Formato |
Tama�o |
Puesta a disposici�n |
English |
35386 octetos |
2020-11-06 |
[109]�Annex 17- Draft liaison statement to Working Party 7C - RNSS-related comments on preliminary draft new Report ITU-R RS.[EESS_SAR-RNSS] and preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R RS.[EESS_SAR-RNSS] |
32628 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 16- Terms of Reference for Working Party 4C Correspondence Group on adjacent band compatibility studies between MSS in the 1 518-1 525 MHz band and IMT in the 1 492-1 518 MHz band |
33931 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 15- Revisions to work plan for studies related to IMT/MSS compatibility at 1 518 MHz |
37159 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 14- Work plan for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic b) |
36554 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 13- Work plan for WRC-23 agenda item 1.18 |
32171 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 12- Terms of Reference for Working Party 4C Correspondance Group on WRC-23 agenda item 1.11 (CG#1) Rev.1 |
35749 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 11- Work plan for WRC-23 agenda item 1.11 - Resolves 3 of Resolution 361 (Rev.WRC-19) |
108519 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 10- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[NB-MSS] - Studies relating to spectrum needs and potential new allocations to the mobile-satellite service in the frequency bands 1 695-1 710 MHz, 2 010-2 025 MHz, 3 300-3 315 MHz and 3 385-3 400 MHz for future development of narrowband mobile-satellite systems
520194 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 09- Possible elements for a working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[AMATEUR-RNSS] |
34625 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 08- Elements for a working document towards a preliminary draft new Report - Technical and operational measures to improve co-existence and compatibility between the terrestrial and satellite components of IMT in the frequency bands 1 980-2 010 MHz and 2 170-2 200 MHz |
947035 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 07- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[ADD_GSO_GMDSS] - Introduction of additional GSO MSS systems into the GMDSS (WRC-23 agenda item 1.11, resolves 3) |
136470 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 06- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[REC.MSS & IMT L-BAND COMPATIBILITY] - Adjacent band compatibility studies of IMT systems in the mobile service in the band 1492-1 518 MHz with respect to systems in the mobile satellite service in the band 1 518-1 525 MHz |
64008 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 05- Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1902-1 - Characteristics and protection criteria for receiving earth stations in the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) operating in the band 1 215-1 300 MHz |
204881 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 04- Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1787-3 - Description of systems and networks in the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth and space-to-space) and technical characteristics of transmitting space stations operating in the bands 1 164-1 215 MHz, 1 215-1 300 MHz and 1 559-1 610 MHz |
1286411 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 03- Preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R M.2220-0 - Calculation method to determine aggregate interference parameters of pulsed RF systems operating in and near the bands 1 164-1 215 MHz and 1 215 1 300 MHz that may impact radionavigation-satellite service airborne and ground based receivers operating in those frequency bands |
1458436 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 02- Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT-RNSS] - Protection of radionavigation-satellite service receiving earth stations operating in the frequency bands 1 164-1 215 MHz, 1 215-1 300 MHz and 1 559-1 610 MHz from spurious emissions of IMT stations in the frequency bands below 3 GHz |
1147151 octetos |
2020-11-02 |
[109]�Annex 01- Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[RNSS_RCV_CHAR] - Use of RNSS receiver characteristics in assessment of interference from pulsed sources in the 1 164-1 215 MHz, 1 215-1 300 MHz and 1 559-1 610 MHz frequency bands |
138379 octetos |
2020-11-20 |
[109]�- Report of the twenty-fourth meeting of Working Party 4C (21-27 October 2020) |