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 499 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[15.4-15.7_GHz_ARNS] - Characteristics of and protection criteria for radars operating in the aeronautical radionavigation service in the frequency band 15.4-15.7 GHz � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 498 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AMS CHARACTERISTICS_1 780-1 850 MHZ] � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 497 ]
Sharing of the frequency band 15.4-15.7 GHz between RLS radars and future non-safety AM(OR)S systems � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 496 ]
Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[UA_PFD] - Review of power flux-density limits in accordance with resolves 16 of Resolution 155 (Rev.WRC-19) � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 495 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[CNPC_CHAR_5GHZ] - Characteristics and Protection Criteria of Terrestrial and Satellite Unmanned Aircraft System Control and Non-Payload Communications Links operating in the aeronautical mobile (route) service and aeronautical mobile satellite (R) Service in the band 5 030-5 091 MHz � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 494 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[THZ_SPEC] - Characteristics and Sharing Criteria of Terrestrial Terahertz Spectroscopy/ Radiodetermination Systems for Industry Automation in Shielded Environments (RDI-S) in the band 71-275 GHz � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 493 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R (RX-BANDWIDTH) � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 492 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1851-1 - Mathematical models for radiodetermination radar and aeronautical mobile systems antenna patterns for use in interference analyses additional information on cosine on a pedestal � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 491 ]
Proposed updates to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[RADAR SIMULATIONS] - Simulations of performance for specific primary surveillance radars � United States of America 2023-06-29
[ 490 ]
Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[SPACE-VHF] - Space-based aeronautical VHF communications in the frequency band 117.975-137 MHz � United States of America 2023-06-29
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