Formato |
Tama�o |
Puesta a disposici�n |
English |
125050 octetos |
2022-03-08 |
[106]�Annex 5- Working document towards a draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 1.5 |
38782 octetos |
2022-03-08 |
[106]�Annex 4- Terms of Reference Task Group 6/1 Correspondence Group on sharing and compatibility studies on an informative basis |
Excel 2007
2135651 octetos |
2022-03-14 |
[106]�Annex 3 - Part 1
20808440 octetos |
2022-03-14 |
[106]�Annex 3- Working document/material on sharing and compatibility studies in the frequency band 470-694 MHz in Region 1 |
44891 octetos |
2022-03-08 |
[106]�Annex 2- Summary and analysis of the review of the spectrum use and the study on spectrum needs of existing services within the frequency band 470-960 MHz in Region 1 for inclusion in section 3 of the CPM Text - Working document towards a draft CPM Text for WRC-23 agenda item 1.5 |
1062758 octetos |
2022-03-08 |
[106]�Annex 1- Working document on review of the spectrum use and the study on spectrum needs of existing services within the frequency band 470-960 MHz in Region 1, in particular the spectrum requirements of the broadcasting and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services, taking into account the relevant ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) studies, recommendations and reports |
63176 octetos |
2022-09-05 |
[106]�- Report of the fourth meeting of Task Group 6/1 (21 February - 4 March 2022) |