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UIT-R�TG6.1� C�


Task Group 6/1 - WRC-23 agenda item 1.5

Resultados :8 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�TG 6/1�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 130 ]
Report of the meeting of Task Group 6/1 (Geneva, 5-16 September 2022) � Chairman, TG 6/1 2022-09-19
[ 109 ]
Outcome of the informal consultations on some specific issues in the working document on the review of the spectrum use and the study on spectrum needs of existing services within the frequency band 470-960 MHz in Region 1 � Chairman, TG 6/1 2022-08-16
[ 106 ]
Report of the meeting of Task Group 6/1 (E-meeting, 21 February - 4 March 2022) � Chairman, TG 6/1 2022-03-04
[ 77 ]
Report of the meeting of Task Group 6/1 (E-meeting, 27 October - 9 November 2021) � Chairman, TG 6/1 2021-11-09
[ 50 ]
Report of the meeting of Task Group 6/1 (E-meeting, 5-14 July 2021) � Chairman, TG 6/1 2021-07-14
[ 36 ]
Report of activities of Correspondence Group on Section 2 of the draft CPM text for agenda item 1.5 � TG 6/1 AI1.5 2021-06-21
[ 24 ]
Report of the meeting of Task Group 6/1 (e-meeting, 19-23 October 2020) � Chairman, TG 6/1 2020-10-23
[ 20 ]
Considerations with respect to the work of ITU-R Task Group 6/1 � Chairman, TG 6/1 2020-10-16
Resultados :8 documentos
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