Formato |
Tama�o |
Puesta a disposici�n |
English |
57045 octetos |
2019-07-31 |
[467]�Annex 15- Liaison statement to ITU-T Study Group 16 - Comments on ITU-T Series H Supplement 19 - Usage of video signal type code points |
54406 octetos |
2019-07-30 |
[467]�Annex 14- List of Rapporteurs and Rapporteur/ Correspondence Groups as of July 2019 |
55503 octetos |
2019-07-30 |
[467]�Annex 13- Continuation of Rapporteur on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in broadcasting |
53390 octetos |
2019-07-30 |
[467]�Annex 12- Continuation of a Rapporteur Group on AIAV systems |
53000 octetos |
2019-07-30 |
[467]�Annex 11- Continuation of Rapporteur Group (RG 24) on HDR-TV |
55117 octetos |
2019-07-30 |
[467]�Annex 10- Continuation of the rapporteur group on Loudness measurement algorithm (RG-32) with Modified Terms of Reference |
57141 octetos |
2019-07-30 |
[467]�Annex 09- Continuation of the Rapporteur Group on the ADM Renderer for advanced sound systems (RG-33)
with modified terms of reference
55475 octetos |
2019-07-30 |
[467]�Annex 08- Establishment of Correspondence Group "Strategic review of ITU-R Reports on HDR" |
59987 octetos |
2019-07-30 |
[467]�Annex 07- Status of treatment of ITU-R Questions assigned to Study Group 6 within the purview of Working Party 6C as of July 2019 |
54954 octetos |
2019-07-30 |
[467]�Annex 06- Workplan to develop loudness measurement algorithm for object-based and scene-based audio |
54917 octetos |
2019-07-30 |
[467]�Annex 05- Proposed suppression of Recommendations ITU-R BT.710, ITU-R BT.812, ITU-R BT.1129, ITU-R BT.1382, ITU-R BT.1663, ITU-R BT.1788, ITU-R BT.2021, ITU-R BT.2022 and ITU-R BT.2035
1804827 octetos |
2019-07-29 |
[467]�Annex 04- Preliminary draft revision of Annex a "New colour appearance models" of the Report ITU-R BT.2380 - Television colorimetry elements |
165086 octetos |
2019-07-29 |
[467]�Annex 03- Working document toward preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1790 - Requirements for monitoring of broadcasting chains during operation |
162781 octetos |
2019-07-29 |
[467]�Annex 02- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[REQ-MIL] - Requirements and Applications for Mean Image Level meters |
6382841 octetos |
2019-07-29 |
[467]�Annex 01- Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[MIL] - An objective measurement algorithm for monitoring and managing the brightness of high dynamic range television |
150268 octetos |
2019-08-20 |
[467]�- Report of the meeting of Working Party 6C (Geneva, 15 - 19 July 2019) |