Formato |
Tama�o |
Puesta a disposici�n |
English |
3279518 octetos |
2019-06-21 |
[454]�Annex 15- Working document toward a preliminary draft revision of REPORT ITU-R SM.2352-0 - Technology trends of active services in the frequency range 275-3 000 GHz |
54022 octetos |
2019-06-21 |
[454]�Annex 14- Working document towards a preliminary draft new recommendation ITU-R SM.[OPTICAL WIRELESS] - Reducing the constraints of current radio frequency delivery
mechanisms using Optical wireless communication
45306 octetos |
2019-07-12 |
[454]�Annex 13 Revision 1- Terms of reference for the correspondence group on - EMC Related Interference and Coexistence of Wired Telecommunications Systems with Radiocommunication Systems |
2295746 octetos |
2019-06-21 |
[454]�Annex 12- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[EMI-IOT] - Evaluation of radiated electromagnetic disturbances of household appliances and their interferences over an IoT network |
624571 octetos |
2019-06-21 |
[454]�Annex 11- Working document towards a preliminary draft new REPORT ITU-R SM.[MIMO_PLT] - Multiple input multiple output operation in power line telecommunications |
4185094 octetos |
2019-06-21 |
[454]�Annex 10- Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R SM.2351-2 - Smart grid utility management systems |
52659 octetos |
2019-06-20 |
[454]�Annex 09- Reply liaison statement to CISPR (Sub-committee B) on - Applications of wireless power transmission via radio frequency beam |
2134956 octetos |
2019-06-20 |
[454]�Annex 08- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[WPT.BEAM.IMPACTS] - Impact study and human hazard issues for Wireless Power Transmission via radio frequency beam |
52418 octetos |
2019-06-21 |
[454]�Annex 07- Detailed work plan for the development of a working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[WPT.BEAM.IMPACTS] |
8005291 octetos |
2019-06-21 |
[454]�Annex 06- Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R SM.2392-0 - Applications of wireless power transmission via radio frequency beam |
82084 octetos |
2019-06-21 |
[454]�Annex 05- Detailed work plan for the development of a working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R SM.2392-0 |
83995 octetos |
2019-06-21 |
[454]�Annex 04- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[WPT.BEAM.FRQ] - Frequency ranges for operation of wireless power transmission systems via radio frequency beam |
52351 octetos |
2019-06-21 |
[454]�Annex 03- Detailed work plan for the development of a working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[WPT.BEAM.FRQ] |
79949 octetos |
2019-06-21 |
[454]�Annex 02- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R [WPT-EMISSIONS] - Limits and Measures to mitigate the impact of Wireless power transmission systems on radiocommunications services operating below [30 MHz] |
55675 octetos |
2019-06-21 |
[454]�Annex 01- Preliminary draft revision of Question ITU-R 210-3/1 - Wireless power transmission |
120589 octetos |
2019-07-11 |
[454]�- Report of the Sixth 2015-2019 meeting of Working Party 1A (Geneva, 28 May-5 June 2019) |